Daily Message ~ Friday January 11, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 01/11/2019 - 14:02

Dear Ones, all things have the potential to be in light or in shadow. We wish to explain it in a way that is very simple for you to understand. If something is in light it is in a state of connection, if it is in shadow it is in a state of separation.

Let us give you an example. Beauty when created or appreciated as a pure expression of heaven on earth, is an example of the light side of beauty. Beauty when chased as an external means of validation or to set oneself aside as better than others would be its shadow side. Beauty itself is neither light nor dark, it is simply beauty.

The use of spirituality/religions is light when used as a means of connection, support, and expansion that serves the whole. It is in shadow when a person sees themselves as superior or more gifted than others and uses that judgment to separate themselves from or control others.

Stand Up

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 01/11/2019 - 14:01

God said:

Beloved, there are times when you have to represent yourself, even pull yourself up by your bootstraps. When you have to, you have to. The world isn’t always fair. Unless the world speaks up on your behalf, stand up. When something has to be said, it may be you who has to say it.

Get Out Of Your Own Way

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 01/10/2019 - 17:48

The Universe has given you many special gifts.  Berating yourself for the gifts you do not have diminishes the appreciation and knowledge of the ones you do possess.  Today, you are being asked to embrace and celebrate your unique talents and skills.  Sometimes, for the full measure to be known, you just have to get out of your own way. ~ Creator


Daily Message ~ Thursday January 10, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 01/10/2019 - 17:47

Many of you put up barriers to stepping into your true authentic power because you have a fear of it creating a burden of responsibility. This stems from the old paradigm of martyred service, along with past life memories of less than positive experiences around power.

Stepping into your authentic power, your own sovereignty and mastery, is your service. It serves in a multitude of ways. It is showing and anchoring the energy of what can be accomplished on your planet. It is demonstrating that you are in energies that are completely safe for you to embody your divine authentic self and choose a path based on that truth.  You are being powerful leaders by example. Further, your enlightenment process assists the energetics of your communities, the grid, the entire planet.

Doing your own work allows you to assist others from a balanced, loving space. It allows you to be a safe person to others who can then seek you out and know that they will be met with love and acceptance because that is what you have worked on embodying within yourself, you see.

So not only does your beingness serve the energetics of the planet, it serves others as well in a way that flows and supports everyone involved. It also allows your own gifts to come to the surface to be shared in a joyful way, which was always your divine mission.

From One Gold Tree

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 01/10/2019 - 17:46

God said:

Beloved, I know you hear Me. You may not know Me yet as much as you would like, yet I am well aware of you. I whisk you up in My arms, and I whisper in your ear to My heart’s content. You are not the roustabout you seem to think you are. All are you, and all am I exactly as One, Oneness all signed, sealed, and delivered.

I grant you a soul, and I take care of your Holy Soul on Earth as it is in Heaven. What more do you crave? Accept Oneness here and now!

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