Daily Message ~ Saturday January 5, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 01/05/2019 - 21:03

Dear Ones, during such changing times when so many are at different stages of their journey, we ask you, as the front runners and pioneers, to choose kindness, compassion, and graciousness towards others who may be triggered and acting out. You are ready to hold the space of understanding because you have had those moments yourself, and have appreciated when others have had patience and forgiveness for you.

You have cleared out so much of the energy that would result in your own reactiveness. You have healed to the point where are not viewing the world from victim consciousness. Holding the space in a calm, loving way, while having healthy boundaries and responding in ways that serve everyone involved is now completely available to so many of you.

Try it!  You just might be surprised at what you are capable of. This is going to be a theme of 2019, recognizing the ways your mastery is accessible to you now due to the massive amount of clearing and personal work you have done. Your awareness will help you move beyond getting triggered out of habit into new responses of balance and compassion.  More and more you will remember that how another behaves isn’t personal, but how you choose to respond is. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Burst Into Love

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 01/05/2019 - 21:01

God said:

Beloved, there are Great Spiritual Ones in all religions everywhere and, in fact, in great novels as well. Great spiritual people exist everywhere. Great wisdom exists from the ground up and on the mountain tops. I venture to say that great wisdom exists within you!

You gather wisdom from everywhere. You gather it from Me, and you gather it from within secret harbors within you that you didn't know you had. We can say that great wisdom lurks within you and pops up at the most remarkable times and places.


Submitted by AstroEyes on Sat, 01/05/2019 - 17:25

AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey

This Capricorn New Moon/Solar Eclipse is a powerful and transformative one!!  With 5 planets, including the Sun/Moon (the New Moon), the South Node and Saturn (which rules Capricorn), and Mercury all sitting in Capricorn, and then add in the Eclipse energy…..we can see and feel that the Universe is getting serious…. and the time to start moving forward is now!   This New Moon/Solar Eclipse also includes 2 of 2019’s very important full-year events!  A Saturn-Neptune sextile and a powerful Saturn-Pluto-South Node triple conjunction (all sitting together) in Capricorn!  All these energies will stay with us and continue to ramp up as we move towards the Leo Lunar Eclipse/Supermoon on January 20/21st.   

This is a lot of Capricorn energy.  One thing that Capricorn is asking us to do is to stay out of the Fear and turn our hearts and our feelings (New Moon) toward transforming (Pluto) our future goals….regardless of how radical they may seem.  It is very important…with this Powerful Capricorn New Moon Solar Eclipse to Manifest/Intentions as Capricorn is the one sign that can take the high Spiritual manifesting energies and bring them down to Earth and Ground them into reality……so that we can actually act on them and bring them into form!  Meditate and Manifest…a better and peaceful future for all!!

Learning The Language

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 01/04/2019 - 09:19

Listen to your heart and soul, dear one.  You may not be able to hear the word of The Universe but, a communication still exists.  Music, color, poetry and feeling are all ways of ‘hearing’.  If it resonates with you, do not discount it, every single person carries the gift!  What you need to understand…it is arriving every moment.  Today, take a little time and begin learning the language. (Smiling) ~ Creator


Daily Message ~ Friday January 4, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 01/04/2019 - 09:19

Initiates focus and talk about what they want to be. Actuates shift into the embodiment of that desire. 2019 is a year of actuation meaning that you will give yourself permission to be and to navigate through that beingness. This is an absolute game changer in terms of what you will create because for the first time ever you will allow yourself to follow your own heart and your own energetics. This will allow you to experience a life that continues to expand and match your ever unfolding truth. This is what will settle in and start to create the deep satisfaction so many of you have been missing. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


"Voila, This Is You, My Beloved!"

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 01/04/2019 - 09:18

God said:

Beloved, you radiate a vibration in the world. Fingerprints are said to be individual. There is not one other set of fingerprints in the world just like yours.

Even as all are One, One Magnificent One, no one individually radiates the same vibration as you do, and you do it so naturally without giving a thought to it. Naturally means without effort. It takes no effort for a rose to grow. It takes no effort for spring to become summer.

Unconditional Love

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 01/03/2019 - 22:57

Now that the energy is changing, you may feel as if you are sitting, smack dab, in the middle of a toxic environment.  Nothing within that environment has changed, everything looks the same but, it has shifted.  If you are in a position where you are unable to move at present, The Universe would like to remind you of all the tools at your disposal.

Having a less than stellar day?  Ask for Unconditional Love.

Do you perceive the people around you to be a challenge?  Ask that they be sent Unconditional Love!

Are you in a place that is not the best for you?  Manifest a change and top it with Unconditional Love.

Action on your part, in combination with the strongest force in know in The Universe, can move any mountain, change any mindset and conquer any challenge…if you allow it to happen!  You have more loving power than you realize, and it is time to put it to use. ~ Creator


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