To awaken is to let go of fear.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 08/25/2018 - 13:55

We, all of the divine creation, are on a path of spiritual evolution that is eternally ongoing.

You may ask “Why?  Are we not all already perfect divine creations?”  And, yes, of course we are, but, being creative beings, there is always more to create, infinitely more, and that is one of the joys of being One with Source, there is always the joy of discovering more to create. Quite a paradox!

Thus joy never ceases, it just expands and intensifies.  However, words – verbal or written language as used by beings in form – are a totally inadequate means of communing.  All are in divine relationship, and relationship is a state of communing.  Humans, as social beings, understand this very well, although, of course, there are times when you wish to rest from relationship, to have quiet time within, at your holy inner sanctuary.  However, when you awaken and find yourselves fully aware that you are One, in every moment, then relationship is constant but unintrusive, a peaceful state which is always present if you choose to engage, offering Love and making no demands.  A state that is difficult for most of you to imagine because you have all experienced many demanding relationships.

The Opening Of A Window…

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 08/25/2018 - 13:53

Along with the wave of incoming energy is the opening of a window.  A level of truth and transparency will be revealed to you about yourself as well as others and it may be quite shocking.  Things in your life that you felt were positive may change and show a side you never knew existed.  Do not despair, dear one!  Again, this is being done to prepare you for the changes coming at the end of your year.  This opportunity is being presented to you, so you may take stock of what you have now, what you are willing to release and what you choose to create.  This is not a ‘bad thing’…it is just another step in your journey of growth and learning.  Use it well! ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Saturday August 25, 2018

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 08/25/2018 - 13:53

It can take courage to step into your highest life expression. Are you afraid you’ll be judged if you step forward in your truth? Are you afraid of assuming power or having responsibility? Do you have fear of success and/or fear of failure?

Those are the most common fears that people experience as they consider stepping into their authentic power and creating the life they truly want. We would like to address each of those fears individually.

Fear of being judged: Judgment or persecution for your truth has been used to keep people from their authentic power for centuries. This has resulted in a very deep seated fear. We are here to tell you that you are in very different times. In fact, trying to be something you are not is far likelier to result in judgment than embracing your truth. When you finally allow yourself to shine in your authenticity, you allow others to truly see you, and you will attract to you those who can appreciate you for who you really are. You will find the others who match your vibration and will celebrate you for you. It is time to accept that the times have changed and it is not only safe, but a soul priority to step forward as that divine individuated aspect of Source that you truly are.

To the Wonder of Yourself

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 08/25/2018 - 13:50

God said:

Beloved, at the same time as you create yourself, you miss out on the concept that this is what you perennially are doing. Why do you miss out on what is going on? Because you are in a daze. You just may not have woken up yet. Now you will open your eyes up wide to the wonder of yourself.

You have heard the expression that you know not what you do, yet this expression now takes on a new meaning. You know not Who you are. Now, the good news is that your heart cells are opening up to the love within you that you also happen to radiate out to everyone near and far. Now each person begins to see you as himself. Everyone who sees you now says quietly to himself: “Why, here I am set before the Universe!”

Here it is: You begin to see that you are your own Creator as well as the Creator of All. You create everyone else, too.

Maintaining Peace

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 08/24/2018 - 15:29

As the energy begin to rise for the next phase, butterflies and tremblings of anticipation are increasing as well.  Because some of you have been raised in a less than ideal environment, it may be mistaken for anxiety or fear.  One of the things being introduced now is a way to clearly identify your emotions.  Today, rather than relying on your ‘old ways’, you are being invited to take a step back, breathe and really feel what is coming in.  The world may appear to be in chaos, this does not mean that you must participate.  Know that The Universe will always guide and support you through your personal progress.  In maintaining the peace and love you so richly deserve, you are radiating to your world in the best possible way. ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Friday August 24, 2018

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 08/24/2018 - 15:28

The most common blockage to manifestation, by far, is thinking too small. If you are trying to create something and it is not coming together, you may wish to explore how you might be constraining it. Are you only open to it looking one specific way? To it only showing up through a certain avenue? Are you, without even realizing it, putting restrictions on your creation by attempting to micro manage it from your limited vantage point?

The energies of fear and doubt can lead you back into the old habit of control, which stalls your flow. Let us put it to you this way. If what you desire is not part of your life experience right now, you must use your faith and trust to move into the unknown where it does exist.

So if you feel stalled, we would say think bigger. Cast your net wide. Open yourself to any and all possibilities that match your intentions that you may not know exist. Be willing to be surprised and delighted. It may very well be that what you are trying to create for yourself is too small to be a match for what your soul wishes to expand into, and there is something beyond your wildest dreams trying to find its way to you. Be open enough to let it in. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

The Joy of Humankind

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 08/24/2018 - 15:28

God said:

Beloved, you have many thoughts in your mind that run around on subterranean depths before they consciously occur to you.

We can say that you dream of them before they came true. It is your own thoughts that rise before you and can be called to become true. You have, perhaps, unannounced desires that that pop up full blown now and again. Blessed be you.

Beloved, you create your own realized desires.

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