
Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 07/28/2018 - 14:51

Take a moment today and ask yourself this question; “Am I taking care of myself or am I caught up in the chaos (that may or may not exist) around me?”  When you are going through huge changes, it can be very tempting to focus on anything except what is internal.  You may find yourself distracted by things you have no control over or that frustrate you to the point of tears.

Please remember that to change your world, you must first start from within.  A wound does not heal on the outside first.  Instead, the body will begin to fill in the gap with new growth until it is completely healed.  It is the same way with the soul.  Allow yourself the time and space for this self-care and love.  The end result will always be rewarding. ~ Creator


Daily Message ~ Saturday July 28, 2018

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 07/28/2018 - 09:46

What beauty and magic can you choose to see in your life today? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

The weekend replays are up! If you missed my interview on Beyond the Ordinary where we talked all about Choosing a Beautiful, Magical Life, no worries! You can catch it for free here: www.beyondtheordinaryshow/replays/ Hope you enjoy it!


Time and Fear Are Partners

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 07/28/2018 - 09:46

God said:

Hello, Beloved of My heart. Life isn’t intended to be somber. There is no need to take life so seriously. Where did this idea come from?

A day is just a day. A day isn’t a lifetime. Even when you have an acre to plow, an acre doesn’t take forever. Regardless, time isn’t real. Time is a player.

If there were not time, would there be fear? When there is fear, time is indeed a-wasting, and fear does not serve in any case.

Back To Basics…

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 07/27/2018 - 09:17

Beloved child; it is time to get back to the basics, keeping it sweet and simple.

  1. Remember to breathe! Being consciously aware of your breathing helps remind you that you are having a human experience.
  2. Listen! If you are questioning whether you are ‘doing right’ or do not know which way to go. Quiet yourself and listen. The voice of The Universe will always guide you in the proper direction.
  3. Whatever happens…know that you are in the exact right moment and place, doing what you are supposed to be doing.
  4. If you being to feel overwhelmed, give yourself a time-out. Go into nature, find your sacred space and remain there for as long as you need.
  5. Always remember…you are never alone, you are worthy of The Universe’s Unconditional Love and you are constantly supported by that Love.
  6. Even at your most unsettled, you are amazing, and The Universe loves you beyond measure.

~ Creator


Daily Message ~ Friday July 27, 2018

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 07/27/2018 - 09:16

As you move forward from the doing phase of your incarnation into the being phase, you start to step away from what you feel you should do into what you feel guided to do. (Be aware of the word should, for it often involves judgment of self and dismissing your true wants and needs. It is an indicator of operating through the mind and attempting to work against the energies, while being guided is being led by the heart which is loving, connective, and works with what the energies support).

By allowing yourself to move how you are guided to, you begin to surrender and flow into your highest good, which automatically honours the highest good of others. Because you are surrendered into what your best service is however it wishes to present itself that day, you step out of the second guessing of yourself into deep trust in the unfoldment, which allows far more presence and peace than you have ever experienced before. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


You Surely Belong

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 07/27/2018 - 09:15

God said:

Beloved, life can be beautiful, then why so often does life seem to appear in disarray? How can this be? Certainly, you don’t want to think of yourself as ungrateful, yet what is going on? Is it possible you get a rush from finding life out to be unacceptable? Do you have a hidden pleasure in dissatisfaction, as if displeasure is some kind of reward that you are entitled to? Surely, you are due some notice or recompense. You do require at least a little regard – some kind of pat on your head or your cheek pinched lightly, or at least some kind of rinky-dinky honor, some kind of recognition that says you passed this way. You don’t need a cheering section but maybe a little wave in token of your struggle. Somebody has to notice you. Indeed, you do give life all you’ve got to give. You would rather go off stage with a brave hurrah than to just shuffle off with your past behind you. Hail, hail!


Submitted by AstroEyes on Thu, 07/26/2018 - 23:45
 AstoEyes Evolutionary Astrology - Cathy Lindsey

This Aquarius Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is a very intense one with the energy of passion, competition, aggression, and action…..and is considered one of the most important astrological events of the season. It is the second and most potent of three Eclipses. The first one was a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer on July 12th, and the third one is a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Leo on August 11th. We won’t have a similar set of triple eclipses until 2020. This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is the longest eclipse of its kind during this century…with a totality lasting one hour, 42 minutes and 47 seconds! Lunar Eclipses are like a Full Moon on steroids. They can bring in many deep changes….in many areas of our lives….from which there is no turning back. This Aquarius Full Moon is also called a Blood Moon because of its red hue. This happens as the sunlight shines through the edges of the Earth’s atmosphere during a total Lunar Eclipse.

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