Heavenletter #4222 How to Work Wonders

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Sat, 06/16/2012 - 00:47

Heavenletter #4222 How to Work Wonders, June 16, 2012 

God said: 


Be true to love. Be a supporter of love. Back love. Love rules. If you want to command the Universe, then love, for love is the way. Love is the only way. Love is vast. Power and control are not the strong arms the world sees them as. Next to love, power and control wither away. You may protest that you have not seen this or even heard of it, and yet I tell you that power and force wither before love. There are no two ways about it.

If you have not seen what I say, you have not been looking. Actually, you have seen it. You have read it. The grouchiest nastiest man will melt when a baby smiles at him. The baby's smile, the baby's generic love, the baby's happiness at seeing him wins him over.

STARDUST 12.6.12

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Sat, 06/16/2012 - 00:24


12.6.12 - I sat for communication and sent golden light coursing through my body.  I visualised roots going down deep into earth and sent healing light through them like torches into the caverns.  I am chanting the ohm beneath the earth where the waterfalls and the rivers flow and the enchanted ones come to listen and to join in.  Ohm . . . Ohm . . . Ohm . . !

I was filled with purple light and could see the outline of a person surrounded in white light; I feel it is me but I have a bald head - I have no hair at all. These words came strongly:- 

I am perfect - I am pure - I am Holy. 

We speak to you of ‘Mother Earth’ we sing her praises. 

At this point there was such a commotion outside that I opened my eyes and saw three huge black Crows or Ravens – keepers of sacred text!  I kept my eyes open and continued.

Earthrise is here on June 15th, 2012 with a special report.

Submitted by earthrise1234 on Fri, 06/15/2012 - 21:12

June 15th, 2012 Today's Earthrise special report is asking a question about Nik Wallenda. Nik Wallenda just performed an amazing sunt over Niagara Falls today. He walkd n a steel cable going from the United States of America to Canada. It was about a third of a mile walk.He mentioned while going over Niagara Falls saying the word FatherGod. He was preaching God after. He said that diven intervention was happening where he was. He also mentioned that never give up on your dreams. I have video of him saying the word FatherGod. I need to review the video I took. The quality of the video is poor. I will review the videoand post as soon as possible. Readings about him were so positive. He had so much positive energy. The world was watching him today! The question I have for anyone reading this for the Earth Allies, Galactic Federation of Light, and everyone else; Is Nik Wallenda a Earth Allie that is coming up to the surface of everything going on NOW? I am asking the Earth Allies if they know of him and if he is an Earth Allie. The readings were going off the chart when I felt his energy. Earthrise is here NOW!

Due to the Increase in Energies~Our Next Update and Finalizing the Golden Grid

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 06/15/2012 - 19:27




Due to the Increase of Very High Energies. Our Next Update will Most Likely Be Sunday June 17th as We Process these to Share with Everyone.


Please Join US On Saturday for Our Live Internet Love Party

Beginning at 1:30pm Pacific


Here at this Link:





The Following is A Quick Update On the Grid Accomplishments

Update from Gaia Portal: Finalization of Golden Age Grids

15 Jun

Bill Ballard ~ Official Release Of My E-Book ~ “The Great Awakening” ~ 15 June 2012

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 06/15/2012 - 18:54


Bill Ballard ~ Official Release Of My E-Book ~ “The Great Awakening” ~ 15 June 2012

(Bill and Gillian congratulations with the new E-Book that is  free Downloadable. It is great. Thanks so much! Love and Light my friends, Lucas. )


As has been reported by Aquarius Channelings WE DID IT! “It has been confirmed by the Council of Elohim that we now have more than 144,000 people upon the Earth that are at least 5th level initiates and who have achieved and are now living in the frequency of Christ Consciousness.


Fifth level initiation is referred to as the “Resurrection”. This demonstrates full mastery over the pull of matter. We completely return to the Monad and merge with the Group I AM while retaining a physical “light body” form. This is the attainment of 5th dimensional consciousness which is characterized by the experience of oneness.



Submitted by Lia on Fri, 06/15/2012 - 18:30


June 15, 2012 | ActivistAwake

Beam Love Nightly Global Meditation

(June 14 through June 21)


It’s ‘Crunch Time’ and we’re issuing a call to all members of the ‘love and light’ brigade  across the globe to come together and stand in the new energies and new light of compassion and love for the cabal members.


Galactic Community of Souls and the Call to Dance

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 06/15/2012 - 18:18


Galactic Community of Souls and the Call to Dance


Dancing with the stars - crystalin - site


for two days i have been sensing many different light beings , this is the message i have been asked to share


we love you so

we stand and dance  beside you

we have seen your work, your unity of love and light we have watched in awe and admiration

6/15/2012 -- Saint Louis Missouri Shakes -- Charts show it -- USGS doesn't report it

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 06/15/2012 - 17:48

Firsthand report from South St. Louis Missouri -- at approx 1230pm CDT , June 15, 2012 (today) -- minor rumbling , rattle of windows, and a few glass items rattled on the table tops.

St. Louis seismic charts show the event, However USGS has chosen not to report this earthquake on its map/service for some reason....... again.. the chart shows it... USGS skipped it??!! Is not reporting it?!

Here is the chart:


here is a link to the node for the region with all the other charts in the area:

Use the links here to monitor earthquakes nationally and internationally:


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