~We will become One, but only if your EGO dies~

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 06/09/2012 - 10:47

LOVE REPORTER Felix C Lopez Wrote~






~I honor the place where you are, when you’re there and I AM WITHIN myself. WE ARE ONE. ONE GOD. ONE LOVE. ONE UNIVERSE.


AND ONLY ONE LANGUAGE, the heart really matters.

We will become one, but only if your EGO dies, WHICH IS THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN GIVE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and you allow your spirit to soar into the infinite.


In this place there is no pride or prejudice, no racial differences, no discrimination, no hatred, no misunderstandings, no disagreements, no envy, just PERFECT LOVE, COMPASSION AND HARMONY.


~We As A Collective Consciousness Are The Ones ~

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 06/09/2012 - 10:39



~We As A Collective Consciousness Are The Ones Who Will Determine When We Are Ready To Forever Change The Vibratory Nature of Planet Earth Through Connecting With The Universal Christ Consciousness! We Are The Ones Who Are Awakening And Changing The Mindset of Those Around Us! We Are The Ones Who Are Creating Changes Within Time-Space Continuum! We Are The Ones Who Together Create The Ripple Affect In The Cosmic Waves To Bring About Our Galactic Family To Us, So We May Meet Them For The First Time! Our Energies Have To Coincide In Unison As ONE, In Order For Mass Changes To Happen! Believe In The Power of Your Mind! Project A Visual of First Contact! Keep Doing This Everyday, And You Will Bring About Positive Changes On Earth!


Changes ARE Happening At A Rapid Rate! Time Is Being Altered,Through Changes In The Auric Field of Gaia! You Are Being Watched And Studied By Numerous Ships As They Change Your Material 3D Human Substance From Carbon Based To Crystalline! It Is Up To Each Individual of What Your Reality That You Choose As Your Life Path, In Order To Manifest Which Path You’ll Take!


~Star Connections~

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 06/09/2012 - 09:46

Star Connections


Fractal Creation By Earth Ally Will  Harader God Consciousness Energy

We prepare for a session of delightfulness - of deliciousness!  We superimpose our thoughts on yours to bring greater access, motioning you to study with greater intent and purpose.  A malfunction has occurred that causes us to extend the courtesy of those from other realms, and we dedicate this next quarter of time to registering our appeal for the human race. 


I’m seeing powerful clouds of purple and gold lattice work and figures which I can’t quite make out.


Part 1V Earth Changes Media: Charged Particles & Their Effects on Humans

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 06/09/2012 - 09:38

The "effects" of Awakened Cryptochromes are Endless!
An Inner/Outer  Neural Net of Interconnectedness and vision is being forged
within Humans to Allow the God Sourced Communication Lines to be Reopened with All Creation !

with love, Annie

 "There is consistent evidence of an influence of geomagnetic fields on the light sensitivity of the human visual system. Moreover, it has been proposed recently that light-sensitive magnetic responses are not only used for directional information, but may also aid visual spatial (space) perception in mammals, by providing a spherical coordinate system for integrating a sense-of-direction. We therefore evaluated the light-dependent magneto-sensing potential of human CRY.
Notice the word 'spacial'. The word means having a cognitive orientation of space. In this case, the study is referring to the Earth's atmosphere. However, I believe it goes far beyond our planet. I would suggest this in fact - is what most every spiritually advanced ancient tribe described through all means of ancient text and language."

June 09, 2012

(Part IV) Charged Particles and
Their Effects on Humans


Oracle Report ~ Saturday June 9 ~ Sunday June 10 2012 Massive Energies Aligning

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 06/09/2012 - 09:34

Oracle Report ~ Saturday June 9 ~ Sunday June 10 2012

Oracle Report | Disseminating Moon Phase

Birth of a Planet -

The underlying motivation for peoples’ actions this weekend is the strong desire to have their needs met. People will be selfish and want their way more than usual; this will show up in what develops this weekend.


The Galactic Free Press Honors~~❤Prayers for Barbara~LW.com❤~update~

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 06/09/2012 - 09:31

Thanks to Lovelight

Please join me in sharing Prayers and Healing Thoughts for Barbara Rother...
 sending LOTS of LOVE and LIGHT her way
Barbara recently took ill with a total digestive shutdown which affected
several of her organs ~ twice hospitalized, she is now home recuperating.
Steve, Austin (their Son) and round the clock Nurses are keeping her
comfortable and caring for her to aid her healing!
For those that are not familar with Barbara ~
she is Steve Rother's wife of
Love Blessings
Healing Hugs Barbara
Hope to see you soon by Steve's side!

~ Espavo Sister ~



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