Larry – Twelve Insight – The Twelve Insight Journal – 27 May 2012

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Sun, 05/27/2012 - 05:18


Larry – Twelve Insight – The Twelve Insight Journal – 27 May 2012

Question from a reader: How can you learn to recognize that you are making the right decisions… When you ask for a sign, is that silly? I honestly don’t know what to do and how to remove all the other “stuff” to see the truth.

Well, first of all, most of your decisions are not irrevocable; that is, your decisions do not carry the kind of impact that you think they might. There must be a great deal of pre-intention, thought, and vibrational alignment in place before a decision you make will become sticky enough to take hold.

Heavenletter #4202 What If You Could Leave Your Burdens to God

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Sun, 05/27/2012 - 02:28

Heavenletter #4202 What If You Could Leave Your Burdens to God, May 27, 2012 

God said: 


What if you could leave matters to Me? What if you could let go of all that you hold onto so tightly? What if you could? What if you would?

What a weight would fall off your back. How relieved you would be. How light you would feel when you leave your burdens to Me. Leave them at My door, or leave them at My feet. To Me, they are as if nothing. To you they are everything. Burdens are weights you carry. Don't carry them. You don't have to carry them.

I do not mean you pretend them away. I mean that you take that knapsack of burdens off your back. Take that knapsack off. Carrying it around doesn't solve anything. Taking your burdens off your back will undo them. At the very least, you will feel lighter.

Ignorance is the greatest source of fear on Planet Earth

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Sun, 05/27/2012 - 02:25


Ignorance is the greatest source of fear on Planet Earth



The divine plan for awakening is being achieved – right now – as you all continue to release unloving attitudes and behaviors.  Enough of you are doing this to swing humanity forwards into the new age because you are also getting enormous help from many other loving entities who have had their own struggles, understand what you are going through, and wish only to help you to reach your divine destination as they did.  And so you will, as many of us in the spiritual realms keep reminding you, because it is unavoidable and inevitable.

News from Earth Allies: Manchester Police Given Reality Smackdown by Love Police

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Sun, 05/27/2012 - 01:36

IF you want some more chill... look closely to the officer... FEEL how his Feelings are crumbling... See him... Feel how his beliefs are crumbling and how much he tries to stick on them... though he Knows it's True. And then... Oh YES, we'll have lots of more CHILLS!



The Case Against Competition

Submitted by will on Sat, 05/26/2012 - 23:27

Dancing with the stars by crystalin


The Case Against Competition

By Alfie Kohn


"When it comes to competition, we Americans typically recognize only two legitimate positions: enthusiastic support and qualified support.

The first view holds that the more we immerse our children (and ourselves) in rivalry, the better. Competition builds character and produces excellence. The second stance admits that our society has gotten carried away with the need to be Number One, that we push our kids too hard and too fast to become winners -- but insists that competition can be healthy and fun if we keep it in perspective.

I used to be in the second camp. But after investigating the topic for several years, looking at research from psychology, sociology, biology, education, and other fields, I'm now convinced that neither position is correct. Competition is bad news all right, but it's not just that we overdo it or misapply it. The trouble lies with competition itself. The best amount of competition for our children is none at all, and the very phrase "healthy competition" is actually a contradiction in terms.

That may sound extreme if not downright un-American. But some things aren't just bad because they're done to excess; some things are inherently destructive. Competition, which simply means that one person can succeed only if others fail, is one of those things. It's always unnecessary and inappropriate at school, at play, and at home."


Full Story:

~Our Next Galactic Free Press Update~ Will Be Sunday May27th

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 05/26/2012 - 19:10


~Greetings Love Beings, We successfully Accomplished our task today in Our Internet Love Party. WE will Post the Next Update On Sunday May 27th, 2012, With a Report on the Effects of what we collectivley accomplished. We Love You!!


Love The Earth Allies



Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 5/26/12

Submitted by Greg_ Giles on Sat, 05/26/2012 - 13:57

Secret underground boring equipment possessed by the US military.



There is a high-speed rail system that has been built by the hands of your labor and your tax dollars at work that connects many major cities and ports of destination all around your globe. This high-speed system of transportation has been designed and built for the pleasure and the luxury of those of your world who call this world their own. It has not been built for its use by the people of your world who have paid for it through their labor and the money that is taken from them through taxation and other means to strip you of your wealth.


This system connects the rich, the famous and the celebrity to anywhere and just about everywhere they wish to travel. This rail system travels to high speeds reaching Mach 6 or 7, even some parts of the system reaching speeds of Mach 8 or 9. This is an incredibly high rate of speed compared to the snail’s pace that you the people have been permitted to travel by those who call the shots in your world.


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