Prelude to Eclipse, Earth quakes — in us. Together, in meditation, we shift emergency into emergence.

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Sun, 05/20/2012 - 10:55

Prelude to Eclipse, Earth quakes — in us. Together, in meditation, we shift emergency into emergence.


Please pay attention to the Nick Fiorenza post, re: this evening’s annular solar eclipse, planetary configurations, and earthquakes.

Let us recognize that our bodies are antennas for the Earth body.

Let us imagine earthquakes as Earth (and our own bodies) quaking (waking up) to align with the larger awareness that bathes and vivifies the body.

Hilarion's Weekly Message, May 20~27, 2012

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 05/20/2012 - 10:50

Beloved Ones,
Keeping yourselves grounded into the Earth’s core is the most important step to take right now. You are each here to bring your higher aspects into your physical body and it is important that you have a strong foundation upon which to do this. What you are seeking is within yourselves and not in the outer World. Allow a few moments each day to feel your heart pulse in rhythm with the Earth, for this will connect and attune you and the Earth, as your vibrational level is uplifted. Trust in your inner guidance as you go about your daily activities and follow the inner promptings as they occur.

Pia And Cullen ~ The Venus Transit Will Bring Love & Light ~ 20 May 2012

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 05/20/2012 - 10:40

Pia And Cullen ~ The Venus Transit Will Bring Love & Light ~ 20 May 2012

Laarkmaa logoHumanity is on the verge of experiencing an event that could bring an exponential rise in consciousness to the human race.  A portal approaches, and we have the choice to consciously address the opportunity or to cling to our habitual behaviors and beliefs.  We are speaking of a physical event that will offer a spiritual opportunity.


The portal to which we refer is the Venus Transit that occurs on June 5-6, 2012.  On this date, Venus will cross the Sun, bringing together powerful energies that can be utilized for our own evolution.  If we pay attention to the many changes that are occurring internally and externally, consciously choosing our response, we can participate with the creation of a new wave of consciousness.


Space Weather Update~Interplanetary Shockwave~

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 05/20/2012 - 10:22

INTERPLANETARY SHOCK WAVE: An interpanetary shock wave possibly associated with the M5-class solar flare of May 17th swept past Earth on May 20th around 0200 UT. The shock's arrival caused geomagnetic activity around the poles, and several outbreaks of high-latitude auroras. Images: #1, #2.


SOLAR ECLIPSE--TODAY!! On Sunday, May 20th, the Moon will pass in front of the Sun, producing an annular solar eclipse visible across the Pacific side of Earth. The path of annularity, where the sun will appear to be a "ring of fire," stretches from China and Japan to the middle of North America:


Image credits (left to right): Hans Coeckelberghs, Fred Espenak, Dennis Mammana


Blossom Goodchild – 20 May 2012

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Sun, 05/20/2012 - 09:21


Blossom Goodchild - May 20, 2012


Hello again. It is always a pleasure to sit down and converse with you and wondering what each communication shall unfold. So, I hand it over to you to take the lead.


Many thanks. In our usual fashion we would desire only to uplift and exalt.  The coming times are 'amping up' that which takes place for you NOW in your today. The energies are building to such a degree that they are almost tipping the scale. Excitement is in the air.

I need you with me

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 05/20/2012 - 07:36

The time has now come to begin lifting yourself away from the habits of useless energy expenditures. "Discussions" of the cabal, chem trails, fears of mind control from the media, tainted food sources... all those thought forms are pollution.

You are now approaching the portals of a higher dimension; ones in which those "distractions" do not belong and cannot enter.

If you still feel drawn to these lower vibrations, you must make a conscious effort to cut those ties and bid them farewell; you cannot take them with you.

Like a square peg trying to fit through a round hole... those lower energetic thought forms just won't "fit".



I need you with me, in all your glorious love-filled presence. Allow yourself this final day to go within, examine your aura / energy body for any protrusions
that won't fit through the portal and remove them with love. Heal your energy body of any wounds it may have accumulated. Ask that all the energy you have given away or left behind be returned to you.


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