The changes taking place ~ Raphael through Isabel Henn April 15, 2012

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 04/15/2012 - 10:56

The changes taking place ~ Raphael through Isabel Henn April 15, 2012


Photo By Earth Allie Will Harader


Today I want to give you a new message of hope. Many people still doubt that their lives will change soon. You can not believe the messages that are given throughout, as they sound too good to believe, too incredible. But they are true. All messages have the same core message. The changes take place. The arrests began and governments that have only their own welfare in mind, will be replaced by those who alone have the best interests of their people as their goal. With the prosperity programs all debts worldwide will be nullified. From states as well as from individuals. Every person, whether large or small, will receive a large sum in order to enjoy a life of contentment and without lack.


The aim of these measures is to enable mankind to prepare for Ascension at the end of the year. With the landings of your Starfamilies and the arrival of the spiritually high advanced people of the Inner Earth, programs will be published in your restructured medias, which shall clarify your History and explain your Origin. You are all created from the One Source regardless of race and gender. You are All of Divine Origin and loved infinitely.


~On High Alert For Disclosure?~ Our Galactic Family~Interview With Hugh Man

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 04/15/2012 - 10:35

~Our Galactic Family~


Photo Of Our Craft By Earth Allie Will Harader


Graham Dewyea: Hello, and welcome to Our Galactic Family. I’m Graham Dewyea. My guest today is Hugh, or the Hugh-man. Hugh lives in the US, is a retired education administrator, and works for the team of Pleiadeans who are part of the First Contact team of extraterrestrials who will make themselves known here on Earth.


In his first public interview ever, Hugh shares that he is one of the many serving on the ground crew here on Earth to help facilitate first contact, and comes on the show today to discuss his role and the technology he will help them introduce. Welcome to the show.

Hugh: Hey, Graham! Thanks for having me.


GD: It’s good to have you. I know you want to talk today about some of the technology you are helping our star brothers and sisters roll out into the world, and what they’ll be doing to help the planet get more familiar with them through first contact.


Hilarion’s Weekly Message ~ April 15 2012

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 04/15/2012 - 10:09

Hilarion’s Weekly Message ~ April 15 2012


Shell Creations By Gaia, Photo By Earth Allie Dawn Christine

Marlene Swetlishoff | The Rainbow Scribe


Beloved Ones, The challenges that have beset you for such an extended period of time are now in their completion stages and the end is in sight of these rather disempowering situations. Your tenacity and sincerity in your quest for greater insight and spiritual growth has enabled you to amass great strength as you called upon your inner reserves to see you through these periods of friction and opposition that you might bring into manifestation your own unique and personal power. This you have been accomplishing and soon these situations you have experienced will be known to you as the ‘good old days’ as you move into a greater focus of your true purpose here on Earth.


The manuscript of survival ~ part 119~ Your dreams are about to come alive

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 04/15/2012 - 10:02

We have oft mentioned the need for patience in this work, and we will continue to do so, at the risk of getting mayhaps more than one irritiated frown in return. You see, this ordeal is far from over, but as you cannot yet see the full scope of the work you have already accomplished, it will be at times more than difficult for you to see any progress at all. So as usual, we will come to the rescue in some ways, and be on hand to try to reassure you all that you have not toiled in vain, even if you at times feel like you are lagging far behind your set goals. Your set goals are mere illusional, sweet ones, as the goals you are able to set up in your minds are nothing compared to the real goal you carry inside of you.

~Space Weather Update~ Sun is Crackling with C Class Flares

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 04/15/2012 - 09:42

SATURN'S RINGS AT THEIR BEST: On Sunday, April 15th, Saturn is at opposition--directly opposite the sun in the skies of Earth. The ringed planet rises at sunset and soars high in the sky at midnight, up all night long. This is the time when Saturn's rings are at their best. From the point of view of Earth, shadows in the ring plane almost completely disappear (just as your own shadow tries to hide beneath your feet at noon) and sunlight is directly backscattered by icy ring particles toward our planet.


Amateur astronomer Christopher Go photographed the brightening rings on April 12th:



"Saturn is close to opposition and the rings are brightening. This is the Seeliger Effect," says Go. "Also a Northern Electrostatic Disturbance, which was detected by Cassini a few days ago, can be seen as a white patch north of the green belt."


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