Heavenletter #4140 Where Oneness Is

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Mon, 03/26/2012 - 01:47

Heavenletter #4140 Where Oneness Is




March 26, 2012 

God said: 


A suitcase that you pack for travel does not have to be jam-packed. Nor does the suitcase of your life have to be jam-packed. Nothing has to be crammed in. Allow your life to be easy-going. Allow your life to have extra space. Beloveds, you don't have to fit everything in. This is not meant to be your accomplishment - to see how much of this and how much of that you can crowd into a suitcase or into your life..

Your life, without exertion on your part, will be filled to the brim. Life is expansive. Life is just like that. Even if you are confined to bed, your life, as it is, can be filled to the brim, do you understand Me?

~Comments coming in from The Earth Allie[n] Report~ Open Letter to All Lightworkers~

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 03/25/2012 - 19:42
~Earth Allie Predrag~ St. Germain~

That is the truth straight up...Love this post! Thank you for your Beautiful Heart!


Infinite Love, Stargirlll

Poofness 3~25~12…”Wow! The Matrix (has been engaged on planet earth… [and]… is also creating Peace on the planet)”

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 03/25/2012 - 18:49

Poofness 3~25~12…”Wow! The Matrix (has been engaged on planet earth… [and]… is also creating Peace on the planet)”



Kauilapele's Blog With Commentary from Kauilapele

This Poof post basically tells us that the game is over for those trying to keep the new financial system from coming on line, as well as for any of those trying to keep the wars churning out and the drugs (we’re talking pharmaceutical companies’ drugs) from continuing to poison the people. Many of us surely will enjoy saying “Goodbye, Forever”, to all of them. A new matrix is working with us all now. The Matrix of Peace, Prosperity, Love, Joy, and all that stuff.


The 2012 Shift GLR~ Eric Breault

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 03/25/2012 - 18:12

The 2012 Shift

GLR~ Eric Breault

Hello dear ones, we are the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of the Divine.  We have noticed a lot of changes in your weather recently.  This will continue on throughout the year.  We have told you in in past posts that this would happen throughout the year.  The extreme weather is reflecting the extreme purging and releasing that is going on within you.  The earth is purging just as much as you.  This dramatic change in your climate is also going to redirect you towards balance and stability in yourselves.  You will begin to question the way you are treating your climate.  This change is presently unstoppable because earth is going through a major transition as well.  The dramatic changes is a precursor to the major cleansing that will happen across your planet through the coming year and beyond. 


Submitted by Rene Duran on Sun, 03/25/2012 - 18:11

Una forma muy antigua de liberarnos de las garras del ego, consiste en mantenernos autovigilantes,y descubrir como actuamos. En los últimos tiempos nos han brindado información de como eliminar nuestro lado oscuro, mediante la técnica de la Muerte. Consiste en pedir a nuestra bendita Madre Kundalini (es nuestra madre espiritual particular, espíritu santo, el tercer aspecto de la Trinidad ,etc.) que saque de los 49 niveles de la mente los yoes psicológicos, la cantidad que deseamos. Se pide así: 'Madre saca 500 trillones de defectos y desintegralos'. Se procede así de forma constante. Día tras día. Noche tras noche. Obviamente, el ego va muriendo. Y nuestra conciencia aumenta. Hoy con la llegada de las energías del amor el proceso se acelera mas, porque el ego existente se disuelve con las poderosas energías photonicas. Así se cumple lo dicho, Ayudate que yo te ayudare. Con este método podemos alcanzar nuestro 51% de conciencia libre particular. Un obstáculo para no trabajar, es creer que uno ya no tiene ego. Nosotros tenemos tantos defectos como granitos de arena tiene el mar. Cuando el ego muere, entonces viene la iluminación. Y puedes iluminar el camino para que pasen otros. PAZ PARA TODOS.

The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~3~25~12 All that is not aligned in Unity and True Equality is to quickly fall now

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 03/25/2012 - 17:30

The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~3~25~12



~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~All that is not aligned in Unity Consciousness and True Equality is to quickly fall now~




Greetings Love Beings~ We can feel the Heat Up now and the Pressure is building for many events simultaneously to occur.


Photo by Earth Allie Will Harader Craft hiding in the clouds waiting for the moment



Our Earth quakes are heating up we just had a 7.2 in chile, but the most interesting events right now are occurring on the Sun. With the big sunspot coming around again and a Unique, Bi~ Polar sunspot, which if erupted would be a double blast earth directed. Actually, this would Be 2 Twin Starships arriving to Planet Earth=Heart. Who could this Be?

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