The tide has turned and the surf is up. ~ Michael by Ron Head

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 03/16/2012 - 10:12


Our subject today is your internet and its uses and misuses.  You must always be alert to the possibility that a message may have been tampered with or inserted without the knowledge of its imputed source.  You saw a perfect example of this last night, and the person who asked about it was absolutely correct.  His discernment was on high alert.  By now you should all be aware of the tone of our messages.  You are beginning to see our messages converge in subject and content.  We do this in order to get the important information to as many as possible.  When you see or hear anything that strikes you as discordant or negative, just pass it by.  There is a wealth of messages available each day now which will uplift you and keep you on track.  Your community of awakened minds is growing larger and stronger.  Let nothing weaken that.  During this short, last stretch it will become very important to you.  You are a team that has agreed to be here and to work together.  Most of you have worked together before.  Rely on each other as you rely on us. 


What Can We Bank On?

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 03/16/2012 - 09:47

What Can We Bank On?

2012 March 16
 by GLR~ Steve Beckow

I’m watching discussions in certain places take a turn towards fear and chaos and I’m puzzled. I would have thought we’d be pulling out of discussions such as that and instead we seem to be going deeper into them.


I respond by doing what I often do and that’s to look more deeply within myself and see what’s most basic. What is the ground I stand on? What can I rely on when fear and chaos mount?


In looking, I encounter the problem that I have no certain knowledge of anything, really. There simply are no absolutely certain things in life that I’m aware of so the answer doesn’t seem to lie in what I know for sure.


I cannot know for certain that Ascension will take place on Dec. 21, 2012 or that it will take place at all. I cannot know for certain that all is as the galactics represent it or as anyone represents it. Not absolutely. Not for certain.

Djwhal Khul ~ “Spring Forward in Mercury Retrograde”

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 03/16/2012 - 09:42

Djwhal Khul ~ “Spring Forward in Mercury Retrograde”


Terri Newlon | March 15 2012

Djwhal Khul here. Tashi delek.


Alright. We have a Leap Year, Spring Equinox and a Mercury retrograde all going on at the same time here along with a few other influences which I think make this particular week interesting, most of which are solar flares and, as I noted in the Quarterly Forecast, a few expansive energies happening.


Most fortunate time to focus on expanding the world, expanding your consciousness, expanding your soul’s design and then keep in mind planetary energies are doing the same thing. So I am expecting more quakes and things like that that tend to separate or expand the energies. Strange weather patterns connected with solar flares, and perhaps an expansion of emotions connected with the solar flares and the Mercury retrograde.


American Kabuki ~ 358 Resignations From World Banks, Investment Houses, Money Funds ~ 16 March 2012

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 03/16/2012 - 09:34

American Kabuki ~ 358 Resignations From World Banks, Investment Houses, Money Funds ~ 16 March 2012

“Some big names on Wall Street are eager to step out of the spotlight after enduring years of financial-crisis turbulence and negative attention from politicians and protesters, said Peter Ressler, the chief executive of RMG Search.”

FINAL UPDATE 3/15/12, This is the last update on banker resignations for a while. I’ve made my point. I’m in danger of giving myself carpal-tunnel syndrome with all the clicking and pasting. I may make another post at the end of the 2nd quarter and I will pull that data from the Edgar database at the SEC. It won’t have much of the UK data – but its a far more efficeint way to get this data. I didn’t know it existed when I started. I learned all kinds of things about banking I never knew before! Perhaps there is an online database for the UK somewhere too. I may post some statistical analysis and graphs on this existing data. If you want to copy this data and use to continue this research, feel free to do so as long as you say a portion of it came from American Kabuki and promise to share the results with this blog so we can share it with the world.

The Evolution of a Day and Sexual Energy! Rated PG16

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 03/16/2012 - 09:18

The Evolution of a Day and Sexual Energy! Rated PG16



I should have known when I looked at the field yesterday (March 15th) something would have been different, after-all, I have been seeing a gold lightning bolt hit the field of energy called March directly in the middle (which I figured was about the 15th)… but never got clarity as to what it meant.  God forbid!!

I still don’t have the clarity (smile)… but something huge is underway!


My first reading was at 8am… as I tried to find her thru the reading, once again the entire field completely changed.  There was no longer the top of the Mesa Cliff or the ground where I read “The Field.”  All of it was one whole energy field… an intermingling of white and soft golden energy.  This energy was so thick that I could not see my client… I could sense she was somewhere in the midst of this energy… but that is about all.  Since I had a light schedule, I asked her if we could attempt this reading again in two hours.  I have seen the field change before quickly… where I couldn’t see at first then by the next reading, the details cleared.  I was hoping this was the case again.


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