Submitted by Lia on Wed, 02/01/2012 - 13:56


BLESSED BE, right on time...ALL IS IN DIVINE ORDER!!!!


We live in a universe composed of 100% original consciousness. As such, we are dreaming the dream of Creation, each one of us playing our individual part of experiencing the universe from our own unique viewpoint. Michael Faraday (electrical pioneer)

~ The Heaven Letters ~ Where The River Will Take You ~ 1 February 2012

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 02/01/2012 - 13:49

Gloria Wendroff ~ The Heaven Letters ~ Where The River Will Take You ~ 1 February 2012


God said:

You often ask Me to give you the conclusion to an episode in your life, as if I have in My pocket the answer to every single thing that will occur or not occur. In life in the world, you set something in motion. When you set something in motion, what you have set is like a big wave, and one wave leads to another. Will the wave you have set in motion reach shore? Will it reach this shore or that shore? Will it come back to knock you over, or will it carry you to the High Seas and where you want it to take you? Will what you have started turn out all right?


Well, of course, everything turns out all right. In terms of the world, eventually, it does. You are coming to Me rapidly whatever your decisions may be. Meanwhile, your decisions will take you somewhere.

You can’t worry about finite conclusions to what you set in motion. The thing is you can’t know. You can’t know the finite destination of everything. You want to live life more than for results. When you look for certain assured results in life, you won’t move, and life is meant to hop right along.


Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Flexibility ~Be open to other possibilities~

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 02/01/2012 - 13:17

~Be open to other possibilities~


Life is filled with changes and surprises. Your angel guidance is to go with the flow. The challenge is sometimes in getting in the flow that is heading in the same direction as you want to go. If you are not in the flow of your life's stream, look to see where you might be confused or offer an indecisive vibration to the world. Do your research or seek expert advice before you make your next choice. When you make your choices in clarity, the flow around you and to you is of your asking.


Ruth Ryden ~ The Masters Of Light ~ 1 February 2012

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 02/01/2012 - 12:56

~Galactic Love Reporter Ruth Ryden ~ The Masters Of Light ~ 1 February 2012


Baby, it’s cold outside!” Remember that old song? Arizona has been pretty protected from most of the worst storms so far, and we do feel for those of you who are fighting snow drifts and icy roads. We lived in Northern Minnesota for many years and do remember very clearly what all that entails. The tornadoes in Alabama are heart-breaking – it takes years to recover from something like this. Joplin is still re-constructing homes and lives. Please be careful and help each other when you can. You are in our prayers.


The new year is a good time to get rid of all the stuff we don’t need anymore – tossed out a good half of the old holiday decorations that we had been keeping, and reorganized and cleared some stuffed drawers. It really seems to clear the mind, too. Always someone who can use what we no longer can.


~Why Haven't You Been Called to Action?~

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 02/01/2012 - 12:33

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s January 16, 2012, 15-minute, free, channeled “Creation Energies” show on Evil spirits are Old Age fears. You’re creating a new play. How do you want to change your script to joy?

Title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, channeled, weekly blog at www.Life Tapestry ”As of Today, You’re a Cleansed and Sparkling Star”



The Manuscript of Survival ~ part 81 You are the Bravest of the Brave~

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 02/01/2012 - 12:21

Let us begin this message by saying that from now on, most of you will at least feel some relief, as these previous days have been intense indeed. Especially emotionally, as your ”hard drives” to call it that, namely your minds, have been preoccupied by the goings on in the third dimension, and as such have had a hard time acessing the new levels of energy. As you well know, whenever you connect too deeply with the third dimension, your own level of energy falls below your usual one, and you will feel this decrease in vibration as a very heavy feeling of unease, distrust and maybe even fear. Let us just say that this is in no way detrimental to you, only if you let it. If you choose to let yourself get stuck in this morass of lower vibrations, you will indeed have a much harder time extracting yourself from it than if you understand that this is just a passing phase, and you will be back on ”cloud nine” again shortly. This may sound flippant to some, but let us just conclude by saying that these seemingly intense ups and downs will be a part of your daily lives for some time yet, but if you keep a close watch on your mental temperature to call it that, you will soon see that these slumps are more and more outweighted by the more buoyant days, and that the number of positively charged days will steadily increase as the days and weeks ahead pass by.

February 2012:Meditation Anchoring the Energies of Compassion

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 02/01/2012 - 12:10


February 2012



Dear Friends,

Welcome to the Energies of February, 2012, a Landmark Year which is also a leap year. This means there is one more Portal Day in this month and one more in this year.


Happy Chinese New Year: On January 23rd, we entered into the Chinese New Year. This is the year of the Dragon, specifically, the year of the Water Dragon. The Water Dragon works with the Element of Water rather than Fire, so it is a gentler energy. As you might know, the Dragon is the totem animal of Quan Yin, the Goddess of Compassion. This coincides well with Divine Mother’s work with Lady Quan Yin and the Energies of Compassion.


Divine Mother points out that the Qualities of Compassion that are prevalent today have been corrupted, leading to great dysfunction and misunderstanding between individuals, groups, institutions, and countries. To change this, Divine Mother brings Quan Yin, the Mother of Compassion, and offers us multiple Layers of the pure Qualities of Compassion, reinforced by the Cosmic Goddesses. This is a great gift to us, Earth and Humankind.


This month we resume our free LIVE Gateway Portal Day Channeling Sessions on Feb. 2.


Unusual Saskatchewan Earthquake, a sign from Mother Earth that she is cleansing everywhere? ~ Indian in the machine

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 02/01/2012 - 11:41

Unusual Saskatchewan Earthquake, a sign from Mother Earth that she is cleansing everywhere? ~ Indian in the machine


USA Recent Earthquake Map


Dear world,

Mother earth is rocking and rolling in the pacific ring of fire… and also other places…. actually we can say that the entire surface of our planet is continuing to cleanse.   True there are spots that are more safer than high earthquake zones like the pacific ring of fire…. others like Saskatchewan…. still even Saskatchewan will be COMPLETELY CLEANSED whether it’s on a high earthquake zone or not.  This is a good thing, with all those chemtrails and radiation coming in from Japan settling into western Canada and spreading throughout the world.  Most of Saskatchewan’s economy is hard on mother earth… especially the farming industry and their chemicals and continually scraping the ground and depleting and not replenishing minerals.

~ February 2012 Monthly Visions: Strange Sounds and Showtime ~

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 02/01/2012 - 11:35

February 2012 Monthly Visions: Strange Sounds and Showtime

Wednesday, February 01, 2012



There is a definite ‘calm before the storm’ energy in the air right now, with the storm representing a massive shift beyond our current comprehension. You may be experiencing this ‘calm’ as not calm at all, instead feeling a sense of anxiety or even fear, but that is just because what lies ahead is a big unknown.  Others are feeling a buzzing excitement but are not sure what it is they are so excited about. For many people our contracts from the old reality have expired, but it’s not exactly time yet for our new ones to kick in, and so there is a sense of being in limbo, waiting for ‘something’ to happen, but not being able to put your finger on what that something is. 


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