~ Pep Talk "Can't score the goal by looking at the side line" ~

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 01/06/2012 - 10:14

~Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member World~Bridger~


~ Pep Talk "Can't score the goal by looking at the side line" ~



Greetings all and Happy New Year!


I have been watching whats going on with with all this information given about new economic systems, the whole time I am wondering why are we giving this so much attention? I can understand that folk want the cabal to go down and we are all tired of the sham created by the cabal, but I wonder is this not in fact splintering our focus of the goal in hand, the ascension of all life on the planet, is this not what we are here for? is it not true that all this will have little relevance once ascension happens? 


For the most part what I write is directed to "Star Seeds" Those that have joined in on the game with one purpose, the uplifting of the mass consciousness of all Humanity, our job is to do just this. We are the ones who through all the din, remain centered with our eye focused on one thing and one thing only the Light of love, we have one goal and one goal only, why do we choose to keep looking to the side lines, focusing on the effects, rather that the goal?

~A Message of Hope~Know all is Being Accomplished and Done~

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 01/06/2012 - 10:06

~Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Zach~


~A Message of Hope~Know all is Being Accomplished and Done~



I intend to give more posts in the days to come because I feel I have much to say and there are many open ears and hearts that will listen. I don’t yet know my role in this plan that is unfolding but I feel in my heart of hearts as I’ve never felt before that this will be our reality. The frustration felt is only natural, there have been promises made and broken and while we grow frustrated with the lack of specifics, it would only further alienate us when you forget sometimes that this is not as simple as running a state or nation. This is a global effort.


Part 18 of 18-Pleiadian Alaje-Meditation-Atlantis Bimini-Spanish Sub

Submitted by AnaShyNa on Fri, 01/06/2012 - 09:48

www.youtube.com/user/777ALAJE ---- 
ALAJE from the light dimensions of the Pleiades,
(Spiritual Videos since 2007)
The meaning of Life is to have Love in your Heart****
Love is the solution for everything****
Love is the key****
Be prepared for the Light Energy Transformation on Earth****
Now is the opportunity to evolve your consciousness****
Activate your Love in your Heart and send it daily to planet Earth. 
Use my Meditations from parts 4, 6, 10 and 18 of my Videos.

~ A Call To The Still Opposing Dark Cabal: Resistance is Futile ~ 1~6~12

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 01/06/2012 - 09:17

~Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Lucas


~ A Call To The Still Opposing Dark Cabal: Resistance is Futile ~ 1~6~12 (Repost)


In my endeavours in writing on the changes taking place rapidly  I would like to say to the dark cabal, Resistance is Futile.  The call is not being ironic, just a hint to the Star Trek series.


The Borg in the series with their group consciousness did not respect other life only the use of other life to their advantage in growing superiority was priority . Conquer and enslave was their goal. The dark cabal had a similar agenda they wanted to be in power and keep the planet and humans to their exclusive control and minimized to 500.ooo people. Life they don’t respect in realising their goals.


~Thoughts to Ponder: Trust the Plan~

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 01/06/2012 - 08:58
~Thoughts to Ponder: Trust the Plan~

By Galactic Love Reporter Jean Warner
You are nearing the end of the world of darkness, and those of the dark are throwing everything they have at the Light in order to keep their power and control over mankind. This has happened many times before. Every 26,000 years the cycle repeats itself as a new era approaches. You are on the fringe of the Age of Aquarius, where the planetary alignment is fast moving into position to give the Earth and her population the maximum support to enter a new frequency in their evolvement.

This is a time for choice and preparation. Consciously, on a soul level, or unconsciously, most have made their choice. Those who have chosen to move into a new world of light and love are preparing themselves by balancing and harmonizing their thoughts, attitudes, physical and emotional attunement, and spiritual uplifting. Many of those who have chosen to continue their lives in a third dimensional environment are seeking to hold onto their power and control through fear tactics, war, killings, and whatever avenue they can take to manipulate the population who no longer want to put up with their dominance through deceit.


Submitted by Lia on Fri, 01/06/2012 - 08:39

Several people asked, after my video on politics and religion, if I felt there would actually be a US election in November of this year. The short answer is NO! I feel the changes that will take place this year will not support the status quo anywhere on the planet. As energies rise, those trying to maintain the old paradigm will simply not be able to keep body and spirit going as before. Many will leave the planet, having no other choice. Earth is rising; and those not willing to rise with her will be taken away. In that respect, 2012 is judgment year. At years end, things will likely be very different.

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