Allendale to Tots ~ An Update on the Re-creating of the New Banking System.

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 01/03/2012 - 12:45

Allendale to Tots ~ An Update on the Re-creating of the New Banking System 1/3/12

by Galactic Love Reporter and Laura

 Allendale to Tots ~ An Update on the Re-creating of the New Banking System.

[Hi Allendale, happy new year!] Hello Tots. Happy universal belief in the most amazing year planet Earth has witnessed. [Wow, that is a mouth full!] Indeed it is, Tots, indeed it is.

Wes Annac ~Played~Upon Separation and the Distrust of the Galactic Federation

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 01/03/2012 - 12:26

 Galactic Love Reporter Wes Annac ~Played~Upon Separation and the Distrust of the Galactic Federation

A Female-Human Extraterrestrial

This post originates from a comment I posted on Ashtar Command, on a blog post entitled ‘GFL Cover Up’

In my opinion, that blog post is just another manifestation of the ongoing ‘conflict’ between those believe in the Galactic Federation and their pure intentions, and those who do not wish to believe in them or wish to believe they are dark entities looking to deceive. Separation is clearly being played upon and noticed between those who believe in the GFL and those who don’t and in this article I give my opinion on such matters.

Ellion Responds to the Post~ A NEW GLOBAL ECONOMIC RESTRUCTURING... TRUTH OR A MYTH?... OR BOTH?... With Glee~

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 01/03/2012 - 12:10

~Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Ellion Responds to the Post~





Glee is what I felt when I read your words my brother!  I wasn't quite sure what the word meant exactly, so I look it up and it means...

Lucas ~ A Personal Call Upon You All ~ About NESARA Announcement (HOAX?!) ~ 3 January 2012

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 01/03/2012 - 11:59

Lucas ~ A Personal Call Upon You All ~ About NESARA Announcement (HOAX?!) ~ 3 January 2012

I felt an urge to write and make this personal call  after reading all articles and replies and me having my own reservations on the real agenda behind this video message and articles and discussions following the posting.


The Conscious Media Network announcement  video message from James Martinez  has been the reason for all the ongoing discussion. I am really said about this all.  For me the most painful aspect was  that it made clear there is a separation between groups wanting in bases the same thing.  All references to so-called bringing a  new world order to manifest are wrong.  The groups striving one or the other way to a new system that brings the people back true abundance and peace should be applauded. I was not amused by the (audio) channeling of Archangel Michael channeled by Linda Dillon that spoke of division between groups. Also disharmonious were the amount of articles and opinions written on this announcement.

Are those the working ways of the light to bring heaven on earth again?!.                 


~Allow these New Energies to dissolve the old~

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 01/03/2012 - 11:40

~Galactic Love Reporter Karen Doonan~





~Allow these New Energies to dissolve the old~



The energies that are now flooding the planet are now cleansing, not only is mother earth cleansing the planet in the form of the rain and the wind, blowing across the planet, clearing the cobwebs, blowing the dust off the old but within us. For the outer is always a reflection of the inner.


Many are now looking to the new and wondering what it will bring. Have you had a few days of tears? have you had your own internal rainstorms where the storm came and reached parts of self that you had forgotten? Did this bring fear to your BEing? did you think "oh no not again" and batten down the hatches or did you allow that rain to refresh each part of you. Did you allow the tears to flow and let go?


Regina Meredith: More Thoughts on Global Economic Restructuring

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 01/03/2012 - 08:44

Regina Meredith: More Thoughts on Global Economic Restructuring

2012 January 3

More follow-up on “A New Global Economy”  and Regina’s interview with James Martinez and the statement read by him.

Regina writes:


“Being an admitted optimist, I personally feel a sense of change in the air. I feel as though some invisible doors have been opened to the human race for new opportunity. If the message on Global Economic Restructuring is truthful, we may just be pleasantly surprised at what life on this planet might look like in the near future.”


Regina Meredith: More Thoughts on Global Economic Restructuring

Conscious Media Network, 01-03-2012


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