~ 2012 Here we go! ~

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 12/31/2011 - 05:49

~2012 Here we go! ~

Galactic Love Reporter Inelia Benz


I have been asked various times what I see for us in 2012.  And as we move into this new year, there is a definite charge in the air about what will happen on the planet.

One thing is for certain, the "powers that were" have really stepped up the Fear Machine and we will probably see some drama coming up.


There are two aspects to the New Year. One is the end of the old, and the other is the start of the new.  Even though not quite aligned with the solstice, and natural Earth rhythms, the calendar new year is charged simply by being accepted and used by millions of individuals to have closure on certain things, and place intentions of new things to come.


Indeed, this is a perfect opportunity for all of us to ride this energy and enter new cycles.  What is your greatest dream? Daydream it as being a reality in 2012.


~12~31~11~ Space Weather Update~A minor solar wind stream is buffeting Earth's magnetic field

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 12/31/2011 - 05:46

~Space Weather Update~


METEORITE MYSTERY: Earth is mysteriously peppered with fragments of giant asteroid Vesta. (Here's a piece you can have for yourself.) New observations from NASA's Dawn spacecraft suggest an explanation involving one of the tallest mountains in the Solar System. Get the full story from Science@NASA.


LAST AURORAS OF 2011? A minor solar wind stream is buffeting Earth's magnetic field with just enough force to ignite Northern Lights around the Arctic Circle. Hanneke Luijting of Tromsø, Norway, photographed the scene on Dec. 30th:



"It was amazing, I just sat there in the snow next to my tripod staring up into the sky, not believing my eyes!" says . "What a way to end 2011."


We Made It People Of The Human Kind ~ 2012 The Struggle Is Almost Over

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 12/30/2011 - 16:13

 Galactic Love Reporter Lucas ~ We Made It People Of The Human Kind ~ 2012


  The Struggle Is Almost Over 


I know now for sure 2012 will be a marvelous year for us all and the abundance program will come into action soon. I was over the moon when I heard the news from Benjamin Fulford that the breakthrough in the financial system has been made so the new is just around the corner. It made my strong conviction of the help we get and got to ensure the new heaven on earth  to be acknowledged. The help by the white hats and our outer and inner- earth  families, and all who I forgot to mention  (will call them lightbeings of all kinds) has made this possible. We did also do our part in this. We made it people of the human kind.


Evidence Corroborating David Wilcock’s Recent Allegations: Philippine Gold, Platinum, and Cash

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 12/30/2011 - 16:01

Evidence Corroborating David Wilcock’s Recent Allegations: Philippine Gold, Platinum, and Cash


PIC 17

Note from Steve: Reader Udo Pelkowski contacted me some months ago and offered to share with me a great deal of information on gold and platinum bullion stored in the Philippines.


I declined at the time because I didn’t consider I had the time or resources to carry out the type of investigation needed to corroborate the story.

Udo has contacted me again and reminded me of his previous inquiry.


The work of corroboration has now been done by Neil Keenan, David Wilcock, Ben Fulford in the series of articles and interviews around the $134 billion bond sting and the existence of untold quantities of gold and other precious metals around the world.

Beloved starseed family ~ calling all healers ~ calling all angels.

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 12/30/2011 - 15:52


Beloved starseed family ~ calling all healers ~ calling all angels.

Majken has just texted me about a very urgent very critical situation that requires our FULL ON ATTENTION. Miracle needed now, right now.


Her friend’s young son is in the hospital after a case of pneumonia revealed a huge tumor-like mass over the lung and growing into the ribcage. According to the doctors it is inoperable and if they find malignancy they are going to want to start chemo. The mom does not want to undertake this horrible treatment and I am determined that we can create the miracle and destroy the mass.


Sekhmet ~ Solstice Celebration Exercise

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 12/30/2011 - 15:02
Sekhmet ~ Solstice Celebration Exercise
Ascension Energy Tools Teleconference 12-20-11


"Well Greetings Everybody! I trust you can all hear. Now we have a special focus. We shall be shining our Lights as we call in more, and why not? You know, Beloved Ones, this is the time of year when it is so much focused upon the giving of gifts, and we want to put some balance into that, and we want to talk about receiving, because you know it is really wondrous indeed to receive when you receive from the perspective of higher dimensionality, higher vibration - when you receive Love, and the Light of Love into your hearts, and into your beings, and it has become automatic, you might say, for you to just simply bring it in, and then beam it out.


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