~Hilarion: Your Higher Senses are Now Coming to the Fore ~

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 12/25/2011 - 08:26

~Hilarion: Your Higher Senses are Now Coming to the Fore ~

2011 December 25~31
~Galactic Love Reporter ~/Tsu-tana

Beloved Ones,


You who have walked the lonely path of Light are soon to be joined by many, many others who will begin to walk their path with you. For every sacrifice you have made for the highest good of all, the Universe is already bringing to you many wonderful synchronicities, miracles and gifts.

~I Serve Love~

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 12/25/2011 - 08:14

~I Serve Love~



"By Serving the Love I Am, I am Serving the One=The All= All of US. By Serving the Love I AM, I am Trusting Love in ALL Moments of My Experience. When I am Trusting Love, Love Serves Me. There is nothing for me to do and Everything to BE in All Moments.


As I Serve Love and Love Serves Me the More Joy, Happiness, and Wholeness of Being I Feel and Experience in All My Present Moments of NOW.


~Love is The Right Decision~

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 12/25/2011 - 07:54




~Only love will heal our world. Only love will make us expand. Only love will open the heart and heal the soul. Only love will get us through the darkness. Only love creates the light. Only love can generate the heat of the night. Only love is real,… the rest is just the past that needs to be healed.


It's just an illusion to keep you in seclusion.

It's the ego fighting with the soul. Only love can make everything all right. Only love can slay the dragons that lay within the mind. Only love can replace pain with passion. Only love will heal the wounding of our world. Only love will come to you when your heart is open. Only love will heal your heart when it's been broken. Only love will open
all the doors. It evens all the scores. Only love will see you through it all, and make all your dreams come true. Only love is real. Only love can turn make believe into reality.



Submitted by Lia on Sun, 12/25/2011 - 07:27



~Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Will Harader~




Awakening is the realization that Who You Really Are is bigger than a body or mind. It’s a reconnection to your Multi-Dimensional Self that changes every aspect of your life. Awakening is not a belief, it’s a complete abandonment of all belief systems. It’s an experience, not of the physical or astral planes, but one of Spirit that is integrated into Everything You Are. The dream is seen for what it is, and can be observed without getting caught up in it.



Awakening doesn’t have to be complicated, though it does take a great deal of courage. It means that all your issues are going to come up so you can face them. It means you’ll have to face your greatest fears, but with the opportunity to conquer them completely. Fear is what keeps people caught up in illusion, so one cannot be Awake if they still cling to fear.



Submitted by Lia on Sun, 12/25/2011 - 07:11






Beloved masters, you must expand your capacity for Love~Light so that it includes all Creation: Love of nature, Love of animals, Love for humanity, Love for your perceived enemies and, most important, Love of Self. For in Essence, all of Creation is a part of you and you are a facet of the Supreme Creator. The expansion of God-Consciousness results in an expansion of your auric field–your Light Radiance. Over time, more and more of you will develop a radiance so powerful and expansive that it will begin to have a positive effect on those around you – and eventually on the Earth and all humanity. Quite a large number of the more advanced Souls have already gained this ability. However, you must remember, you cannot convey that which you have not claimed as your own. Also, remember this: an important part of your mission on Earth is to intensify the Light of the lower dimensions. Expansion of Soul-consciousness results in an expansion of the auric field, both in intensity and scope of influence.


12~25~11 JESUS ~ There is no reason for the Christmas Season to end ~

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 12/25/2011 - 07:03

God’s Love for His children is total and without conditions of any kind. Let go of any beliefs you may have that suggest that only the good are loved, because God does not discriminate – no one is unloved or unlovable. Even those that humanity judges as mass murderers, war criminals, or guilty of any horrendous crime is a child of God and is infinitely loved.


12~25~11~ Space Weather Update~ SOLAR ACTIVITY PICKS UP: Stay Tuned~

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 12/25/2011 - 06:55

SOLAR ACTIVITY PICKS UP: Dec. 25th began with a pair of magnetic filaments erupting in the sun's northern hemisphere followed by a sequence of C-flares from sunspot 1385 in the sun's southern hemisphere. Both halves of the sun are rocking on Christmas: SDO movie. Coronagraph images from STEREO-A and -B suggest a possible Earth-directed CME. Stay tuned for updates.


CHRISTMAS EVE ERUPTION: A filament of magnetism connected to sunspot AR1386 erupted during the early hours of Dec. 24th. Extreme UV-wavelength cameras onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the picturesque blast:



The C5-class eruption hurled a billion-ton coronal mass ejection (CME) into space, but not toward Earth. With the cloud sailing wide-left of our planet, Christmas geomagnetic storms are unlikely. Nevertheless, this active region merits watching as it turns toward Earth in the days ahead, possibly positioning itself for the first storms of 2012.


12~25~11 ~Focus on the inspiring events happening all over the world~

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 12/25/2011 - 06:48

~Focus on the inspiring events happening all over the world~



The speed at which you are progressing along the path to your awakening is accelerating as more and more people raise up the divine Light they are carrying so that others may see it and do likewise.  The momentum of humanity’s intent to awaken is now so great that, as divinely intended, awakening is inevitable and cannot be prevented or delayed.  It is your glorious destiny, and the moment at which it will occur is rapidly approaching.


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