~ Galactic Love REPORTER and First Contact Team Member PREDRAG~ My Journey to Greece~

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 12/20/2011 - 08:00

~ Galactic Love REPORTER and First Contact Team Member PREDRAG~ My Journey to Greece~ Original Post 12~10



 Dear Friends of Light,

I am back, or better, reborn again. After 17 days of searching Our self we found our path to the Athene, Greece, through very rewording experienced , and without internet, but filled with love for Humanity and for each-others. Even intensely present "grim" situation here in Greece, we found that people are so sh...aring and genuine, they are loving and compassionate, realizing that something is different in the air, and that "this different" is feeling of love and faith. They realize hat these times are only a test for us to remember who we really are. We are simply starting to re-membering that god will not come from the sky, as he/she is already here. Among us and within every and each heart of ours.


I am blessed that I have so big family of Light here on FaceBook, which supported me through these last 17 days, with loving words and kind thoughts. Thank You all. I could hear and feel you. All the time.

~0sho~ When the mind becomes inoperable, that is the moment when the heart starts functioning.

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 12/20/2011 - 07:38

~ Galactic Love REPORTER OSHO~



My contradictions are meant to do exactly what is happening to you. I don’t want your mind to be convinced by me. I want to relate with your heart, because that is the only true communion. Mind to mind is always superficial.


I can be consistent, but then I will be convincing your mind – and that is the last thing I want to do. I am not a missionary, and I have no message for you. I have only experience, and the way to convey the experience to you is not through words, theories, philosophies. The argument is not the answer.


So first I have to dismantle your mind, and the best way to dismantle your mind is to contradict myself as much as I can. Either you will escape, feeling that you may go crazy, or if you have guts, you will remain here and really go crazy!


When the mind becomes inoperable, that is the moment when the heart starts functioning.


~ 5d Earth: Will Some People Get Left Behind? Some people will get left behind if they are “still into the negativity” ~

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 12/20/2011 - 07:03

~ 5d Earth: Will Some People Get Left Behind? Some people will get left behind if they are “still into the negativity” ~




by Galactic Love Reporter Gregg Prescott, M.S.


In spiritual and metaphysical conversations, many people are talking about 5d Earth and whether people will get left behind or not.  This speculation has caused great controversy among many people within these fields and this article will most likely continue the speculation.


Past life regression hypnotherapist, Dolores Cannon, has received messages from entities, through her clients, about what we can expect as we near the mysterious Mayan calendar end date of December 21, 2012.


The Holidays As Doorways To Emotional Freedom And Higher Awareness ~ 20 December 2011

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 12/20/2011 - 06:32

~Galactic Love Reporter DL Zeta~


The Holidays As Doorways To Emotional Freedom And Higher Awareness ~ 20 December 2011



The holidays are doorways to higher understanding because they offer opportunities to access and heal painful emotions of the past. Our willingness to embrace and heal these emotions is our greatest ally in creating the emotional freedom that is a key to achieving fifth-dimensional consciousness. Energetic bookmarks – locations in consciousness where emotional energy is held – often coalesce around holidays and can be triggered each year at the same time. We don’t have to live in fear or dread of painful memories, however. Instead, we can see these as portals into our own emotional landscape. As we gain awareness and insight into our emotions, we are able to open to the messages of troubled and turbulent times in our lives. These messages have the power to transport us to a new zip code on the map of our higher consciousness.


The Emotional Level of Consciousness

~An Hour with an Angel ~ Dec. 19 Show Summary and Audio Link Steve Beckow~

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 12/20/2011 - 06:20

~An Hour with an Angel ~ Dec. 19 Show Summary and Audio Link Steve Beckow~

2011 December 19

Jesus was our guest on the Dec. 19 Hour with an Angel.  Below is the audio link.  Ellen is working on a  transcript.


Jesus told us that the time to ascend is now and that we have the power to create and bring forward not only Ascension, but what we desire here and now on a soul and personal level. He talked about his life teachings, Christianity, Hinduism, and Islam, the Bible, the Trinity, Enlightenment, and Immaculate Conception.

He described how part of the Bible is written in code and looked at some examples, such as the light always burning on the altar (the Christ light or soul), Moses’ journey up Mt. Sinai as a metaphor for the kundalini mounting the spine, and the parables of enlightenment (treasure buried in a field, pearl of great price, etc.).

Review of News Events Relevant to Disclosure and Open Contact, 2011

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 12/20/2011 - 06:16

Review of News Events Relevant to Disclosure and Open Contact, 2011


A UFO appeared over the Dome of the Rock in April 2011

Waiting for Our Cosmic Family (Part 1): Review of News Events Relevant to Disclosure and Open Contact, 2011

Hui Sun Kim, Bridge to Earth, December 19, 2011


The year 2011 is coming to a close. It’s a good time to look back and review some of the news events relevant to disclosure and open contact that took place this year. By “disclosure,” I mean the public announcement by our governments of our involvement with extraterrestrial beings.

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