~Lynne McTaggart: The Hijacking of Jesus~

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 12/18/2011 - 12:15

~Lynne McTaggart: The Hijacking of Jesus~

2011 December 18
Posted by Pat Donworth from the 2012 Scenerio~

The Hijacking of Jesus


Anyone who believes that the Occupy Movement is a ragtag batch of hippies who have had their day now that the police are cracking down had better look again both at the churches, the civil rights leaders and religious leaders now joining in the fray.

Yesterday, the Reverend Jesse Jackson, veteran of four decades of civil rights protest, showed up at Occupy London’s headquarters at St. Paul’s cathedral, during their ‘Occupy Everything’ day of protests. He likened the Occupy movement, which he called a ‘global spirit’ now sweeping the world, to the civil rights struggles by Gandhi, Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela.

~12~18~11~ Letter to the Workers of Light ~ Allendale

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 12/18/2011 - 11:05

Letter to the Workers of Light ~ Allendale

Allendale to Tots  



Good day Lass. [Good day Allendale]. Might I say you are in a fine energy today. [Thank you, feeling great today!]

So many in a human existence at this time are opening their hearts and activating their dormant DNA strands, the work seen from my vantage point, is very impressive. Please share this message with the masses.



Our Dear Workers of Light,


Submitted by Lia on Sun, 12/18/2011 - 11:00







I've noticed certain patterns within people as they go through the Awakening process. Mainstream society offers little to no help in the endeavor, and this is to be expected of course, as when mainstream society actually does encourage Awakening, there won't be that collective illusion called "mainstream society" anymore. Not only does mainstream society not help with the Awakening process, often it actively tries to prevent it from occurring.


~Capricorn New Moon 24 December 2011~

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 12/18/2011 - 10:54

The New Moon in Capricorn on December 24th is an opportunity to awaken to the new future we are creating. Powerful Pluto is conjunct the New Moon encouraging us to let go of the “status quo” and reinvent our holiday rituals for celebration. Uranus, the awakener and liberator, says it is time for radical change. Radical means: “return to our roots.” We are to move away from our addiction to materialism and move into Love.

Holidays will be different this year and in the years ahead. Uranus, the change agent, and Pluto, the transformer, are active at Christmas and New Years. In fact, “weird” may be in vogue this holiday season. Let your spirit soar to new approaches, rituals and directions, and celebrate your own uniqueness. The New Moon in Capricorn is encouraging us to examine our traditions and fundamental way of life.

~12~18~11~ ~Plans are underway to back the cabal into a Corner~ Message from the Galactic Federation

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 12/18/2011 - 10:49

We will show you from your viewpoint the things of your society that need cleansing. Just as there are issues within your physical bodies that need cleansing before ascension, so too does this apply to your outer world. This would be the microcosm to the macrocosm, or as ‘above so below’. We wish you to see where your society has gone so wrong, and what could have been done differently to prevent such a state of usurped power that has led to such blockages to the proper functioning of your civilization.

~Anonymous Channelings: The cabal is still dangerous. Allendale to Spike~

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 12/18/2011 - 09:10

~Anonymous Channelings: The cabal is still dangerous. Allendale to Spike on Dec. 17, 2011~


Posted on December 17, 2011

The cabal is regrouping to the extent they are able. Their numbers are diminished and their power is weakening. That does not mean they are finished. Oh, no. They are capable of much mischief, and they will create as much chaos as they can on their way out and down. Make no mistake. They are not to be underestimated.


They have many resources left, especially considering the level at which most of you operate. What is chump change to them is a fortune to you. So please regard them with the suspicion and wariness they deserve. They have no intention of making things easy for any of you.


~ Gratitude for All That Is ~

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 12/18/2011 - 08:46

~Galactic Love Reporter Gratitude for All That Is~


2011 December 18
Posted by Caroline11

Gratitude for All That Is

by Caroline, 12-18-11

The 12.12.11 stargate was a major turning point on our journey towards ascension that will undoubtedly affect every aspect of our lives from this day forward.  During these past few weeks after 11.11.11, many questions about ourselves and the intent of our spiritual paths are resurfacing as we’re being asked to reconsider who we are, what we want to do with our lives, what our priorities are, and where we want to go from here.

Do we stay in a world of illusion, lies and polarity or do we move into an era of Unity Consciousness and forge ahead towards a world that works for everyone?  Most likely if you are reading this, on 12.12.11 you made your decision by declaring your readiness to move forward fully ensouled into the new era.

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