2012: Year of Water Dragon

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 12/17/2011 - 16:36

2012: Year of Water Dragon


by Galactic Love Reporter
 December 17, 2011

water dragon



Dragon Years are change years no matter how you look at it. The Fright of y2k (exactly 12 years ago and a full revolution on an astrological wheel) caused great fear and upheaval. People instinctively know that during a dragon year, new things are going to happen. The dragon is symbolized by the red kundalini energies, and aries. It is the root chakra. Dragon energy, when properly harnessed creates new life and growth and springlike qualities. Negative dragon energies is arrogance, aggressiveness, & violence. We see a bit of both of these now, don’t we? The Year of the Water Dragon, 2012 is a year of Great Things indeed.

TAUK Allendale to Laura ~ 17 Dec 2011 ~ You must unlearn what you have learnt

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 12/17/2011 - 16:31

~Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Laura ~


TAUK Allendale to Laura ~ 17 Dec 2011 ~ You must unlearn what you have learnt


A new beginning is always difficult to cope with, so be prepared for a rock and roll sweet ladies and gentlemen. The gates are opening and light is allowed in, in massive quantities. We are at and have been at war with the cabal factions for millions of years, in many galaxies. In effect, we are their conscious, their reminder, their worse enemies but also their best friends. The massive cleansing operation we are part of is sweeping this entire quadrant, this entire galaxy. The work we do for the cabal will benefit them in the long run, no doubt. They will appreciate it when they realize that what we do, we do for the general transformation of dark matter, incarnated here. The cabal minions are of a different make up to yours, ladies and gentlemen. Their perspective is unique to them, they do have an entirely different approach to everything they encounter. Their psyche is wired in an entirely different way to yours.

This is an important point to get across if we are going to manage a communication bridge between your world and theirs.


~Aint No Stoppin Us Now~

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 12/17/2011 - 16:22

~Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member  Boo Walker~



~Aint No Stoppin Us Now~




What an exciting month this has been so far! Like a stone rolling downhill, things are progressing at an ever increasing rate. If you're in our way, you'd better move aside or join us! Ain't no stoppin' us now, we're on the move!!


It still blows my mind to consider how far my Soul has come in this incarnation. When I combine that with the journeys of all my other incarnations, thousands of years all come rushing forward to this very day.  Wow! I knew that life on Gaia was an adventure in learning, but while my ego prefers to rest on her laurels and congratulate herself on all those lower level accomplishments, my Heart & Soul continue to buzz with excitement for the future.


~ Bringing Through Your Highest 2012 Self ~

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 12/17/2011 - 06:34

This transmission is a transcription from the Sirian Grid Transmission Q&A on 12.13.11


Heather: How do I bring through my highest 2012 Self? How do I best assist to bring about a Unified timeline for a Unified Earth in 2012, and bring about the Highest Good of everyone’s 2012 self?

Spaceship Earth ~ and YOU are the captain ~ The shift has reached it's final stage... now it is up to you. ~

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 12/17/2011 - 06:17

The shift has reached it's final stage... now it is up to you.


Spaceship Earth ~ and YOU are the captain.~ repost~ Corina Moisa




On the week of the 22nd to the 28th of August 2011, I was kindly asked by Source to step outside.  This doesn't happen often, it is rare, and normally lasts a few minutes, hours, or at the most a couple of days.  This time, it lasted a whole week.


What does this mean? It means that I leave a "place holder" in this reality matrix, but I, the being, steps outside.  The body, subtle bodies, and "awareness" stay, but it is like watching a movie, or a car driving on the highway, which one's body is driving, but one is watching it from afar.


As I observed "reality" from the outside, I could sense big shifts happening, enormous changes, the walls between dimensions becoming thin, my "human" perceptions could detect movement, lights and shadows.

Then, I was asked to return.  And the news is big.


~ At Kmart stores, Santa gets help: Anonymous donors are paying off strangers’ layaway accounts.~

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 12/17/2011 - 06:08

~At Kmart stores, Santa gets help: Anonymous donors are paying off strangers’ layaway accounts.~

Anonymous Donors Pay Off Kmart Layaway Accounts

Margery A. Beck, AP, 12-16-2011


Commentary from The Galactic Free Press... WOW, Tears of Overflowing Joy.... This is Brilliant~ Mother and Father God and The Entire Galactic Free Press Staff~


At Kmart stores, Santa gets help: Anonymous donors are paying off strangers’ layaway accounts.


Photo: Kmart store manager Ted Straub talks Thursday Dec 15, 2011 in his Omaha, Neb store. Dozens of Kmart customers across the country have had their layaways paid off by strangers. (AP Photo/Dave Weaver)

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