How have you been dealing with the intense energy we have been experiencing since the first of this year? Does it feel like the world has gone mad? Are you caught in the drama, or are you able to let go and let God. Are you able to manifest peace within? Are you staying in the vibration of love and joy?
~Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation~
Selamat Jarin! We return to continue our discussion with you. Gaia is now increasing her warning signs to humanity, which has hereby been put on notice that the time has come for the great transformation mandated by Heaven's numerous decrees. Those still using their wiles to prolong their time in power are also being warned that Heaven desires that these great changes happen forthwith! Accordingly, we have instructed our liaison and diplomatic personnel to make it clear that any further delays are no longer advisable. Meanwhile, our Earth allies are working pedal to the metal to complete the remaining tasks, and we, for our part, have commissioned a series of events to push any remaining tasks through to completion. These operations are to converge at a point on our timeline that has been pinpointed by Heaven and her many hierarchies. We are committed to these changes and have alerted various governments that we will not tolerate the status quo once those dates have been reached. Our technological advantage has been demonstrated to these regimes sufficiently to prove that we mean business.