How Inevitable We Are

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 08/23/2017 - 22:10

God said:

It’s fun when We, you and I, get together. It is always Sunshine when We move in the Universe. Do you feel it? What can rub you the wrong way when We are One together? Look how good We can be together. Look how adventurous we are. And how inevitable.

Today, Life is like the best day of the year. Rather, it is the best year in Life so far until this upcoming moment, and there is another day ascending the horizon, as the Smooth-Running Wheels of the Rich Universe roll. Nothing ever goes on without Our Say-So. You and I, the Myriads of Oneness in this World of Earth go on together, silently undisputed. I am saying that We are well-met in Life.

Never are you stuck in the Universe. You and I, We are the undisputed Guides of the Universe. We toss it up in the air, and We catch it with the Grace of a Ballerina all in Good Time.

I give you the world. You inherit it. You are in the process of inheritance. Hallowed be thy Name, you whom I always chose. The Creation Process continues. You have been discovered, and you dance around in this jaunt you have always been on.

Who has discovered you? You discovered and discover you. You uncover you. You open up the package. You know how to wrap yourself. What happened to the days that once upon a time startled you?

Now you lay them out on the carpet, and you tremble with joy. You have an expectation, and you see it through even as you go off-stage. There is never an ending to this that is called Life.

Daily Message ~ Wednesday August 23, 2017

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 08/23/2017 - 11:04

Dear Ones, you have all changed markedly as you continue to shift with the energies. So much so, we recommend taking the time to get to know yourselves again.

What do we mean by this? You have released so much – so many wounds, limiting belief systems, fears, and blockages – it is important to stop and ask yourselves what you really choose and prefer and what you are willing to do differently now to ensure that you aren’t carrying forward old conditioned responses simply out of habit.

This only takes a second. Instead of giving an answer to anything immediately, just take a moment to check in with who you are today. If you normally speed through tasks, take a moment to slow down and be present. If you used to like to control things, why not try to surrender and flow and see how that feels? It might help to ask, “How does the newest version of myself like to do things?”

There are so many options and ways to expand moving forward. Give your souls the freedom to shine and express themselves in their new energetic states, for there is much to discover and explore, both in your internal and external worlds. ~Archangel Gabriel

The Big Bang?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 08/23/2017 - 09:00

And so, for some of you, the growing pains may have begun.  The challenges and upheavals of the emotional self are coming to the surface to be examined, thanked, honored and released.  This need not be a ‘big show’…..unless you want it to be!  (Smiling)  As you let go, the clarity you need most will be there waiting. ~ Creator

Let Freedom Ring!

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 08/22/2017 - 23:28

God said:

Beloveds, you are all My Beloveds. It is through My Will and Love that I give you Free Will for the asking. Free Will is your Divine Right. I ask you to make it your responsibility to take care to refrain from seeing others as needing your advice. It is not your business to supervise others. What would make you think that you are to change others into what you want them to be? If you must reform, reform yourself, and let others be unless they ask, and sometimes even then.

When We get down to it, the only person you have any chance of changing is yourself. Much of the time it is nigh on impossible to change to rectify yourself. Is this not true, My Dumplings? Confess.

It is your business who you are. When you are perfect in lifting Life to its Highest and Deepest, then, only then, would I ask you to straighten out anyone else. HA HA! Meanwhile, it isn’t all that likely that this day will come when you as I are to show others how to live, now, is it!

When you are perfect, throw the first stone indeed. Meanwhile, mind your manners. How do you benefit the world when you take it upon yourself to amend others? Looking out for others doesn’t mean you are to usurp others’ rights.

I have not ordained you to remake anyone. I ask you to Love and to Free all. It isn’t exactly wise of My Children to view themselves as all-wise. A self-estimate of yourself as being idyllic betokens folly. Come now, yes, make Room at the Inn for all. I haven’t yet appointed you the nay-sayer of the world.

Daily Message ~ Tuesday August 22, 2017

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 08/22/2017 - 10:52

Dear Ones, in times of intensity it can be difficult to see beyond where you are. That is just fine! You don’t have to make any decisions beyond what you would like in each Now moment. In fact, that is one of the gifts of intensity – getting your full attention in the Now which is really your power base for creation.

So if you don’t have a clear intention for your future, take it one step at a time. Focus on what you do know and what your preferences are right now. Take a moment to give thanks for what is working for you, and rest easy knowing that you are always creating, and guided, from that place of presence.

Do you see? Your future is the result of the accumulation of many Now moments that are always reflecting what you prefer, and who you are evolving into. ~Archangel Gabriel

A Page from God’s Book

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 08/21/2017 - 18:00

God said:

You have every reason to be loyal to your heart. If you are not loyal to your own heart and well-being, to whom then are you loyal? This certainly does not mean that you are to be selfish and all that. It means it’s all right for you to include yourself as well. Of course, offer fealty to yourself while you are at. All you have to do is know this as your birthright. You don’t have to wave banners.

When it is your birthday, make yourself a cake. Beginning now, address yourself with all the respect you offer to others. Admit yourself to your own Well-Being.

Make yourself a candidate. Run for the Good of All. Remember to join yourself in this Voyage. Steer your voyage for you as well as for others. You may have crowded in mixed messages about yourself. Sometimes you act as if you are obliged to forgo inviting yourself. You know what I am talking about?

If others want to seat you last, that is their privilege. In the scheme of things, it is not really all that consequential. You and I both know that.

Now I am making a power statement to you: Have in mind what My preferred placement for you is. Then, when you get accustomed to knowing that you are on My List, high on My List, when you accept this as a matter of course, then you don’t have to feature yourself. Of course, a main part of your job is to get many others nearer to the front of the line as well.

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