Building Your House

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 08/27/2017 - 07:00

Building your spiritual house is easy.  Bricks and mortar are your boundaries.  Self-love and care are the windows on which you see your world.  The roof is The Universe covering and keeping you safe from harm.  Making that house a home is creating what you want to experience.  Furnish it with love and invite family/friends that will add to Unconditional Love your show yourself and the world.  Clear the clutter by working on those negative aspects of yourself and, by all means, be comfortable in your own skin…..something that no one else can do for you.  If you need to, ask for help.  I am always there to guide and support you. ~ Creator

What If Nothing Is Missing from Life Right Now As It Is?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 08/26/2017 - 20:20

God said:

What on Earth is meant when it is said: “In the scheme of things?”

What scheme is this, and who is the schemer and whose scheme is it? Is there a scheme? Where does it lurk? What is the point of a scheme, or does it have a point, or does it really matter one way or another anyway.

Can Life be planned without a plan? Can a plan be a knock-off? Can a plan be knocked off the tracks never to be found again, and does it matter?

Who can say that Life is not innocent and of its own choosing?

Exactly where does anything exist anyway? Does Life exist, or is Life a trick of one kind or another perpetuated, and it’s not funny.

Can Life be pure? What would Pure Life be like? Does Life seem to be other than it appears? What makes Life appear to appear anyway, and how can it be that Life also disappears? Life is, or it is not, or maybe it doesn’t matter. Dreams come and go, and wherein lies significance of anything anyway?

I say that Life is an illusion in any case, so what does it matter and why must you identify with that which is illusive? You can’t hold a Good Life down, yet wherein is it written that a Life is good or not good? Who says so? Is this a good idea or not?

What about all the plusses and minuses? Where do they come from, and how do they get here? Does Life configure itself, or is Life configured? How does Life go about it whatever it is it does? Is there a secret to Life, and, if so, when is the secret to Life found?

Where is the end to questions?

Daily Message ~ Saturday August 26, 2017

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 08/26/2017 - 09:53

Dear Ones, we are always available to you.  Always.  As you will experience us most times as a subtle energy, your ability to sense our presence largely depends on your level of awareness.

Being psychic, more than anything else, starts with being self aware.  How can you tell if there are changes around you if you do not know how you feel in the first place?  Check in with yourself.  Are you warm or are you cold?  Do you have any sensations to note in your body?  Once you have made yourself aware of how you are feeling, then ask us to make our presence known to you.

What happens now?  Are there changes?  You may feel warm.  You may feel a breeze.  You may feel goosebumps.  You may feel tingling on top of your head.  You may simply feel loved or heart expansion.  You may feel a cool, mentholated sensation that is almost minty as you breathe in (this is called the breath or kiss of an angel).  Pay attention to the differences as this will become very recognizable as you consciously begin to work with us.

If there are no changes that you can discern, that is okay too!  Spirit energies are subtle energies.  So many of you have been taught to not pay attention to those types of energies, to dismiss them as “just your imagination”.  Be kind and gentle with yourself as you dust off those abilities that have been denied for so long and start to use them again.  It may take some practice until you start to really feel energy again.  You can always ask to receive energetic adjustment so that you can experience them more and more.

Ruffling Feathers

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 08/26/2017 - 07:00

Only you can allow someone to ‘ruffle your feathers’.  It is up to you whether you choose to respond to it.  Each of you sees truth in a different way…..your truth may not be the same as another’s, their truth not the same as yours.  It is about balance, listening to The Universe and doing what feels right in the highest and best for the highest and best.  As always, my beloved, you are guided, protected and loved throughout. ~ Creator

To evolve spiritually is your earthly task, it always has been.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 08/25/2017 - 18:45

Within the human collective there is enormous creative ability which will be put forward in service to heal the damage to humanity, all life forms, and the planet herself.  These restorative procedures, which are long overdue, are now being initiated in many parts of the world as realization dawns and intensifies that you can no longer use and abuse the Earth and her inhabitants and expect to survive.  Of course your survival is never in question because you are divine creations enfolded in the LOVE That Is All That Exists for all eternity.  However, as humans on Earth, you must learn to live in harmony with all that is present in the earthly environment and put that learning into practice or you will self-destruct at that level.

Your divinely planned awakening from the illusion into Reality is by way of a pleasant dream in which there is no lack, pain, or suffering of any kind, it is akin to a state of Heaven on Earth where you further develop your spiritual awareness and abilities in order to prepare you for your full awakening back into the divine Presence which you have never left, but which you chose to become unaware of so that you could experience the sense or feeling of separation from Source.

Life on the Comet of Itself

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 08/25/2017 - 18:45

God said:

You came out of the mist. You came out of the mist of My Heart. You always existed. There never was a time you were not. We exist together. We never beach Ourselves.

We existed out of time. We were. Rather, We are. Time was not. Time is not. Infinity is. We are Infinity. Our Name is Infinity. We are the Essence of Infinity. We are Infinity.

If space existed, We would be space. As it is, We are Spaceless.

We are Timeless, for Timeless means Infinity.

We wear no clocks. There is no Tick-Tock.

There is the Silence of Infinity and naught else but Infinity. You are truly out of the imagined realm of time.

There is no noise except as We hear it on Earth. There is a loudspeaker in effect. A loudspeaker indicates decibels even as decibels are made-up. They are make-believe like everything else that is rattled off.

None of the stories told are True. Nothingness is True. Oneness is True. The Fullness of Nothingness and Everythingness is True.

Stories are plays on words.

From the forests, stories arose. They appeared to pass imagined time. Stories are like hand fans that are waved to cool down time as if time really existed. Time is a fake. You have been fooled. You continue to be fooled. To be fooled consoles you.

Yet, there is Life, and you are in and out of it, as if this play exists on a fabricated stage – as if this assemblage of a parody -- could be true when only the Essence of Being is True, so help Me God.

All the fussing and sirens amount to a stop gap.

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