Forgive Those Who Have Not Yet Forgiven You

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 06/02/2017 - 06:24

God said:

There is a Sanctity to Life. Consider Life as Holy. What could Life, this Myriad of Life, be but Holy?

Holy be My Name, and Holy be yours.

I will tell you frankly that there is no need for unholy. People may become irate and consider Life to be unholy and themselves unholy and to justifiy themselves to think so.

People may say: “Someone said this or that. Someone gave me an unflattering look. Someone disdained me. Someone doesn’t think well of me. Someone can’t treat me that way and get away with it.”

How pride raises its haughty head and does away with bare civility.

This is not the Life I had in mind for you. This is poor thinking and emotion. Such vacant pride is not advantageous. Did you think it was? Pride in goodness has merit. Pride in doing what is right is good. Sometimes you will do well to think about again in terms of what is good for the world and what is not. Shining Light is a very good thing. Keeping malice and heartache reduces you.

Arrogance doesn’t shine Light. Arrogance diminishes Light. Arrogance stomps out Light.

I said: “Let your Light shine before men. You are part of mankind.”

I said: “Forgive those who have not forgiven you.”

Dear Ones when, within you, you are truly happy in Life and happy with yourself, you won’t carry grudges. You won’t ever even think of it. It is always away from Truth to blame anyone for your distress.

Burn The Bridge?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 06/01/2017 - 09:00

There will always be ‘those people’ who do nothing but talk about others.  It may be a way of deflecting from their own issues and shortcomings, they are seeking attention or doing their best to ignore their own pain.  As challenging as it may be, please remember to treat them gently.  Not everyone is ready to look at their own projections in a positive or healthy way.  When they are ready, they may very well come to you for assistance.  Unless they have chosen to be overtly cruel or abusive, leave those bridges in place.  Most deserve a safe place to cross when they are ready to begin their healing journey. ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Thursday June 1, 2017

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 06/01/2017 - 08:24

One of the fastest ways to connect with the energy of gratitude for any situation is to switch the words, “I have to” to the words, “I get to”.

So for example, let us suppose that you do not like to mow the lawn. Shifting from “I have to mow the lawn” to “I get to mow the lawn” immediately moves you from feeling hard done by and resentful to feeling grateful for having a lawn, having a lawnmower, being physically able to move, enjoying the sunshine, the birds, the smells, the beauty and magic that abounds in each now moment that you would miss through resistance and negative focus.

This is not about denying your feelings but rather shifting into a space that can find the blessings that always exist if only you have the eyes to see. It allows flow rather than resistance, which will always lift your energetic state into one of greater enjoyment.

It also shifts you into a higher vibrational state of presence and connection that always comes with time distortion, which will make any situation seem to go by very quickly. We cannot stress enough the power that gratitude has to create the experience of comfort and wonder in your life. ~Archangel Gabriel

What Flower Are You?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 05/31/2017 - 21:55

God said:

The whole Universe is opening up, and it is opening up to you. The burden you may have felt under is about to lift.

Once again, you will be Light of Heart. There will be nothing for you to bear but Joy.

If you have felt you have been in the center of a maelstrom, such feelings will be lifted and no longer get in your way. Your heart will be re-enlivened. Your heart will become young. Your heart will restore itself.

You have given yourself much criticism. No longer remark to yourself how down in the mouth you feel. You have done this enough. No more.

Speak well to yourself. Hearten yourself. Make music, Beloveds.

You are not destined to be dolorous.

You are destined to sing. You are destined to live in Joy. Take a new look at your Destiny. Start now. Rise above the niggling thoughts that have pulled you down and held you in reserve. Change the words you tell yourself. Add to your Sense of Self.

When you feel you are surrounded in heartache, move your heart into the Light. Look up at the Sun. Surround yourself in Light. Take off the shroud of hurt you may have wrapped yourself in. You have the ability to turn your feelings around. Use your ability.

Here’s something you can do to lighten your heart:

Choose a flower today. Choose it in your heart. If you want, and it is feasible, put that flower on your table. There is a scent and meaning in each flower. Look beyond the surface.

Daily Message ~ Wednesday May 31, 2017

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 05/31/2017 - 14:56

There are times for movement and times to stay still. That is the natural ebb and flow of the universe. Because human beings have been taught to glorify doing, they often will do anything rather than understand the value of being.

Don't be afraid to stop for a moment, Dear Ones. It is ok to take a moment to rest, to catch your breath, to feel into what is being energetically supported, and to assess where you have been and where you would like to go next.

A lull creates a space for assessment and clarity, the flow brings new movement based on the awareness the lull offered. Both will serve you well if you embrace moving with what the energies support, and use your wisdom to fully harness the benefits of each phase. ~Archangel Gabriel

Keep Singing

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 05/31/2017 - 09:00

There will be times in your life when others ‘cut your sound and lights’ thinking it is appropriate for the circumstances.  They have ‘rules’, they may have a certain way of being and your song is not one they want to hear.  What do you do?!  Keep singing and shining bright!  Each human has their own way of going about life and just because yours is not what others want to see/hear, does not mean you should stop.  Instead of seeing it as an admonishment, look at it as a time to change venues.  (Smiling) ~ Creator

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