Daily Message ~ Sunday May 21, 2017

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 05/21/2017 - 11:26

As you continue upon your enlightenment journey, you start to recognize how important balance is, for it is through a balanced state that can experience your alignment with Source, and from there navigate your life from your heart.

So how do you stay in a more balanced state? You simply ask yourself, in any situation, “What do I need to add to this situation to get back to balance?”

This is such an important question, for several reasons. First it allows you to accept the situation as it is without pushing against what is unwanted. You are not trying to resist, or take away, or separate anything. It is not making anything wrong, it is merely assessing what is required to shift into a state that allows greater alignment and balanced movement, which is flow. It is focused on forward movement.

Adding to the situation is using your mastery. It is calling forth an energy you can choose for the highest good of all. It is simply turning up what is desired, so to speak, to support yourself and others moving forward.

So for example, you may find yourself in a situation where there is conflict. Rather than making people wrong for their emotions or behaviour, you can decide to bring the energy of love, calm, and peace to the whole, which would create greater possibilities for balance, much as a buoy can offer stability in choppy waves, should someone wish to grab onto it.

How to Begin

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 05/21/2017 - 06:57

God said:

In Life, sometimes you are on the horns of a dilemma. Sometimes you have to be blunt, and sometimes you have to simply be quiet. What a talent it be would be to always know which is which.

Never do I wish to tell you to be away from your Truth. Never do I wish to tell you to be rude either. There can be Truth, and there can be Courtesy, and sometimes, alas, there doesn’t seem to be an between either.

I do not urge you to be mealy-mouthed or insipid, nor do I tell you to tear someone down and flatten them, nor do I urge you to be duplicitous. Beloveds, in this world, sometimes the kind thing to do is to make yourself clear. This is the dilemma.

Sometimes you have to come out and say something that you don’t really want to say. It may be your responsibility to say if not your desire. Try as you may, there are times when it is right action to say what has to be said, and then there are instances where it is right action to be silent. Or, a lot may depend upon the two personalities and the specific situations. You may have to rely on your intuition rather than intellect.

Maybe you have to get away from the idea that it is unkind to speak up. Honesty can, indeed, be the best policy. Sometimes you have to keep your hands off and let Life take care of itself. I don’t mean just for your own benefit, dear ones, but for the benefit of all. Yes, sometimes in Life it is for you to keep your hands off. What a blessing to know when.

Truly, you’ve got what it takes to live successfully as a human.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 05/20/2017 - 22:16

Life is GOOD!  There is only Life/Love/Source/God.  Pain and suffering, while feeling intensely real, are of the illusion, and will pass.  You can ease your pain and suffering enormously by accepting whatever arises and dealing with it in the now moment!  That may well sound insane to those of you who are suffering and in pain, but if you truly open your hearts to Love, releasing your attachment to any of your attitudes that cause you pain – judgment, blame, resentment, bitterness, hatred – you will find joy, peace of mind, and contentment.  And I can assure you that those attitudes are the cause of your suffering and pain.  When your mind ceases to dwell on hurts you have experienced that were inflicted by others, or by yourselves, your pain and suffering will and does ease.

You hold onto pain and suffering by frequently or constantly dwelling on the wrongs others have done you, or on the sins that you yourselves believe you have committed.  You know this, because when you are in that mode you feel BAD!  Then, when you are distracted from those thoughts by something pleasurable, your pain and suffering are gone, even if only momentarily, before you quickly return to that egoic indwelling state (me, me, me,) of being abused or mistreated.

Daily Message ~ Saturday May 20, 2017

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 05/20/2017 - 10:00

As the shift of consciousness continues on your planet, many of you are wrapping up one phase of your incarnation and moving into brand new adventures. So how do you know when it is time to move on, and what to embrace for your next phase of experience?

You know it is time to move on when something just doesn’t feel energetically supported any longer – when it feels uncomfortable and far less satisfying than it used to. When you are coming to the end of one phase you will always feel that discomfort. It is how you ease out of one thing and into another. Human beings can be resistant to change, and if you didn’t have the discomfort build for a while it is unlikely you would embrace the new when it showed up.

How do you know what direction you should take next? Feel into your soul. Where is your inner self trying to guide you? What aspects are appealing to you? Do you need more freedom? More creativity? How does your soul want to express itself? What draws your interest and brings you joy?

If you are still unsure, ask your guides to show you the way. Surrender into being of your highest service and then follow the signs and synchronicities. This is the fastest way to move into your perfect matches because it allows your highest self to take the wheel with the most support possible. Follow the unfoldment.

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