Leap to the Sun

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 02/17/2017 - 20:58

God said:

You started out today saying: "Beloved God, give me the guts to reflect You on Earth. I'm getting tired of myself. Help me get out of my mud-hole. I want to leap to the Sun. What holds me back? Why don't I just do it without further ado? The Sun reaches out its arms to me, and I can't seem to fully open my arms. It must be I hold myself back?"

Beloveds, I say: Who is responsible for you if not you?

Staying asleep in the world of matter takes away your energy. I refer to your sleeping as you race around in the physical world. Your physical eyes may be open, yet your consciousness stays asleep. You do know something isn't right.

Don't fear what the day might bring. Truth delivers Sunshine to you. And it delivers Me. There isn't anything else to deliver. Well, you will want to deliver yourself, and then you will begin to know Our Oneness once-and-for-all. Where are We? We are side-by-side as always. We are so blended, there is only One of Us. I say only. HA HA  -- imagine ONLY Oneness. It is enough. It is all that there is, and Oneness fills the entirety of Life. Oneness overflows. Dear Ones, you have tasted it, and so you yearn for it.

Daily Message ~ Friday February 17, 2017

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 02/17/2017 - 15:45

Dear Ones, acceptance, which is beautiful by product of faith and trust and the supporter of patience and peace, is the key to living life in the higher dimensions, for it nurtures and supports, honours and allows, and creates the safe space for you to discover your highest expression of self. It is at the core of unconditional love, and unity consciousness. It is through the energies of acceptance that you will finally fall madly in love with yourselves, as well, discovering your own divine essence, which will move you into the joy of being. Acceptance, simply put, is the essence of the energies of Home, and what you yearn for as you seek to heal the pain of judgment and separation once and for all. ~Archangel Gabriel


Murky Or Clear?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 02/17/2017 - 12:00

There will be times when you will be ‘invited’ to jump into the fray and participate in the drama going on around you.  It can be very tempting to respond with a knee jerk reaction toward anger or disgust being thrown at you.  Again, this is where your free will and choice come into play.  Do you participate or do you ‘sit it out’?  In those tense moments; breathe, take a step back and ask yourself if it is something in which you truly wish to engage.  Would you be responding with judgement?  Would you be forcing your views on another?  Would your participation help clear the air or make it murkier?  Take some time and listen to your heart….the truest and most equitable solution will always be there. ~ Creator


Joy in All Seasons

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 02/16/2017 - 18:21

God said:

In August, those of My Children who live in the Northern Hemisphere, may have said to themselves:

"I may be tired of hot summer, yet, alas, I am not ready for months of cold winter. Summer seems short, and winter seems long. When summer arrives, I am eager. When winter looms, I am reluctant. Of course, when I was young, my heart quickened at the thought of fresh snow. Must I let everything around me affect me so much as if summer is to be welcomed and winter is not?

"All You lay out on the Earth before us, God, all the cycles are beautiful and miraculous. You surround us with Beauty beyond Beauty. You tell us to take Life as it comes, and I agree with You wholeheartedly. Yet, before winter arrives, my heart dims. How do I reawaken joy in all seasons?"

Beloved, by letting go, of course. By letting go of gloom. Let go of the past. Look forward. Imagine if this were your very first winter coming up, how ignited your heart would be. Access the virtue in all seasons.

You have made associations, as if every season were not the bearer of glad tidings. Of course, each season bestows gifts upon you.

In the winter of your life – this is what the seasons are really about, you understand – you can still make a snowman. Winter is not all about shoveling snow and salting ice. Where is it written that you cannot enjoy winter as it is?

Think about the prior blessing of autumn, as the leaves swirl, and your heart quickens. Autumn is a beautiful gateway to winter, just as spring is to summer.

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