For the Sake of Learning

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 08/24/2016 - 21:04

God said:

Learning is the point of learning. Education is not. Learning comes from inside. Education may be imposed. Learning arises from a sense of joy. It is joy to gain insights. Everyone loves it when a light goes on.

The intent of education may not go well with learning. No matter how well someone may score on a test, a high score does not mean that learning took place. Learning is what matters.

Learning is naturally joy. Teaching that leaves out the heart of the child is misplaced. Learning without joy is a hardship.

A system may look good on paper. It's someone's best guess as to what is a good way to learn, and one way may flourish for some, yet not all. Remember the child.

If learners do not have joy, perhaps the educators do, yet educators are not the reason for schools. Uppermost belongs the joy of learners. The rewards are to be interior to the learner. Each learner has a heart and soul and his own style or styles of learning.

Some teachers have the ability to make learning desirable for every learner. Hail to them.

Tell Me, what one-year old does not want to reach out and learn? Why is it that at some point a learner may begin to slouch? Where did the joy of learning go? To what gain?

Making learners learn what someone says they must learn does not always amount to learning. There is more than the mind that takes place in learning. There is more than grouping children together for economy in learning. There is heart and soul to learning. And, yes, I will say love.

Daily Message ~ Wednesday August 24, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 08/24/2016 - 08:10

Dear Ones, just as you may resonate with certain spiritual paths, teachers, healing modalities, or areas on your planet, so it is with the areas you feel drawn to offer your loving service to. Some of you may be passionate about helping animals, others may feel called to help people, to lend your energy to certain causes, or to assist the planet in specific ways. We urge you to stop making others wrong if they are not feeling the same draw as you are to a certain area of service.

These many different service paths ensure that diverse areas of need get attention. It is through your mindful activism you will raise awareness and find others who feel drawn to that particular area to help. People will help in the ways that best honour their own particular soul paths. There are many on your planet who may seem like they are doing nothing at all but who are in reality being of tremendous service to the planet and her grids by holding and transmuting energies in a certain areas. You simply do not know what another’s soul agenda is.

Whom Are You Serving?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 08/23/2016 - 17:52

God said:

Come closer to Me. Let Our closeness occur to you and now you live it. Desire to come closer to Me. Invite Our closeness. Anticipate My Presence close to you. Meet Me more than half-way, dear friend. Don't think that I have to make Our closeness happen. The fact is that We are indelibly close. I do not elude you. You could have a blind spot. We cannot miss where I am.

For instance, you have had the experience where you cannot find a pen to write with. Then you look again, and there the pen is, right under your nose.

To come closer, you can't stay at a distance. Do not look for Me and anticipate your age-old disappointment. Don't say to yourself:

"I've been anticipating God for five minutes, and He has not shown Himself."

Don't say to yourself:

"I have been anticipating God all my life, and He has not yet shown Himself."

You have every good reason to wait for Me, and no good reason not to be on the look-out for Me.

Understandably, you are impatient. Impatience is okay, yet when you look for proof that I am far away, it's too easy to get a picture of the proof you are looking for. You could be looking for the wrong clues. What satisfaction can you possibly have in finding evidence that you are correct? I'm hidden away somewhere? Why would you think that? Are you your friend or your foe?

Forget about disappointment. Disappointment is not what you want to anticipate. You don't want even an inkling of disappointment. Do not be looking for Me to fail to reach.

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