Scientists Witness Eye-Opening Effects Of ‘QI Energy’ On Plant DNA & Cellular Growth

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 03/06/2016 - 19:15

Why does the title of this article emphasize that ‘truly impossible’ results were witnessed? Because providing an explanation for what happened here is literally impossible right now, despite the fact that it happened repeatedly.

Extra ordinary human potential is something that has been studied for decades; and although a number of studies have been conducted which have yielded statistically significant results, there is still a harsh resistance by mainstream scientists to look at these topics.

On the other hand, many distinguished scientists are also recognizing and accepting the importance and relevance of this type of phenomena. Material science is great, but it’s time to usher in the reality of non-material science, something Nikola Tesla said would advance humanity immensely, with progress increasing at an exponential rate.

Quantum mechanics has questioned what we perceive to be the ‘material’ foundations of the world by showing that subatomic particles and atoms are not really solid objects, and has brought human consciousness into the equation.

Dancing to the Tune of the World

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 03/06/2016 - 17:57

God said:

The days, months, and years keep rolling along. Seasons appear, and seasons leave. In winter or in summer, you still are. Whether you are above the equator or below the equator, you are. On Earth and in Heaven, you are. In illusion, you are your name as given in the world. You may be called Joe or Mary, yet your True Identity is far more than any name pasted on you.

Aware or not aware, you have been seeking your True Identity. You know deep down that you are much more than what you seem to be. The world calls your name, and you answer to it. You dance to the tune of the world, as if you are on automatic, as if you are an automated response, a recording that you hear yourself repeat. The voice that comes out of your voice-box is reported to be yours, yet you are not sure where the voice you speak and hear abides, or if anyone hears you and responds, or, do you just make motions as you as you go along.

You are sure life is meant to be more than a formality, yet you are not sure where you are in this whole transaction called life. You would like to know, really know, who you are and where you are from and where you are going. Can you really be a fillip of your imagination? Is this the real show or a rehearsal? Truth be known, you don't know what is up and what is down. It seems to you that you are distributed throughout the Universe like a dashing comet. At the same time, you stay still and are unknown and unseen.

7 Stunning Examples of Art and Math Working Together

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 03/06/2016 - 09:02

I’d like to be honest with you. Normally, I would cringe at discussing anything mathematical. I know, but bear with me. This time, I want to show you something awesome, even to those of you who aren’t the biggest fan of numbers, like me. This time, it’s not just about learning about equations in the classroom. This time, art and math work together to produce stunning results.

Now even I find that interesting. (You’d just have to know me.) Math may seem, to most of you, to be a pursuit of formulas, but math also produces ratios that create the most striking works of art.

There are seven instances that art and math worked together to break left/right brain scenarios.

1. Snow Art

How do you create art with mathematics? The epic snowscapes in the European Alps, created by Simon Beck, is a prime example of exquisite mathematical art. Using only his compass and snowshoes, Beck created a Koch Snowflake and Sierpinkski Triangle in 11 hours flat. Wow!

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Sing an Ode to Life

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 03/06/2016 - 08:57

God said:

What if you saw the world as Divine, how might your life be different? What if you saw the world as a dear friend who welcomed you, what about that? What if you could choose the kind of world you live in, what would the world you choose be like?

One way or another, you do choose the trends of the life you live. If your life is ordained, you ordain it. You see what you imagine you see. I know that life doesn't seem so simple to you. You may feel you need protection. What you really need is inspiration. Never mind about getting a face uplift. Uplift your life. Inspire yourself and the world you live in. Inspire your heart and mind.

I do intend this for you. I work on your happiness, so to speak, as I do work not at all. I may tickle you under your chin or ruffle your hair. I most certainly smile on you. I think of you and see you as you are. You may well have a different picture.

Any downward thoughts of yours that you may spiral – they are not Mine. I take joy in you. You are My joy. May you be joy to yourself and inspire yourself and enjoy yourself. May you keep your eyes looking up. May your outlook be sunny. Why choose anything less than sunny? What is the percentage in choosing gloom? What good does it do for you or the Universe?

Goodness does come your way, and more is coming. Be ready. What can you do to be ready?

Daily Message ~ Sunday March 6, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 03/06/2016 - 07:20

Water the seeds of the dreams of others with love and encouragement, and you just may give them exactly what they need to grow into their next grand expression of self. It is amazing how a little expressed faith in another can help someone have the courage to shine in their truth like never before. All of you bright and glorious souls who are waking up and starting to flower and display your own unique colours, are creating the most breathtaking bouquet on your planet that is an absolute delight to behold. So bloom, and bloom, and bloom again, Dear Ones, and continue to bless the world with your beauty. ~Archangel Gabriel

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