ascension 2012

Conscious Evolution - Preparing for Ascension 2012: Chapter 6 - The Big Sleep

Submitted by drmoe on Sun, 10/28/2012 - 11:10



       What is it about fear that gets us all tied up in knots?  Is it the biological realm rearing its head in the face of a possible threat?  Is it our minds making mountains out of molehills?  Or is it some other nefarious element that lies outside of our control? The “fight or flight” response says “you must make a choice,” based on what’s in front of you and what capacity you believe you have to deal with it.


 It’s not always right, this “fight or flight” response.  Sometimes we act when leaving would be a better option.  Sometimes we stay to quickly learn that was inadvisable.  So how do we deal with fear in a manner that is most compatible with our True Self?


The nature of fear is twofold.  First, we are reacting to a real or perceived danger.  Second, there is an urge to do something about it, be it magical or otherwise.  For a physical danger, fight or flight is likely the best course of action.  We measure the danger and act, by either removing ourselves or confronting it.


Conscious Evolution - Preparing for Ascension 2012: Chapter 5- How We Lost Our Way

Submitted by drmoe on Sat, 10/27/2012 - 08:58

Asking for Help


It’s not easy to ask for help, is it?  We wander around this plane trying to figure out who we are, getting stuck here or there, not knowing what to do next.  We are hampered by this unwillingness to seek help.


       “Who can do it alone?”, we could ask.  Well, no one, apparently.  We all rely on each other at some level.  There are days when we feel strong and days when we feel weak.  Leaning on each other is a necessary requisite to getting by in this life.  Culture can say what it wants about “doing it alone” or that “men are stronger than women”.  The fact is we need each other in times of weakness and it doesn’t matter what gender steps up to lend a hand. 


       When we are too tired or ill to do it ourselves, we need to reach out and take that hand, to let someone help and pull us free of the swamp. Better than drowning, isn’t it?  Better than giving up altogether.


Conscious Evolution - Preparing for Ascension 2012: Chapter 4 - Life as Movie and Myth

Submitted by drmoe on Thu, 10/25/2012 - 09:11




Sometimes it’s hard to make a change in our lives.  It requires such stamina, a wealth of desire.  Is it any wonder many give up before they start?  The aching inside drives us forward, to a hopefully better place, where we can be relieved of our dissatisfaction.


So where do we go on this quest? Do we cross the mighty ocean?  Scale the tallest mountain? Or simply take stock of ourselves and issue another edict.  “I will not live like I did before”, “I will change the script of my life”,  “I will scale what is mine to scale, and I will go it alone if I have to”.


There is no need to go it alone.  The Great Creator is always there with a helping hand.  He is right behind you, giving a little push.  Saying things like, “You can do more if you want”, “There is much you have to offer”, “You’re just getting started”.  A gentle prodding it will be, because He’s sensitive that way.  Pushing too hard elicits resistance.  That’s not the way to go.  Gentle prodding, with generous doses of encouragement, will take you further.


Conscious Evolution - Preparing for Ascension 2012: Chapter 3 - Heroes and Heroines

Submitted by drmoe on Wed, 10/24/2012 - 09:21

Self & Ego


“Once upon a time there was a sad man who threw away his life to have more control over his world.”  Doesn’t make a lot of sense, does it?  Throwing away your life to have more control!  Shows you what can be done with an odd set of operating values.


We take ourselves out into the world to learn lessons.  Sometimes we are poorly informed and come back from our ventures more messed up than when we left.  It’s this kind of application, based on false premises, that leads us astray, down the garden path to our own destruction.


Ever wonder why there are so many “burnouts” today?  Same reasoning as above.  Apply your voluminous intellect to a situation requiring emotional intelligence and then watch out for that wall! Here it comes again, straight at you.


The Self knows better than this.  And when ego is set aside, the Self can do wondrous things.  She/He will lead you right back on to your proper path and have you call upon your emotional intelligence along the way.  Know that challenges on this road are there to wake you up from that docile sleep imposed on you by ego and forces around you.


Conscious Evolution - Preparing for Ascension 2012: Chapter 2 - A Hero's Welcome

Submitted by drmoe on Tue, 10/23/2012 - 10:54

Open Your Heart


What is it with this Open Heart business?  Isn’t this a tough requirement for us humans?  Oh yes, we can easily say: “open your Heart and you will receive the best Life has to offer”.  But doesn’t this include pain too?  Well, yes it does. We all know this one, don’t we?  So why ascribe such importance to this Open Heart concept?  Isn’t that a prescription for danger?


  “Not at all.  I never meant to harm you with this Open Heart idea, only to alert you that Earth school requires it if you’re going to be successful.”


“I sent you here on a mission, to learn all that you can, and to notice that those of you with “open hearts” enjoyed the greatest success with life’s experiences.  Yes, they did feel pain along with their joy and other satisfactions.  They felt Life completely.  That is My measure of success.”


Conscious Evolution - Preparing for Ascension 2012: Chapter 1 - The Hero Myth

Submitted by drmoe on Mon, 10/22/2012 - 11:25





Some messages are cryptic and some are not. But all are issued from the one same source, God the Creator.


When we are alone, contemplating our navel, we risk succumbing to outside interferences.  In the Ethereal Realms there are entities that worry about us because what we do, or not do, affects their future as well. You see, they already know that all the creatures of the Universe are interrelated.  What happens to one group affects all the others.


Forget for a moment that they are disappointed with us for proceeding so slowly.  Are not the sense of Self and Right to Be worth pursuing on their own merits? We don’t need a cosmic or personal calamity to be reminded of this.  For our own sakes, let’s evolve.  Let’s find that place inside where we are centered.  Let’s find that core of our being and express it gloriously.


Who knows when these entities from other worlds might show up?  Don’t we want to welcome them with our very best – all aglow and filled with love – so that they can feel at home here too?


Conscious Evolution - Preparing for Ascension 2012: "The Voice"

Submitted by drmoe on Sat, 10/20/2012 - 11:14

Round 2 of Conscious Evolution - Preparing for Ascension 2012

In today's chapter we feature the Introduction from "The Voice" who delivers these materials to me.  I've been doing this for 19 years and have a ton of material to show for it.  This book is but one item in a growing inventory of music, fables, stories, poems and just plain ole good info.  I've included the Table of Contents at the end here so you can see what this book is about and what's coming next. I've been writing it for over 10 years and only recently got the last bits. This past week, I was told it's "Go Time".  So here we are!  Badda Bing, Badda Boom!



(Every chapter or section starts with a "reflection" like this one below. Then off we go!)


Feeling Welcome 


So how do we know when to stop with our pain and suffering?  Is it when we are warmly greeted by a group of like-minded peers?  I think so.  That’s when we know we are no longer alone.  Others have suffered just as we are, and made their way to another shore, a place of safety and understanding.


Conscious Evolution - Preparing for Ascension 2012: Author's Introduction

Submitted by drmoe on Thu, 10/18/2012 - 19:54

Hi there, Dr Moe here.  We've been asked by the GFP to "Help" in any way we can as we accelerate towards the finish line of our Ascension project. I've been writing on the subjects of Ascension and Personal Growth since the early 90s, waiting for the right time to begin sharing.  "Now Is the Time" according to my Guidance, so here is the Introduction to my book "Conscious Evolution - Preparing for Ascension 2012"


Contemplating Change


It seems beyond all understanding at times, what it is we have to learn about ourselves.  Complex creatures we are, running around this world like chickens with our heads cut off.  Are we sure this is what we want to do?  Are we certain we want to construct our lives in such a fashion as to waste energy every time we turn around?  There must be a better way.  Let’s take a closer look, shall we?

It’s not that we actually know any better, at least not until we see a different way presented to us.  Then we’re confronted with the possibility that life could be different.  We could perhaps slow down a pace or two.  We could pick up on one another’s thoughts and see how life looks from that perspective.  We could liquidate our morality for a day and adopt another’s, like a new pair of shoes, and see if they fit.

Bingo - We Have a Winner

Submitted by drmoe on Wed, 10/17/2012 - 19:58

(I wrote this originally as a reply to VisionKeeper's latest post, then I felt it should be a post of it's own.  VisionKeeper says "self-love" is the answer. I agree and here's why."


We have a winner!


As a psychologist and as an individual who struggled all his life to gain self-esteem through deeds I can assure you the message here is bang on.


Loving ourselves is a must to release ourselves from prison, the prison we created when we stopped believing we had value and became conditioned to suffering.


The influences are legion - from your family's religion, to the education system, to the opinions of those we now call Cabal, came the thundering impression that we were somehow defective - and to correct that, we needed to perform like trained seals to get some external authority's approval.


The Cabal have known this for a long time. By Cabal I also include the leaders of major world religions, like the Pope. They all knew this and used it against us. We were programmed to feel poorly about ourselves. Abusive parents (who were themselves abused), abusive institutions, all did their best to ingrain the message.


I myself became a psychologist, partly to impress my family, partly to prove to myself that I had value, and partly to figure this damn thing out. Why did I feel the way I felt? And why did my life suck while others seemed to thrive?


It's taken 40 years but I've got all the answers I need. What I have learned is this: "You've got to Aim for Love, and Self-Love in particular, to draw it to you". So after you've given up your performing seal routine you start looking in this direction, and if you're paying attention, you will have noticed that the happiest people are those that genuinely like themselves, and treat themselves with respect.


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