Athena Arcturus Anchoring Divine Trust and Faith Through the Celestial Diamond Light

Submitted by AmethystLight on Fri, 06/14/2013 - 18:40

Oh my dear family and friends, I have not talked to you in so long. God bless each one of your hearts, I have missed you. I received this absolutely blissful meditation from Athena Arcturus today and my heart so over-whelmed with love she just asked me to share, share, share the love. <3 <3 <3 Lets manifest and multiply more of that. ~~~~@
I am so grateful to be of service to you in this way.
Such a beautiful thing I have been given from the beautiful, heartfelt light of the Arcturians that I can give to you now. It is so yours. Bless you all so much.
Dear sweet family and friends,

I am Athena Arcturus and I love you so dearly and completely from all that is made manifest within the world let my light from my heart chakra open to you and let you bath without limitation on all the love that I have within me to offer you. I ask that you accept this light from within my heart chakra in whatever way you can and take from it as much as you like for I give it to you freely and without asking anything in return.

It is with such joy and gratitude that I greet each of you for you are so special to my heart. Each one of you that are reading this are more than just human beings upon the earth you are sacred family members that I rejoice in connecting with and I honor with all the love that is within my being.

I bring forward to you today a gentle divine feminine energy from my being and from the Star System of Arcturus to bath your entire being in the loving and warm feminine energies that come from our central aspect.

We shine infinite waves of divine love and bliss to you in each moment and are so proud and grateful to each of you for all you have achieved upon the earth and in your reality.

Embracing Change and Opening The Heart: June 14, 2013 Update

Submitted by AmethystLight on Fri, 06/14/2013 - 15:45

We have moved so far in the ascension process yet I feel in many ways it may not seem for some that this is so. We are asked in many ways to let go of old beliefs or ideas that no longer serve us yet at the same time this is not really the Truth. Why is this not really the Truth? Well, it is the Truth because we are in fact being asked to do this but in a way that really we have not ever experienced before upon the earth by very heightened processes of clearing.

Clearing can mean many things to many people. I am humbled by the beautiful souls and lightworkers in the world who come both together in this world and the inner planes to create harmony and balance for existence. It is so beautiful how we all have our own path and Truth.

Clearing to me is a vibrational experience in which lower more dense ideas and energies are elevated to their highest aspects which in many ways can appear to us as wisdom. Wisdom to me comes forward in both great love and compassion yet is also an energy that is based off our past experience in such a way that it allows us to navigate the earth.

I got the impression from several sources that there were some lightworkers who very much wished to "clean the slate" and in some ways, that is a very beautiful thing. Yet, to me it is not so much that we are "cleaning the slate", but clearing old energies and integrating the wisdom we have achieved.

Many of us have been lightworkers upon the earth for a very long time. This means that we have a huge akashic experience on many different levels. Not only on the earth levels, but also on the inner planes as we move up in dimensional awareness. It can take an incredibly long time to integrate such wisdom and I would go as far as to say that we have not ever really integrated our wisdom to such a degree on so many levels.

Do You "Get It" Yet???

Submitted by d'tewa on Sun, 06/09/2013 - 12:41

( I tried to get this out yesterday, but was prevented.)


A few interesting questions for you:  Do you "get it" yet, or are you still running around in circles chasing your own tail, getting nowhere fast?  And, are those circles making you dizzy and tired yet?  Intrigued?  Please Read on.



     First, let me begin by saying, "I Love You".  It matters not who you are, what you've done or what you're still doing, what you look like, where you live or who you associate with or what your beliefs are...I Love You!  I Love You because you are a part of me and I am a part of you.  Yes, we may look different, speak differently, and have totally different points of view, but you see, that doesn't matter either!  We are connected.  We are connected by something unseen, like our DNA, and something seen, like our Humanity.  Think about this; "Underneath The Colors Of Our Skin, We're All The Same...Deep Within."  This is Truth.

Divine Light transmission remotely join us; no computer needed. Read on for more

Submitted by ryan_just_ryan on Thu, 05/30/2013 - 06:25

Good morning! I am looking forward to a Divine Light party. Come join us in person or stay where you are, no problem. All you have to do is "tune" and receive.

Buenos dias ! Estoy feliz de anunciar la fiesta de Luz Divina , unanse con nosotros en persona o desde donde esten , todo lo que deben hacer is relajarse y ser habiertos a recibir

Like this post or comment to be added to the list or shoot me an email at

Para agregar su nombre a la lista dale me gusta a este post o manda un email a

I am very fortunate to be able serve the Source and totally enjoy the opportunity.

Soy muy afortunado de servir a La Luz Divina y disfruto estas oportunidades

Remember beyond all else that the effects come from you doing this for you. You are connecting with Source via You. So all the benefits should be honored from the Source as gift of harmony. Consider me as a witness at most :-)

Recuerden que mas alla de todo los efectos de esta transmission son debido a sus propios esfuerzos . Ustedes mismos se estan conectando con la fuente de esta energia , entonces todos los beneficios deben ser honrados como regalos de esta fuente como un regalo de harmonia . mi trabajo solo es de presenciar estos milagros.

Love you all, see you tonight. 7pm-10pm EST

los amo a todos , y los veo esta noche


Divine Light transmission to harmonize and integrate the Real You!

Submitted by ryan_just_ryan on Thu, 05/23/2013 - 06:41

Good morning! I am looking forward to a Divine Light party. Come join us in person or stay where you are, no problem. All you have to do is "tune" and receive. Buenos dias ! Estoy feliz de anunciar la fiesta de Luz Divina , unanse con nosotros en persona o desde donde esten , todo lo que deben hacer is relajarse y ser habiertos a recibir Like this post or comment to be added to the list or shoot me an email at Para agregar su nombre a la lista dale me gusta a este post o manda un email a I am very fortunate to be able serve the Source and totally enjoy the opportunity. Soy muy afortunado de servir a La Luz Divina y disfruto estas oportunidades Remember beyond all else that the effects come from you doing this for you. You are connecting with Source via You. So all the benefits should be honored from the Source as gift of harmony. Consider me as a witness at most :-) Recuerden que mas alla de todo los efectos de esta transmission son debido a sus propios esfuerzos . Ustedes mismos se estan conectando con la fuente de esta energia , entonces todos los beneficios deben ser honrados como regalos de esta fuente como un regalo de harmonia . mi trabajo solo es de presenciar estos milagros. Love you all, see you tonight. 7pm-10pm EST los amo a todos , y los veo esta noche ryan

Remote Divine Light transmission tonight, Come one come ALL!

Submitted by ryan_just_ryan on Tue, 05/21/2013 - 07:03

Good morning! I am looking forward to a Divine Light party. Come join us in person or stay where you are, no problem. All you have to do is "tune" and receive.

Buenos dias ! Estoy feliz de anunciar la fiesta de Luz Divina , unanse con nosotros en persona o desde donde esten , todo lo que deben hacer is relajarse y ser habiertos a recibir

Like this post or comment to be added to the list or shoot me an email at

Para agregar su nombre a la lista dale me gusta a este post o manda un email a

I am very fortunate to be able serve the Source and totally enjoy the opportunity.

Soy muy afortunado de servir a La Luz Divina y disfruto estas oportunidades

Remember beyond all else that the effects come from you doing this for you. You are connecting with Source via You. So all the benefits should be honored from the Source as gift of harmony. Consider me as a witness at most :-)

Recuerden que mas alla de todo los efectos de esta transmission son debido a sus propios esfuerzos . Ustedes mismos se estan conectando con la fuente de esta energia , entonces todos los beneficios deben ser honrados como regalos de esta fuente como un regalo de harmonia . mi trabajo solo es de presenciar estos milagros.

Love you all, see you tonight. 7pm-10pm EST

los amo a todos , y los veo esta noche


Pallas Athena: I Take You Close To My Chest and Heart and Comfort You In Your Uncertainty ~ Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ May

Submitted by franheal on Mon, 05/20/2013 - 17:16


PallasAthena.www.mlahanas.dePallas Athena:


Greetings, I am Pallas Athena, warrior of truth, loving presence and protector of all mankind. I come to bring you good tidings and words of joy and assistance. For yours is not an easy task but a monumental one, and it is time to light up all corners of the earth in preparation of true ascension for all.

I am a seeker of truth, a purveyor of truth and a guiding light for your journey here on Mother Earth. Many of you do not know me, but I stand in waiting for your call for assistance. And you shall have it, dear ones, upon the asking.

Come into my energy, bring forth my energy, when you are uncertain of your path, when you are uncertain of your truth, for you shall have it with just a request and an intention to be fully aligned with the truth and with all-pervading love.

I see you struggling with the onslaught of energy of late, kind of like reeds bending in the wind. However, just like the reeds which eventually stand up tall and unyielding following and in spite of the barrage, you shall recover too as you accept the flood of energy and light designed only for your benefit. Just like a flower who accepts the sunlight with gratitude, you are accepting the energy from SOL (the sun) with equal gratitude and even relief, for with that avalanche of Truth and Light comes Freedom and you are all in line for it.

Thank you

Submitted by ryan_just_ryan on Mon, 05/20/2013 - 05:42

Good morning and thank you to all of you who participated in last night's Divine Light party /transmission.

We are almost at 100 participants, and they are in 7 countries. Testimonials of experiences appreciated to assist others in understanding why or how to participate.

Next one is Tuesday, May 21st from 7pm-10pm EST

love and light to all

Divine Light party 7pm-10pm eastern time; Fiesta de Luz Divina 7pm-10pm EST

Submitted by ryan_just_ryan on Sun, 05/19/2013 - 05:17

Good morning! I am looking forward to a Divine Light party. Come join us in person or stay where you are, no problem. All you have to do is "tune" and receive.

Buenos dias ! Estoy feliz de anunciar la fiesta de Luz Divina , unanse con nosotros en persona o desde donde esten , todo lo que deben hacer is relajarse y ser habiertos a recibir

Like this post or comment to be added to the list or shoot me an email at

Para agregar su nombre a la lista dale me gusta a este post o manda un email a

I am very fortunate to be able serve the Source and totally enjoy the opportunity.

Soy muy afortunado de servir a La Luz Divina y disfruto estas oportunidades

Remember beyond all else that the effects come from you doing this for you. You are connecting with Source via You. So all the benefits should be honored from the Source as gift of harmony. Consider me as a witness at most :-)

Recuerden que mas alla de todo los efectos de esta transmission son debido a sus propios esfuerzos . Ustedes mismos se estan conectando con la fuente de esta energia , entonces todos los beneficios deben ser honrados como regalos de esta fuente como un regalo de harmonia . mi trabajo solo es de presenciar estos milagros.

Love you all, see you tonight.

los amo a todos , y los veo esta noche


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