It is time - Speak your voice, your choice

Submitted by SophiaLove on Thu, 06/07/2012 - 06:08


It is time now to speak what you stand for, what you believe in.  Today at noon, until Saturday at noon, a poll will be open.  This is what we have been waiting for.  Here is the link:…

Let's take the earth back.  This is a first step.  We can do it with love and trust, belief and power.  Our new world is here.  It promises to be amazing.  Nice job everyone, our combined efforts at love have created the possibility of a smooth, peaceful transition.

This is the highest and best outcome possible, and only beings such as you would have been able to pull this off.  Realize that there have been no predictions for this, this was created 100% by our combined love.

We are the ones we are waiting for.


Copyright and piracy.

Submitted by hilarionra on Wed, 06/06/2012 - 13:22


Copyright and piracy.


First off piracy supports where humanity and this planet is headed in the long run, the life where you don't have to pay to get music you desire to hear, and the artist making the music doesn't need to support capitalism or any other current societal standard from this and other nation's on this planet, in order to continue living and supporting themselves and family. The whole copyright law infringement war is full of beings who are pitching tents and throwing temper tantrums over the fact that that which they've put their whole being into , to support and attain their inner dreams.


Piracy goes against the grain of the greedy, selfish beings on this planet. You stating that you aren't greedy or selfish, how about you go give some inside information in regards to what you know about the corrupt , hypocritical beings working in the government. (right now it is absolutely impossible to go without the use of currency in order to continue living.)


Fran Zepeda ~ Sananda ~ May You Be a Kaleidoscope of Oneness ~ June 4, 2012

Submitted by franheal on Tue, 06/05/2012 - 00:03

Sananda ~ May You Be a Kaleidoscope of Oneness ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ June 4, 2012




No matter where you are in the energy spiral, you are all rising in frequency. The energy surge accompanying the present alignments now occurring will cause massive jumps in your consciousness. It is only necessary for you to open your hearts to a degree you have not yet attained, dear Ones. The energies will assist you; you must only allow the awakening to occur.


All across the universes a massive domino effect is occurring, and will continue to occur as you open and lead with your hearts. By now you are becoming quite adept at this and the question is only how much you desire to embrace the unprecedented surge of Light and Love energies being poured into your hearts as we speak.


Dear beloveds, these are your moments to surpass all expectation of your ability to absorb the maximum of Light particles ever absorbed. It is up to you; it is up to you to harness them and catapult them in the form of intention and visualization for what the New Earth would look like if it were as balanced and abundant as an array of colors representing every hue of the rainbow in complete radiant explosion.


You may have guessed it: You and each one of you and every Being of all the universes has the potential to light up like a firefly producing a kaleidoscope of radiant colors, each unique to each Being, but in totality producing such a beautiful combination, unique unto each part yet so balanced and synchronized in Wholeness.


It's show time, really.

Submitted by SophiaLove on Mon, 06/04/2012 - 09:11

Those of you, who’ve read my blog in the past, know I mostly focus on love.  Today, I will focus on what happens when you love yourself enough to believe you are worth something.  Today I would like to talk about power.


We are stepping into a sort of “suspended belief” system – a way of living in a world that is not quite the world we have expected.  This feels strange and yet we know that it is temporary.  It will change decidedly when we do something to make that happen, and not before.  It is, and has always been, up to us. 


This change is gradual, it cannot be sudden and dramatic; our ability to assimilate it demands that this be so.  We are unable to recognize and absorb radical, we are associative beings. The reason advertising and propaganda and the education system works so hard transmitting a message (conform, obey, work, defend, fear, etc.) to us over and over again is because they knew a long time ago the truth about us.  We will not need to be convinced that anything new is not true – we will disbelieve it all on our own.  We have learned to trust “authority” more than our own gut.


David Icke has said for a very long time than an army of enforcers has been created – each one of us is our own police force.  Fear will keep us quiet and distrusting of anyone who speaks out.  Fear will keep us obedient.


The true meaning of the enlightened life.

Submitted by hilarionra on Sun, 06/03/2012 - 16:13
The true meaning of the enlightened life.

There are misunderstanding’s in society in regards to what it means to live the enlightened life. One of them is the fact that communication isn’t necessary because when you’re enlightened, you see all as they are and have no questions about it, because you see yourself as you are and thus you know it all. You’re able to reveal all the secrets of the universe perfectly as they are. I’m not saying you aren’t able to relay certain details about what’s going on here and there, or able to simply just be the truth and tend to simple matters because you are. What I’m pointing at is the fact that those who identify with the unconscious reactive conditioned ego mind’s contradicting believing conflicted control mechanism have identify with it’s incessant need for internal dialogue which says “this is how an enlightened being is like”.


Due to this fact, they cannot see true reality. From this, they cannot see past it’s projections and they cannot see the truth that is living the enlightened life. Due to this, they genuinely test you to see just how enlightened you are in accordance to their scale of what it means to be enlightened. They also regurgitate as accurately as they can remember, that which you spoke. If that which you spoke, isn’t again aligned with the mind, then it’s not enlightened. Instead they speak of how mentally ill you are, and that you need help. This is because they have no understand in their awareness of what it means to truly live the enlightened life. They all want a free ride in life. They want you to give them ALL the answers to ALL life’s question’s because to them, that’s how an enlightened being is supposed to be.


This Power needs no force

Submitted by SophiaLove on Fri, 06/01/2012 - 07:09

It’s taken several days to get my heart around today’s message.  The hesitation springs from a reticence to force action.  Force is what has been typically used to accomplish any effort on this planet; with war, punishment, law, coercion and power.  Images of impending battle and rising up to conquer, reach deep within us and inspire.  A heroic victory led by one valiant leader – this is what movies are made of.


The Return of the Goddess yields no such images, yet this power is beyond anything we’ve seen thus far. This power needs no such force; it is your very essence.  You’ve been lied to.


Love has been purposely downplayed.  This is like the story of the Animal School: . In this school there were no leaders, no stars, and no extraordinary animals.  This was because they were all tested in the same manner and their scores averaged or “normed”.  There was a swimming test, a flying test, a running test, etc.  The birds aced the flying test by failed all the others, the fish excelled at swimming and the rabbit at running.  Each animal went home believing fully in their mediocrity, when in fact they were all stars.


We are about to finally realize our own brilliance.  Man or woman, our true strength cannot be separated from the love that we are.  Our greatest moments come quietly and are experienced deeply.


In order for balance to be reached there must be an equal and opposing force to what is now here.  This planet has been ruled these many years by powerful masculine energy.  This is the energy of facts and figures; single and divisive, controlling and owning.  What is needed now is love.


to readers of this blog......

Submitted by hilarionra on Thu, 05/31/2012 - 19:39

self discipline = genuine inquiry into that which motivates you to make the choices you make everyday throughout the day.To actively and consistently inquiry into that which brings up feelings that you know the ego would rather not encounter. from this you align from your emotional ego centered body to your heart = soul and the more unconditionally willing you are to remain open to learn from your experience the more rooted in love you become , it is in this continual rooting of love that you integrate the absolute fearless logical heart focused being that you are = all and through this awareness you live a life that is ruthlessly compassionately in love with the truth of yourself += all that is. its a never ending process of being the love you are and making choices that benefit not only you but the all simultaneously constantly forever.

The questioning nature of the self and the non questioning nature of the ego mind

Submitted by hilarionra on Wed, 05/30/2012 - 19:17

The questioning nature of the self goes against the ego, the mind, the conditioned state that the ego mind is. Those who identify with the conditioned ego mind, are all over planet earth = heart. They can be seen going through many varying experiences. Gay's,bisexuals, beings with sex changes, excessive eaters, sleeping too much, any activity that's experienced “too much”. This isn't saying that beings who fast, sleep a lot , or don't get any, or eat a lot (kriya yoga), or have sex or no sexual intercourse, are identifying with their ego mind. That's a common misunderstanding on this planet.

Beings who claim to be gay, bisexual, or have had or are planning to have a sex change, will claim that there is nothing wrong with being this way. Same with over-eaters, smokers, sleepers ,drug users,non drug users. Use your own individual ability to seek the truth and discover what it is I am pointing at here. These beings who claim to be in the right, are wrong. They will fight you over this, so look out. Same with beings who claim to know what love is. They get upset with you at the fact that you say that they do not know what true love is, same with the true meaning of what true intimacy is,ethical living, and family oriented living is.

This also goes for beings who go for being violent towards another being, no matter what kind of violent behavior it is, violence is still violence. I'm not saying to watch a violent program, by all means go ahead, but the key here is learning about all the variations that violence can come in. When you go over the line from being loving, to being vicious. This also goes for beings who claim to not care at all

about how it looks, the way they come across, their lifestyle choices. They say they do not care, yet all of their actions show otherwise about this statement. Every one of them has a chip on their shoulder.

Seen unseen seen unseen seen.....

Submitted by hilarionra on Wed, 05/30/2012 - 19:16

At home, you have a responsibility to yourself, to take care of all that takes care of your living space.

Clean/organize all dish(es), bathroom(s),shower,all floors,counter tops, sinks, cabinets, fridge(s),clothing,shelves,desks,trash,

All assesories, including all technological items,furniture, bed(under and around), cosmetics,closet(s),all area's outside the living space.This includes the lawn, the driveway, the backyard, the garage, the vehicle of transportation(s). To organize all of this, top to bottom, not

OCD style – that's insanity. Just keep it all in its proper place when it needs to be put back, keep it all organized and clean, not overly sterile like youre boy in a bubble, that again is insanity.

Cooking food = clean hands, clean dishes and silverware. The food itself whether its organic or fast food or a mixture of the two doesn't matter, so don't go all insane in your attempt to find the purest healthiest food on the planet and keep the pattern going, that would be insane.

Water = yes drink the best water you can get your hands on, but if you cannot, drink away. Drinking too much water = insane, same with food, and all over activities.

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