The Circle of Life

Submitted by SophiaLove on Wed, 05/30/2012 - 08:24

We have come from so very far to arrive at this place of peace.  This is what I am internally experiencing just now – a sense of peace.  Our world is running a muck according to established mainstream news sources.  Some of that is seeping into the everyday, as our own bank may be implicated in scandal as well as our government.


Yet through all this there remains a sense of calm.  It is a beautiful day.  A nest full of baby birds cheep to be fed while their parents swoop in again and again to nourish them.  The sun shines, the breeze blows, gently pushing the newly planted flowers back and forth.  Life is abundant.  I am internally happy, with no discernible reason in practical, 3D terms.


This is the next dimension.  As you walk into your powers of intentional creation, you experience untold joy and personal fulfillment.  There is no one necessary to rank your progress or determine your success.  All of your life is self determined.  You are who you intend to be, have what you intend to enjoy and do what you plan to do. There are surprises, as your world is full of a wonderful mix of “others” – souls who have a part to play in this show will engage you and have an impact.  All of this by your own design.


Make no mistake; this Ascension process is yours alone - in concert with mine and everyone else’s. The unity that we are coming to understand and experience means we are made of the same stuff – like fingers on a hand – yet each with a unique perspective and part to play.


Fran Zepeda ~ Sananda ~ Your New-Found Freedom ~ May 27, 2012

Submitted by franheal on Sun, 05/27/2012 - 21:04

Sananda ~ Your New-Found Freedom ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ 5.27.12



Greetings, fellow travelers into the 5th Dimension and beyond! All is well. Your progress has been outstanding, and astounding to some, we know.


Behold the changes. Be with them, cherish them, allow yourselves to adjust to them, and revel in them! A new dawn is approaching and you have begun an unprecedented time, dear ones.


Your loving Gaia thanks you for your assistance so far and she enfolds you in the Love you so freely are giving Her. Be prepared for even more changes as you settle into the present upliftment.


This is a time of many new concepts and meanings that are entering your consciousness now. Take some time to decipher and grasp the many changes to your understanding of the World as you once saw it and comprehended it. Expand your mind now to encompass fragile and subtle precepts that are now entering your consciousness with ever-increasing clarity and understanding.


You are remembering, you are assimilating, and you are forging new pathways to greater awareness, dear ones. Please take time to discern and assimilate and solidify these memories of your new existence.

Ascension is not for sissies

Submitted by SophiaLove on Thu, 05/24/2012 - 23:28

This stage of the journey is interesting – most people are terrified, lost or tired of the wait.  Each of these emotions is about separation – not unity.  If you are fearful, there is some “other” who you have given your power over to.  If you are lost, you are imagining there is a right or a wrong way to proceed.  If you are waiting then you have somehow decided that your actions will be set into motion once someone else does something first.


There is no one else.  We are one.  Ascension is now and it is not for sissies.  It is for you.


I am and have been all of these things (terrified, lost and tired), depending on the day or event.  I have taken a step back from this blog because frankly, I need to stop relentlessly checking for the “green light” or latest arrest or most recent spaceship sighting.  I need to go within, for here is where I find the truth about ascension.  The only one I can do anything about is me.  I am not in charge of the world’s ascension; I am in charge of my own.


So I’ve taken a journey within and found the little girl who began this journey – she was brave and chubby, quiet and smart, obedient and perpetually hopeful.  She knew that whatever she was going through was not the point.  She knew today would come and it would be worth it.  It is for that little girl, who had every reason to be afraid but wasn’t – that I will ascend with all of you.


I have taken her and held her close and watched her become me – felt her become me.  I love her absolutely, unconditionally and completely.  She was my missing piece.  I could not proceed down this road without her.  She is me, part of my dream, essential to this journey and the strength of my core.


There may be for you, a “little you”, an issue, a person, a chore, a body part, a

Fran Zepeda ~ Yeshua ~ You Are Love ~ May 22, 2012

Submitted by franheal on Tue, 05/22/2012 - 18:19





Greetings, Souls of the Earth, my beloved Lightworkers, and all of Creation!


There is much said about Love. Love is the highest vibration. It makes up everything, it is in everything, it is of everything.


You know this, but have you stopped to observe it in action in your World around you? It is in the beautiful song of the birds in your garden, and in the forest or woods where you walk and enjoy the beautiful offerings of Mother Earth. It is in the delicate petals of the fragrant flowers you so love to enjoy. It is in the beautiful sunsets all around your World.


Most of all, it is in you and it is of you and it is You. Love is You. It has never left, dear beloveds. It is being uncovered and discovered everywhere inside and around you. You know this, but do you take the time to feel it in your hearts constantly? Do you breathe it and stoke it like embers in a fire, and do you see how much the warmth can color your whole reality? Take the time now to breathe it and stoke it and spread it throughout your heart like a furnace ignited with all the good that is in you.


My dear friends, you have made so many changes in your World already. You feel it in your hearts, and in your bones and it is in the air around you, that magnificent yet sometimes subtle fragrance of change that some do not yet embrace with as much Grace as we see many of you doing. What a wonderful spectacle it is to see from our perspective!


No price for love

Submitted by marti on Tue, 05/22/2012 - 13:15

This is something I have recieved before but I think is timely.You probably have too ,as sometimes I need reminding I believe others do too or these kinds of messages would not be so commonplace.


Plant your feet on the floor

Submitted by SophiaLove on Tue, 05/22/2012 - 10:54

It is all about agape.  What happens when you are unconditionally self loving is that the world looks very different.  The world transforms.  It becomes a garden; at every turn, a new delight, a plaything, seen through eyes of love.


Ascension Road Takes us there.  We are your mirrors.  When you love yourself, you will look everywhere and see only love reflected.  That’s it, the answer, the keys to the kingdom.


I’ve been pretending when I am in a crowd or judgment rears its ugly head that I am looking at me; and me, and me and me… It changes things.  I feel more accepting and become more understanding.  Separation vanishes.


Unity is something we already know.  Our process now is to unlearn these habits of division and judgment and come from only love.  It is the answer to everything.


As we move through these next months, there will be a lot going on.  We will need a grounding point, a place to wake up to each day.  That place is your heart.


As you awaken, greet yourself with love – no judgments, this day has not yet begun.  Immerse yourself with adoration.  Find the place, you know its there, where YOU exist - the real you, the one who knows the truth- the one speaking beneath your daily masks. Then bask in love for this is your truth.  The divinity from which you spring is found in your very core.  This is the love that makes miracles.


Now plant your feet on the floor.  Smile. You are one step closer to the next dimension.  You are on solid ground.  Agape is the starting point, the ending point and the whole point.  Oneness is truth.  Your miracle has begun and it was started by you alone.


You are the one you are waiting for!


Lightworker 303: Beam Me Up – Begin Ship Assignments (“Operator, Initiate Docking Sequence” – Matrix Reloaded)

Submitted by JTariah on Mon, 05/21/2012 - 11:22

Lightworker 303: Beam Me Up – Begin Ship Assignments
(“Operator, Initiate Docking Sequence” – Matrix Reloaded)
by J’Tariah EnRa El of the Starship Phoenix

Trinity intones in Matrix Reloaded: “Something has been happening to those in the Matrix. They’ve been mutating, changing in ways the machines never predicted. [They] seem to have psychic powers.”

You believe you have already awakened. You are well on your way, yet you haven’t quite woken up fully to your intergalactic life. As you gradually escape the now-dissolving Matrix – your life will synthesize to a 5D through 12D reality – comprised of your entire multidimensional Self upon the ship you are assigned to.  Like Morpheus utters: "If you’re able to accomplish this mission, we’ll phase back into the ship. Stay in contact."

What you perceive as "reality" is a system of holographic projections, which have been mechanically droning on for eons. As Neo exclaims, "It’s not real... You’re not standing there. Step out. I can do it. You can, too." These holograms get temporarily interrupted every 26,000 years by Earth (Shan/Gaia) re-entering the Photon Belt. 

Lightworker 303: Beam Me Up – Begin Ship Assignments (“Operator, Initiate Docking Sequence” – Matrix Reloaded) by J’Tariah EnRa

Submitted by JTariah on Mon, 05/21/2012 - 11:10

Lightworker 303: Beam Me Up – Begin Ship Assignments
(“Operator, Initiate Docking Sequence” – Matrix Reloaded)
by J’Tariah EnRa El of the Starship Phoenix

Trinity intones in Matrix Reloaded: “Something has been happening to those in the Matrix. They’ve been mutating, changing in ways the machines never predicted. [They] seem to have psychic powers.”

You believe you have already awakened. You are well on your way, yet you haven’t quite woken up fully to your intergalactic life. As you gradually escape the now-dissolving Matrix – your life will synthesize to a 5D through 12D reality – comprised of your entire multidimensional Self upon the ship you are assigned to.  Like Morpheus utters: "If you’re able to accomplish this mission, we’ll phase back into the ship. Stay in contact."

What you perceive as "reality" is a system of holographic projections, which have been mechanically droning on for eons. As Neo exclaims, "It’s not real... You’re not standing there. Step out. I can do it. You can, too." These holograms get temporarily interrupted every 26,000 years by Earth (Shan/Gaia) re-entering the Photon Belt. 

This is not a fairy tale...

Submitted by SophiaLove on Mon, 05/21/2012 - 09:17

We have begun the climb.  We are ascending.  A journey requires action, movement and a plan.  We are intentionally moving to another level of being.  This has not been done before.


This is not being given to you.  This is something you are doing. Do you understand the difference?  You would not be here if you had not completed a great deal of hard work.


Your progress is not measured by how many hearts you share in comments or the number of meditations you do for peace.  Your progress is measured by you alone.  It is time to put your game face on.


You now know some of what you’ve been dealing with.  Physical and non-physical, these others have been living off of your negative energy and oppression.  You’ve stated definitively it is time for them to go.  They may have heard you, but they are not gone.  There is much at stake. We cannot let up.


Ascension is a personal process.  It is all and only about you.  You will determine how this works.  It is not a given, it is a choice.


Your habits are what is holding you back now; habits of distraction, inaction, settling, resignation and depression.  Happiness is a decision, not a gift.  Joyful is something that you are.  It is not something that you are given.


When we are joyful and positive regardless of what swirls around us – we will have moved beyond density.  The dark cannot sustain its shadow in a field of light.  We are that field.


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