
Receiving Your Star Glyph - Lord of the Great Bear Star System

Submitted by WTC Mel and Mike on Mon, 04/22/2013 - 16:27

Lord of the Great Bear Star System - April 15th, 2013


Clarion Temple of Oneness Transcript, Dated April 15th, 2013.    To receive the transcription from Divine Mother and Father God see,; to purchase the MP3 Download or participate in the live calls, see  This transcript is directly related to the Meteor Show of Love that is appearing around the world on April 22nd, 2013.  There is a powerful activation occurring within our planet starting on this date.  So take a moment to reflect whether you see the meteor shower or not.  Blessings, Mel and Mike.


My Dearest Ones, what a divine pleasure to be here with each of you.  I encompass the dimensional frequencies of the higher realms of your stars of the inter-planets and all the inner galactic of the Christed universes.  We come tonight as the Divine Pleasure to be able to share with you our Light in this manner through a voice this is very exciting for each of us.  I have with me Beings from the Andromedeans, Beings from the Sirians, Beings from Arcturus and Pleiades and many others you may see.  There are many different species here that fill the stage; and we arise your energies and our friends are in the Temple amongst each of you which is the beauty of our energies.

Thoughts and Meditation - Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri

Submitted by will on Thu, 04/11/2013 - 08:24

Thoughts  and  Meditation

Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri
April 10, 2013

© John Graf "Joy"


“Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.”    

                              The Golden Rule

Every day, start your life in peace and joy. Come from spaces within your heart, so that each day you have an inner place of calm and centeredness. Help Gaia: take part daily in sending her prayers and much Healing Energy. She has been suffering for millennia at the hands of unconscious humans and dark forces. Now, it is our sacred responsibility to help her. In fact, it always has been our responsibility. Think before you act. What can we each do better? What can we choose to do to help?

Spiritual Reality Power Of Meditation

Submitted by Nick on Fri, 03/22/2013 - 09:51



Not breaking news for most members of the GFP, however, to a newly awakened being=soul this video is a must see and provides important information about meditation and the many benefits meditation brings. Topics include; cosmic energies, opening 3rd eye, healing, astral travel & expanded consciousness to name but a few.





Working through Fear

Submitted by yourgypsysoul on Fri, 03/15/2013 - 07:54

I have been sick for almost a week. Today is the first day that I am feeling good. I feel a million times better than I have in a week, but I still only feel about 60% healthy. I missed a lot of work and I have to be okay with that. I can't change it now, and I hope to be out of this job before the middle of the year anyhow. I just have to be patient.

I was supposed to go to the doctor yesterday. I did not. I don't like doctors and they probably would have just given me a prescription for anti-biotics that I'm not sure if I would have been able to take, due to my beliefs. I am glad that I didn't go.As I thought, this wasn't a "physical" illness at all. It was a metaphysical one.

I would imagine it all started with my last meeting with my boss. One of the last questions she asked me was if I liked what I was doing. Of course, the first thing that popped into my head was "NOO!!!!". I wasn't brave enough to say that, though. I said yes, and immediately looked at the floor.

I have always had problems with my throat. I had a cyst when I was in high school that I had to have surgery to get it removed. For as long as I can remember, I would get terrible sore throats 2 - 3 times a year. Always, I'd go to the doctor. They'd tell me "that's about the worst sore throat I've seen in a while." Always, the strep and mono tests would come back negative. I'd be given a prescription for anti-biotics and be on my way. Never was it, what could be causing this. Why are you getting these sore throats so frequently. Now I know, of course, that I have problems expressing myself and speaking my truth.

I don't want to, but I have to.

Submitted by yourgypsysoul on Thu, 01/17/2013 - 12:58

I don't know what I'm writing when I start this. It has something to do with my heart feeling cold, though.


There's a positive and negative to everything. I haven't been meditating daily, like I know I should. I'm recogizing the differences now. Postive and negative. Dark and light.


When I don't meditate, I'm cold. I know I'm cold. My heart is cold and mine and that's it. I recogize others, but I don't really seeeeee them.


When I do meditate I am warm. I am kind. I am compassionate. I am miserable.




You heard me, I am miserable.


That doesn't make sense.


When I do meditate, I am giggly and I am nice and I am warm, I am so warm. My heart is warm and soft. I wake up in the mornings and cry and cry and cry. I don't want to keep living in this 3D world. The thought of getting out of bed, and going out in 3D rattles me.


So when I don't meditate. I still smile. I'm still kind, but I am hard and cold.


It's not something I think that others notice the way I do. They still see the smile, they still get treated kindly. But not as kindly as they could.


I don't want to venture into that 3D world, but I have to.


When I don't meditate, I can get by. I don't have an aching feeling in my heart, a longing for something better.


What's worse? I'll tell you.

When I don't meditate, there's nothing pushing me. I'm "content", for lack of a better word. I don't realize that aching and longing, it's hidden inside of me. Buried in the layers of density from 3D living to keep it hiding from me, so it's not there to give me that motivation.


I don't want to go out in the 3D world, but I have to. I have to because someday, I won't have to.


Does that make sense?



Happy 2013!

Submitted by yourgypsysoul on Tue, 01/01/2013 - 18:37

Hello friends, and Happy 2013! It’s going to be a great year, I can feel it. I don’t have any resolutions, per-say, but I do have some self-improvements. I tend to try and change too much at at a time, so I am trying to take it easy (it’s not going very well.) But here are a few items I’d like to try for the new year:

- In bed by 10:00 and up by 6:00 every day
- Meditate daily
- do my lessons each day

Not to mention my HUGE goal of getting out of the corporate workplace and starting my own holistic business. With that in mind, I’ve set up a donation page. There, you can find more about what I’d like to do and how you can help. As a thank-you I will add you to my Reiki Blessing list.

One thing I’d like to do more of in the new year is get in touch with my God-Self. So it was just my luck that I was inspired by my Higher Self to do a daily affirmation practice. I plan on meditating with the affirmation for 15 minutes each day. I probably won’t make a post about it each day, unless something profound happens. But I will do a weekly post about it. Mostly likely on Tuesdays, since that is what today is! Some weeks I may even get ambitious and make a video post, holy cow!

I’m guided to start with an affirmation to accept myself just how I am, part of which was quoted by Shakti Gawain and pulled from the Jan/Feb 2013 issue of Spirituality & Health -

I am worthy of love from myself and from Spirit. I can call on Spirit anytime I need or want extra clarity, wisdom, knowledge, support, creative inspiration, love or companionship.”

Love & Light and Blessings for a wonderful 2013.

New Earth Meditation from Sananda (Jesus the Christ Ascended) -- Print Out and Say Out Loud Throughout the Next Days

Submitted by JTariah on Sun, 12/30/2012 - 14:26

New Earth Meditation

Print Out and Say Out Loud Throughout the Next Days
Sananda (Lord Jesus the Christ Ascended)

Channeled Through Janisel of Sananda's Eagles

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