MELCHIZEDEK ~ March 2011

Submitted by Madelaine on Tue, 03/22/2011 - 16:21
Channeler: Marlene Swetlishoff

Melchizedek 2011

March 22-29

Beloved Ones,

The times that are upon you have been prophesized for many centuries, however, the truth of it is that the Earth is transitioning into a higher octave of expression and so, many changes are taking place upon and within Her, both known and unknown to you. This will continue and cannot be halted, but this process can be enormously supported by the Love of your hearts being sent out to the Earth each day. As we have said many times before, Love IS the greatest force of all—let it now prevail.

HILARION ~ Beloved Ones,

Submitted by Madelaine on Sun, 03/13/2011 - 14:06

March 13-20, 2011


Beloved Ones,

We ask that you continue your invocations on behalf of the people of Japan on a daily basis as we do require your requests each day to continue in a more tangible way. This we are doing as you call upon us and much is being done to give assistance on the etheric levels. Many are being found that would not have been otherwise.

The World continues to move into the New Earth Reality with each wave of energy that moves upon the surface. Your news media has now been publicizing the fact that each earthquake and tsunami that has occurred recently has been shifting the Earth’s axis by degrees. The World is being nudged slowly and as carefully as possible into her new position in the Heavens in alignment with Galactic center. This is an incredible feat that is unfolding before your very eyes.

Hold fast to your intentions and beliefs in the emergence of a better World and a better way, for as you do this, Dear Ones, it is created and manifested. If you find yourselves reeling from the changes taking place all around you, go within and reconnect with your Higher Self. You are all being guided and are in the correct places for you to be in these most crucial times. Know that you are always guided and protected in all your activities, even those that take you away from your home. You never walk alone.


Submitted by Madelaine on Sun, 03/06/2011 - 06:57

March 6-13, 2011



Beloved Ones,

There will be a greater influx of Cosmic energies flowing and spiraling down into the atmosphere of the Earth in the coming week or two and as these energies begin to assimilate within the auric fields of Humanity, there will be a period of adjustment to these higher frequencies within Humanity. This will take many forms in outer expression in the coming months as these energies begin to create changes in perception, attitudes and thoughts and many limiting concepts will simply fall away as though they never existed. Much will begin to change in the way Humanity interacts with each other and there will be a greater harmony and cooperation between all peoples as the Earth moves into a greater vibratory rate.


Submitted by Madelaine on Fri, 03/04/2011 - 06:16
Channeler: Marlene Swetlishoff


March 3-10, 2011

Beloved Ones,

In my discourse for this week, I wish to speak to you about the quality of Love called ‘acceptance’. Many times things will happen in your lives that seem to come out of the blue, as it were, and these events can leave you feeling as though your sense of the Divine order of things has been disrupted, leaving a energy of chaos instead. It is at this time that the quality of ‘acceptance’ of what is can come forth to enable you to deal with the situation.

MELCHIZEDEK ~ March 2011

Submitted by Madelaine on Tue, 03/01/2011 - 07:45
Channeler: Marlene Swetlishoff

March 1-7, 2011
Arise, Beloved Lightworkers!

The glory of your true Light is beginning to shine through your physical vehicles and is readily discerned by those who have ‘the sight’. Continue your practice of visualizing your etheric body which surrounds your physical body radiant with the pure Golden White Light of the Christ. This practice is very powerful in helping to bring in greater Light into your body and into your home and World.

HILARION ~ Beloved Lightworkers,

Submitted by Madelaine on Sun, 02/27/2011 - 06:26

February 27- March 5, 2011


Beloved Lightworkers,

This new week will be seeing each of you completing many projects and issues that have kept you engrossed for many months. You have been passing through many challenging situations that have brought out the very best within yourselves and those with whom you have been working with on these issues. Each challenge between people is bringing forth the higher outcomes that you have all desired, rather than a breaking away from each other. This is a very encouraging sign of the greater good to come.

There will be a greater outpouring of intense energies towards the end of the week and these will express as frequent emotional expressions as their impact reaches the Earth. For those who have done the internal work, these will probably translate into strong creative impulses that will see you working on your innate talents such as art, writing, sculpting, cooking, knitting and so on, whatever gives you joy. For those who are just Awakening or who have not, it will be more challenging in terms of maintaining emotional calm and poise.

ST.GERMAIN ~ Love is the Answer

Submitted by Madelaine on Fri, 02/25/2011 - 11:35
Channeler: Marlene Swetlishoff

February 22, 2011

St. Germain: Love is the Answer

Beloved Lightworkers,

I come to thank you all for keeping the sacred fires of transmutation and transformation burning steadily through your work upon the Earth plane. We are poised on the verge of tremendous inner changes, that will be occurring within the hearts and minds of Humanity. As this takes place, be aware that there will also be a lot of cleansing occurring within their Beings on all levels, as it has done with you previously so shall it be with the Awakening Ones. We ask that you practice patience, loving kindness and send your healing energy to those that you see need it.

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