Triple Water Astrology

Triple Water Astrology – The Anaretic Degree! Sun in Taurus 2016 newsletter

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 04/21/2016 - 20:20

Another zodiacal month begins! The earthy, fixed energy of Sun manifesting in Venus’ first sign, Taurus, is now in force. The ingress chart is most fascinating, with an earthy grand trine among its characteristics. Mercury (commerce), Jupiter (expansion), and Pluto (power) interacting among each other in a harmonious, closed pattern is an opportunity not to be missed this month. The solid earthy grand trine contains possibilities for attaining material stability and increasing wealth, inter alia. If North Node is included in the pattern, the pattern becomes a double earthy grand trine. With North Node included in the grand trine, forming alliances for future benefit becomes an added feature of it. Sun also forms an opposition to Apollon (Transneptunian) in the ingress chart, adding to the appealing ‘material increase’ theme.

Triple Water Astrology – The Critical Degree! Weekly Horoscope – Week Starting Friday, March 11, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 03/10/2016 - 18:50

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Hi everyone…this will be my last weekly horoscope, at least for now. As Sun transits close to the end of Pisces on March 17, he will not only be conjunct my natal Moon – within a degree – at the end of the day, but transiting Moon will be exactly conjunct my natal Sun, and ascendant will be in early Scorpio, which is my natal ascendant placement. The planets are not there to tell a person what to do, but it seems to be a strong signal to end the weekly horoscopes at this time, and initiate a project that I’ve been thinking about for a while. With Sun about to enter Aries and a new zodiacal year imminent, I will revert to writing my first book rather than using the time each week to write the horoscope. I hope you enjoyed reading the weekly horoscope as much as I enjoyed writing it (not to sound hackneyed). I wish all of you the best in your endeavors, and implore you to keep the power of astrology in mind as you consider how to maximize your potential in life, and choose how to most productively benefit from handling inevitable challenges. Also, most certainly, look to the stars to intuit how to experience the better things in life. Keep…looking…up!

Triple Water Astrology – The Critical Degree! Weekly Horoscope – Week Starting Friday, March 4, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 03/03/2016 - 19:42

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Mars and Mercury form a tight square in the anaretic degrees of each of their signs, to start off another week of Sun in Pisces. What a fascinating square, with both planets in the signs of their overtones – Mars in his overlord’s, Pluto’s, sign, Scorpio, and Mercury in his tutor’s sign, Aquarius. The tense aspect between the two persists throughout the week, but the nature of the clash changes drastically, with both entering new signs on March 5. Mars will have plenty of fire and zest in Jupiter’s sign, Sagittarius; and Mercury will become very watery and intuitive in the Pisces sign. Determined effort to apply both energy and thought to activities and projects that create productive change quickly melds into working to actively adapt to various circumstances and logically intuit the best path forward in order to successfully achieve objectives.

Triple Water Astrology – The Critical Degree! Weekly Horoscope – Week Starting Friday, February 26, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 02/25/2016 - 20:04

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Sun, transiting through the last sign of the zodiac this week, has a demanding road ahead over the next seven days. No doubt that Neptune in his dominion, Pisces, in the heart of the Sun, on February 28, is a major event. Neptune exactly conjunct the Sun allows Neptune’s qualities to shine brightly and in unity with transiting Sun’s consciousness. The heights of bliss, connection with a greater collective, imagination, and watery visions and intuition will be emanating from the core of the solar system at mid-week. Sun more strongly connecting with the Jupiter-Saturn square this week is also of great interest, with Neptune helping to form a double mutable t-square. Consciously melding creative qualities with adaptability, in order to work towards a persistent, disciplined expansion of interests, may not immediately pay off, but the double t-square has the sense of planting seeds that will one day emerge from the soil and become towering trees. Dream big, and then make your objective to relentlessly manifest what you want!

Triple Water Astrology – The Critical Degree! Weekly Horoscope – Week Starting Friday, February 19, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 02/18/2016 - 17:42

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As Mars draws nearer to the end of Scorpio this week, Sun enters Pisces, and Mercury and Venus reside in early degrees of Aquarius. Mercury sprints forward in his tutor’s (Uranus’) sign, and helps form a yod with his intellectual overseer that points to Jupiter. Logical thought, connected with flashes of insight, points to Jupiter’s wisdom, abundance, and optimism. Thus using the mind in an effort to connect with Jupiter’s qualities can be particularly effective in work (the Virgo influence) and in looking forward to the future (the influence of North Node, conjunct Jupiter). The outlet of the yod, roughly speaking, is Chiron in Pisces. Sun conjunct Neptune this week emphasizes “conscious spirituality” and Chiron’s influence via the yod at the end of the week is encouraging for assimilating past experiences in order to create a perspective of one’s own individual spirituality.

Triple Water Astrology – The Critical Degree! Weekly Horoscope – Week Starting Friday, February 12, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 02/11/2016 - 22:10

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Aquarius Sun will be hovering on the Aquarius/Pisces cusp at the very end of this week. Mercury enters the Aquarius sign early in the week, and Venus pursues Mercury all week and joins him and Sun in Uranus’ sign closer to the week’s end. Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune each continue creaking either forwards or backwards in their current signs, and this week the trio begins to form a vague t-square in mutable signs pointing to Saturn. Jupiter’s expansive qualities clash with Saturn’s nature to restrict; and Neptune, in his home sign, begins to influence Jupiter and Saturn’s “controlled expansion” theme. While the strong Neptune dominates the pattern, Saturn is emphasized: using discipline and responding well to structure introduces the possibility of using creativity and imagination in order to utilize the power of the Jupiter-Saturn square. Most certainly, effort must be made to implement the powerful theme, but the t-square also suggests that the greatest potential gains can be realized from doing the necessary work. In addition to the creative element emerging, the pattern suggests that adapting in various ways to difficulties, and finding alternative methods to approaching a problem, in order to attain a solution, is integral to the symbolism of the mutable t-square.

Triple Water Astrology – The Critical Degree! Weekly Horoscope – Week Starting Friday, February 5, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 02/04/2016 - 19:16

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The week begins with a four-planet stellium in the Capricorn sign, containing Moon, Pluto, Venus, and Mercury. The planetary quadruplet in Saturn’s sign forms trines with Jupiter in Virgo on February 5 and 6. As Saturn slowly drifts through the middle of Jupiter’s sign, attention is called to Saturn due to his residence in the fiery, mutable Sagittarius sign, his square to Jupiter, and the four planets in the dour titan’s earthy sign at the beginning of the week forming a harmonious link to the enervated Jupiter, in classical detriment and retrograde. Jupiter and Saturn, continuing to slowly form a stronger square aspect, embody the long-standing “controlled expansion” theme in the heavens. Those willing to give the necessary effort might realize substantial gains, albeit gains hard won and slow to materialize. Then again, creating solid foundations and exhibiting patience has potential to turn the smallest amounts into massive volumes (the fable of the king granting a wish to consecutively double one grain on a chess board every day, for sixty-four days, soon regretted his promise! And the square this week is reasonably analogous of this concept).

Triple Water Astrology – The Critical Degree! Weekly Horoscope – Week Starting Friday, January 29, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 01/29/2016 - 09:40

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Mercury finishes his station in mid-Capricorn at the beginning of this week, and resumes his sprint forward in Saturn’s sign. While the planets remain steadfast in the same signs throughout the week, with the exception of the Moon, of great interest, two cliques among the planets, points, and objects form with opportunities inherent for those who align well with their energies. The earthy signs have quite a representation with Jupiter and North Node exactly conjunct in the Virgo sign, and additionally three planets in Capricorn (Mercury, Pluto, and later in the week, Venus) forming trines to Jupiter and Moon’s Node. Pluto’s “structured power” characteristic in Capricorn, well suited for career and work activity, acts with Mercury, the planet of commerce, and Venus, the planet of cooperation. Thus teamwork and collaborative efforts in work are of emphasis this week, and magnified by a smooth connection to Jupiter. North Node continues to act as a reminder to anticipate the future and tenaciously pursue goals, particularly in work and other earthy endeavors.

Triple Water Astrology – The Critical Degree! Weekly Horoscope – Week Starting Friday, January 22, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 01/22/2016 - 12:48

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Mercury screeches to a halt in mid-Capricorn in the middle of this week, just after he has moved backwards over Pluto. Based on Mercury stationing and needing time to rev up again, he will linger just behind Pluto all week. Mercury closely conjunct Pluto for a significant amount of time, and with the pair additionally trining Jupiter in earth signs, certainly has implications. Thought and communication, manifested in a concrete, structured manner, and moving back to a more usual mode of expression, has direct access to raw power and sharp perspectives, and a harmonious link to Jupiter’s optimism and expansive qualities. Life regains a more familiar feel, in use of logic, networking, commerce, and other domains of Mercury. Given the earthy influences in the transits as Mercury goes direct, moving ahead with projects at work and initiating activity in career, after retrograde Mercury’s assessment and evaluation period, allows them to progress with greater force and clarity.

Triple Water Astrology – The Anaretic Degree! Sun in Aquarius 2016 newsletter

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 01/18/2016 - 18:58

Hello and welcome to Sun enters Aquarius in 2016! The eight hypothetical Transneptunians are quite active in the January 20 ingress chart. Most noteworthy is the spectacular watery grand trine formed by Kronos (Transneptunian) at 8 Cancer, with Mars in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces. The distant Kronos forms a flowing circuit of watery energy with a strong Mars and a -strong Neptune. Kronos’ symbolism consists of highest authority, pinnacle of achievement, specialization, and upper echelons of set structures, such as within a business or the government. The grand trine seems to symbolize the Trump phenomenon. Beneath the surface anger (Mars in Scorpio) with entrenched, out of touch institutions (Neptune in Pisces) propelling a populist, raucous U.S. billionaire (Kronos in Cancer) towards the Presidency. I have stated early on that Trump’s charts are very good for his election chances, for those who enjoy political astrology. More personally, you may find that the watery grand trine gives you a boost at the beginning of the month, through fixed determination and inspiration leading to new levels of achievement. (Using ingenuity, technology, new ideas, and large volumes of knowledge complement the watery grand trine well – and who could be better suited than Sun entering the water bearer’s sign to complement the manifestation of the grand trine?) The watery pattern is well attuned to spiritual leaders showing influence, so perhaps we’ll hear from Pope Francis or other religious leaders of repute around the time of the Sun’s ingress on January 20.

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