conscious evolution

Mythology's Guide to Ascension

Submitted by drmoe on Thu, 01/23/2014 - 09:16

The Voice - A Mythological Guide to Mankind's Ascension
Maurice Turmel PhD


Now available for Free Preview on Goodreads until February 10, 2014:


(Excerpted from Foreword)

    What is this book about?  A group of souls, as physical individuals, come together to learn lessons about life, love and purpose.  They have chosen to do so.  These individuals are set to go through an ascension training program, during which they grow individually and together as an extended family of sorts.  They challenge and support each other through their training process in anticipation of a greater purpose which they had all agreed upon, prior to incarnating.

    In The Voice our characters learn that the human individual’s common enemy is fear.  Fear is the greatest detractor to growth.  It causes humans to retreat.  These characters go through a cleansing process so they can heal all the remaining impediments to their growth by dealing with that fear in all of its forms.  They have chosen to evolve to their full potential and they have chosen this particular set of circumstances in which to do so.

    How was this book written?  As mentioned above, The Voice wrote this book through me.  As my higher self, God speaks through me whenever I open myself and access that part of me which is Source.  The Voice lives inside all of us and is able to surface as we embrace our self and our soul.  The Great Creator is waiting for us to choose our moment of opening and make our individual connection.   

Abandonment - Our Key Psychological Trauma

Submitted by drmoe on Mon, 11/26/2012 - 12:38


Our Key Psychological Trauma - Feeling Separated from Source

Maurice Turmel PhD



I came to this earth a long time ago to learn about matter and to immerse myself in this grand experiment called Earth Life in the 3rd dimension.  I was asked by my guides if I was prepared to do this and of course, I said Yes.


Lately I’ve been feeling shaken to my very core.  The root of my psychological distress has been identified as “abandonment”, separation from the Source of my life.  I know this to be true because I can feel it right down to my bones.


I never realized how important this was until recently when I relived the whole affair through feelings of abandonment vis a vis my parents in this lifetime.  That image of the moment it occurred burns clearly in my psyche.  I was 4 years old, out on the street in front of our apartment building.  A bully had come up to me and threatened me.  I turned around and looked up at our second story apartment window and saw my parents staring down at me, as if to see “what is he going to do?”


Conscious Evolution - Preparing for Ascension 2012: Chapter 14 - Coming Home

Submitted by drmoe on Tue, 11/13/2012 - 08:37



What is it about touch that delivers us to Love? We know when we’re being softly touched that it indeed feels good.  A warm caress, a gentle stroke, they serve to awaken us to that Divine presence. It is this Divine presence which inhabits us all and to which we are awakening.


We believe that we are different from the Divine.  Knowing that our lives are interconnected with the Divine and with each other, we begin to open ourselves to receiving without question or justification.  To be touched by another not only feels good, but unlocks the door to our deservedness and our inner self.


 When did we come to that juncture in our lives where we stopped receiving, as if to say “I don’t really need that anymore”?  We all need physical contact.  We are visceral.  We feel.  We respond to a welcome touch with surrender.  We recoil when blows are struck.  We surrender when caresses make their way across our body.


It is sad to hear an adult say “I don’t need it” when touch becomes unavailable.  We are concerned with appearances here, not wanting to appear needy.  In receipt of touch we fear appearing weak, especially to ourselves.

How to De-Hypnotize a Chicken and Break Free of Cabal Control

Submitted by drmoe on Sat, 11/10/2012 - 16:35

How to De-Hypnotize a Chicken and Break Free of Cabal Control

Maurice Turmel PhD - "Dr Moe"


Here I am at 7am in the morning, wide awake, waiting for the other shoe to drop.  I’ve opened myself up to everything and a part of me is definitely scared.  I have to trust now.  I have to trust that the world out there is a reflection of the new world I now hold inside.


I have surrendered! I have let go! I know I can’t control anymore so I’ve let go of everything I once believed was important.  I trust my Self now, and I’m going with the flow, surrendering, letting go.


It’s all I can do.  I’ve rooted out the core of that pain cycle I was in for over 60 years, that primal wound I suffered in childhood and all those defenses that came later as I tried to survive with that open rift that took root inside of me and that I worked so hard to try and deny.


I’ve asked for help, from Source, from family, from my Higher Self, from every Galactic in the neighborhood so I can deal with all immediate problems that have queued up for consideration since I let myself know that I’m open for business- the God business – the business of rectifying my Heart Center as the True North of my being.


Conscious Evolution - Preparing for Ascension 2012: Chapter 13 - The New World

Submitted by drmoe on Fri, 11/09/2012 - 09:45



          What are we to make of our adventures when God steps in to help us along?  “A friend in need is a friend indeed”.  When we are alone we can imagine all kinds of disasters and scare ourselves into paralysis.  This is of no value to anyone.  Unable to move, we may never strike out to discover what could be ours.


        The universe holds numerous opportunities that break from our conventional mold.  Companions come and go.  They each bring something to the relationship, a bit of whimsy, a bowl of flowers, a simple gesture of approval or a kind act.  Each such act and person asserts that we are not alone and that there’s plenty of support for all.


       So why do we insist that we have to do it alone?  It’s not possible.  No one gets through life alone.  We are certainly all influenced by each other and supported in some measure.  “Bring two or three together”, God might say, “and watch them unfold graciously. Bring Me one who feels they are alone and I will show you a sad and lonely heart.”

Obama's Victory is a Victory for the Light

Submitted by drmoe on Wed, 11/07/2012 - 07:39

Obama's re-election is a clear win for the Light. All our channeling resources here at the Galactic Free Press have said so, and if you're like me this morning, you Feel It in your bones and Know It to be True.


There is no doubt in my mind that the Shift has taken place, that we've crossed over the hump. 1) Obama gets re-elected in one of the most hotly contested races in American and World History; 2) two states pass propositions to legalize Marijuana; 3) another state joins the chorus of recognizing gays and legalizes same sex marriage; 4) a proposition opposing a new bridge between Canada and Michigan gets defeated clearing the way for better trade between our (I'm a Canadian) nations.


What this all means to me is A Sound Defeat for the Dark, for the Republican Agenda which is dark through and through, for the attempted controllers of the world, like bridge owners in Michigan, like the Fox News Network and its litany of lies, like the flip flopping ADD Mitt Romney and his cadre of supporters, like Carl Rove and his army of manipulators who have to crawl back under their rocks somewhere, like the anti-marijuana paranoids, the gay paranoids, the "rape is OK whackos" who want you to believe that "it's God's will", like the Bush family who sent in their Army of manipulators, intimidators and cheaters to try and steal another election and FAILED!!!,  like all these Fat Old White Guys who've been running things for so long they can't imagine life without their usual measure of control.


DEAD IN THE WATER!  That's where they are.  America has spoken and Her Voice was echoed around the world with a Tsunami of Support from every corner. NO MORE!  NO MORE!  NO MORE cowtowing to the Dark! 




Conscious Evolution - Preparing for Ascension 2012: Chapter 12 - The Voice

Submitted by drmoe on Tue, 11/06/2012 - 07:32



Sometimes when we are feeling lost and alone, we don’t know which way to turn to renew a friendship.  That close friend we had so long ago seems lost to us now.  They have faded away like so many things from our earlier life.


Are we to believe that we can no longer sustain such relationships?  Are we to let go of all those sources of comfort that once enjoined us and caused us great pride.


Our affections for others are what keep us alive. Our connections to each other invite us to live again, to breathe in, and to satisfy those cravings for friendship we once carried and then set aside for what appeared to be important matters..


 It is untrue that we have to let go of such connections as time marches on.  It is true however, that we have a greater need for each other as the years speed by.


Conscious Evolution - Preparing for Ascension 2012: Chapter 11 - The Circle

Submitted by drmoe on Sun, 11/04/2012 - 17:06

You Are Enough!



What is it that prompts us to want to appear grander than we are?  Is it to save face, or some other non important goal that prompts us to pursue this?  Are the contortions required to change oneself, quite dramatically at times, really worth it?  Is it not sad that, while having been blessed with such a humble and yet glorious beginning, we then go out and change it to something less, just to please others?


Would God change into something to impress others? Highly unlikely!  So why do we do it?  God is already impressed with who we are.  After all, we are God’s creation.


God says to us, “Know this, and know this for certain – You Are Enough!” It is unnecessary to change what you are for another’s sake.  There is no legitimate reason to do so.  For those who feel they are not enough, God wants us to get to know our true self, our inner core, our complete Being, and to learn how great we already are.  Most of us have only caught a glimpse of our totality.  There remains much to be uncovered.


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