John Smallman

Messages from John Smallman

God is within you, period.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 12/18/2016 - 17:26

There is no reason to be in fear.  Fear is of the illusion, unreal, a reaction to uncertainty which just drains your energy, because it focuses on the future, distracting you from living in this now moment which is the only time that exists.  Now is where you need to focus your attention and your feelings, and through doing that be fully aware of your state of presence right now.  Intend to maintain this constant state of present awareness so that you are fully alive and alert, and then you are open to the intuitive nudges, the wise guidance from those watching over you from the spiritual realms.

You are constantly being watched over by those who would assist you immediately if you call on them.  You are never alone or unsupported, but you do need to pay attention in order to access what is offered.  Frequently you have strong expectations of what your guidance should offer you, and so you often miss what is actually being offered.  Relax, allow, receive, and enjoy the guidance that then arises, miraculously!

Love is melting away the last bastions of bitterness and hate that have been enveloping humanity.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 11/24/2016 - 21:56

Humanity’s awakening is accelerating.   Do not be distracted by the worldly news of conflict, betrayal, and intense suffering. Yes, it is ongoing, but it is now clearly perceived for what it is, a massive release of an enormous and long held collective state of bitterness and resentment that has supplied the corrupting energy for the eons of suffering that the illusion has brought into your lives.  Love is melting away the last bastions of bitterness and hate that have been enveloping humanity, and, as that occurs, the weights that have dragged you down into the bitter and painful distractions of the illusion and seemingly anchored you there are being untied.

There now remains very little to hold you collectively entangled within the illusion.  It has served its purpose – allowing you to experience separation from Source – and is now disintegrating all around you.  As you make a habit of engaging only lovingly with yourselves in your own individual human lives, and letting go of negative and invalid self-judgments, your experience of life is lightening, freeing you from the self-imposed guilt and exile of eons.  A vast cleansing of the human energy field is under way as your awakening process draws you unstoppably forward toward your divine and heavenly destination – Reality, the Source of all that exists – which in truth you have never left.

You are Real, the illusion is not.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 11/20/2016 - 20:03

We are in the end times.  This does not mean the end!  It refers to the dispelling and disintegration of the illusion.  The illusion is a dream or nightmare in which humanity has been collectively enmeshed for eons.  It is an unreal state, an hallucination, something unreal but imagined – similar to the misdirection used by magicians – which is very convincing.  What you believe in you see!  The collective has seen and experienced the illusion for eons and thus it has become virtually impossible not to believe in its reality.  Until very recently your scientists were producing “evidence” that proved you lived in a physical universe, and everyday experience confirmed the illusion’s solid reality because objects cannot pass through other objects without becoming damaged.

However, at the forefront of modern physics it has finally been confirmed that nothing is solid, that forms of any kind – whether galaxies or ants – are all part of an immensely vast electro-magnetic energy field.  Everything is energy and is connected to everything else, there is no separation.  Nevertheless, within the illusion, life forms still experience themselves as individual, separated beings.  Consequently it is very difficult for you to understand and appreciate that you are beings of pure spirit, fields of consciousness, constantly interacting with and affecting one another.

You are free beings, utterly unlimited, just as God intended.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 11/07/2016 - 09:26

Humanity’s awakening is proceeding apace.  Keep on holding and renewing the intent for it to occur because it is you, humanity, who are doing the waking!  God has not set an alarm clock to rouse you from your dreams because that would be interfering with your free will choice.  However, I assure you that He will be there, in fact all in the spiritual realms will be there to greet and honor you with an absolute abundance of Love as we commence the celebrations that are due to start immediately you awaken.

The excited enthusiasm and anticipation that we are presently experiencing is boundless because we can clearly visualize your astonished amazement and stunned delight as you wake up.  It will not be the sort of groggy eye-rubbing awakening to which many of you have become accustomed as humans, instead you will awaken into Yourself, the real You, and find yourselves vitally alive and filled with and enveloped within the field of boundless Love that is You and God.

You can in no way imagine or conceive of the intense joy that waits to utterly suffuse You as you come Home into the awe-inspiring Presence that is God.  As you have been told so often “There is Only One!”  You, each and everyone of you, every single element of consciousness, are united in Oneness with Source, God, the supreme and infinitely wise Intelligence in which all sentient life resides, eternally and in utter joy, fully aware, and fully awake.

The Love that you are longs to flow through you freely and constantly.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 10/30/2016 - 21:51

Humanity is on course and on schedule, and the awakening is progressing beautifully.  It may well seem to many of you that the world is in chaos and that that state is deepening, but what is happening is that the awakening process is stirring up many unaddressed issues that have to be resolved and released for the awakening to proceed and come to completion.  You are all dealing with these issues magnificently just as you intended before you incarnated to assist fully in the awakening process.

Many on Earth are very confused as their unaddressed and unacknowledged issues arise into their conscious awareness, and you, the Light workers and Light bearers, are, by your constant intent to be, share, and extend Love to all on the planet doing sterling work in this massive assistance program for humanity.  It is completely successful because, of course, it has already been accomplished.  Let go of your focus on linear time, it is an aspect of the illusion that only confuses you.  Just remember that there is only the ever-present now moment in which the Love that is creation enfolds and embraces all without even the most infinitesimal break or interruption.  There is no separation, there is no illusion, there is only Love, God, Source, the supreme and wise Intent that flows eternally throughout creation embracing and enfolding all life in utter joy.

You can only Love God by loving yourselves!

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 10/12/2016 - 08:03

All are loved.  There are no exceptions. All are children of the Divine One.  Nothing can change that because God, Source, Love – choose whatever word works best for you, resonates most powerfully  with you to signify the Supreme Intelligence of infinite Love – eternally and without conditions loves all that It creates.

Choosing not to love even one other person, however unlovable they may appear to be, is in fact a choice to remain separated from God, from yourself, and from all of creation.  It intensifies your own sense of abandonment, of worthlessness, and of terror – terror because separation, were it possible, would be eternally terminal.  That terror is deeply buried way below your conscious level of awareness.  If it were not, and if it were believed, it would cause insanity.

You do need to remind yourselves at least daily that you are Divine Beings created in infinite and eternal Love, and realize that your lack of knowing that, of feeling that, is a choice that you made and that you can reverse.  How?  Go within, to that holy inner space where the flame of divine Love burns eternally on your own personal altar, and open yourselves to the Love that awaits you there, wishing only to enfold you within Itself in every moment.

You are divine Beings of immense power and energy, Divine Energy.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 09/26/2016 - 11:50

Humanity’s awakening is so close that your awareness that it is occurring is intensifying enormously – you feel it enveloping you – and yet you still experience the illusion as very real.  And this feels very confusing for you.  It is as though you were locked into that moment you experience as humans as you wake up after sleeping but in which you are still not fully awake, your dreams are gently dissipating and consciousness is returning, but you have not yet fully engaged with it.

There is no one now incarnate on Earth who is completely unaware of the enormous changes that are in progress.  Even those who are caught up in the gloom and doom that the mainstream media consistently regurgitate, or those living in conflict zones, areas of intense poverty, or refugee camps are, at a deep level, aware that something of enormous importance is occurring.

You who are reading or listening to this message are, of course, well aware, but are also, at times, experiencing severe doubts because, and as you interact with others who are caught up in the media’s catastrophic information onslaught, you encounter the negative and even despairing energies to which they are so firmly attached, and then, instead of observing them and letting them pass, you engage with them and get drawn in, thus intensifying your own doubts .

None of those inner anxieties or doubts about yourselves are in any way valid.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 09/10/2016 - 21:25

Your loving intentions are changing the world – MIGHTILY!  As you visit your favorite on-line news and spiritual web sites you are presented with enormous amounts of information confirming this.  All that is required of each of you is that you relax daily into your holy inner space, where the divine Light of Love burns constantly on your holy altars, and restate your intent to be loving in every moment and in every situation, because that is what is changing the world.

And of course you are not doing it on your own, the full power and might of God’s Will is added to your intent.  You cannot fail because God’s Will is always achieved, so let go of worry and anxiety, both are distractions from living, and you were created to live.  Instead, intend to deal successfully with whatever arises in the moment that it does so, and with the firmly held intent to be loving in every moment you will find you have whatever you need to deal with it.  Life can be very simple if you allow it to flow through you instead of focusing on certain moments and attempting to prolong or resist them.  There is only flow!  To be motionless is impossible.  When you sit quite still meditating all your bodily energy systems continue to function, and the life force – Love – continues to flow through you, and in your meditational state you are more likely to notice this constant and loving flow bringing you to a beautifully relaxed state of inner peace.

To love yourselves, just as you are, is the only task, the only duty that you have to complete.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 09/05/2016 - 22:52

These are interesting times!  Humanity is moving very positively into awareness of its spiritual heritage, of its Oneness with Source from which it has never for a moment been separated.  And that is inspiring, uplifting, and extremely exciting!  In fact humanity is most definitely established on the collective path to awakening, although, of course, each individual has his or her own personal path that is different from everyone else’; no two are the same among the many billions presently incarnate on Earth.

Here in the spiritual realms, where we constantly watch over you lovingly and compassionately, we are truly in awe at what you are achieving.  You have made the collective decision to awaken from the dream or nightmare and you are most positively implementing it.  Great changes are in the process of transforming your attitudes toward each other and God.  Love now pervades the Earth plane and is penetrating every heart that has not made a conscious choice to block It or lock It out.

During these cathartic experiences remind yourselves frequently that you are each a perfect divine child of God.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 08/14/2016 - 20:39

Reality is your divine destiny because there is nothing else.   What you experience as humans alive on Earth is very convincing but, nevertheless, is quite unreal.   Much of your pain and suffering is because separation from Source is not what you desire, it is out of alignment with your true nature which is always in Relationship with God and Self in perfect harmony, intertwined, integrated, and at One.  To be disconnected, were it possible, which it is not, would be to cease to exist, and that thought is terrifying!

Consequently you are always seeking connection and integration with what cannot be joined, namely, form. You can get close, but you cannot join because form by its very nature is divisive.  What you most desperately desire is unavailable in form, but you continue to seek it there because there seems to be no other option, since you chose to experience separation as realistically as possible by constructing an illusion in which You immersed Yourself and in which your knowledge of Reality was almost completely lost and forgotten.

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