John Smallman

Messages from John Smallman

When you open yourselves in Love you have nothing to hide.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 03/17/2017 - 11:17

Humanity IS awakening!  There numerous signs of this appearing all across the planet, signs that are plainly visible except to those who choose to remain unaware or in denial about the true nature of humanity – that humans are immortal spiritual beings having a temporary and limited physical experience embodied as humans.  There are indeed many who, being unaware of their spiritual essence, see only the physical world and wish to remain harshly judgmental of those with whom they disagree due to their own intense inner sense of unworthiness from which they can only hide or escape by projecting that unworthiness out onto others.  But, as compassion for others becomes more and more widespread, those onto whom they angrily project their fears are refusing in increasing numbers to fight back or defend themselves.  That is an enormous change in attitudes.

We want you to C E L B R A T E ! Yes, CELEBRATE!

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 03/12/2017 - 18:00

Humanity’s awakening process is accelerating very rapidly, so “hang onto your hats!”  On the mainstream news you see and hear increasing numbers of stories of large scale deceit and corruption being uncovered and investigated.  Corruption is and has been endemic on Earth for eons, but until very recently all the instances that were made public were of a relatively minor nature.  That has changed, drastically.  Love is honest and open, and the Tsunami of Love is flooding the world over and over again, and more and more of you are accepting its loving embrace and choosing to engage with the world around you lovingly instead of fearfully, and that is a massive change in attitude and intent.

Those of you who read and channel this kind of spiritual material are increasing in numbers daily, and the effect of your loving individual energy fields is shared and felt planet-wide.  What you are all doing, sometimes without knowing it, is bringing into effect the essential changes that are leading to humanity’s inevitable and unstoppable mass awakening.  You collectively made the choice to awaken, you then set the intent, and that extremely powerful intent is now being acted upon.  You have every reason to be very pleased with your progress, and to celebrate this knowingness daily further strengthens and empowers it.

Humanity’s awakening involves addressing and releasing all its core issues.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 03/06/2017 - 09:42

Here in the spiritual realms we are all on high alert as the moment of humanity’s collective awakening draws closer.  As you are well aware there is only the eternal now moment, even though you experience ongoing and sometimes seemingly endless linear time – time with no end in sight – but even for you in your human form there will be an end to time as you enter into full awareness of the Reality of the ever-present now moment.

You are far more than your physical bodies, but to experience separation as fully as possible you closed off from your human awareness the vastness of your being, of your eternal and unbreakable Oneness with Source.  Intellectually you can accept the truth of this but because of the all-pervasive sense of human physicality that your bodies provide your knowingness of this remains inaccessible because to know it would bring into you the full power of Love, and your bodies were only built to accept and work with severely restricted energy flows.  Therefore your bodies would burn up, disintegrate, or dissolve instantly if your full energy field attempted to enter them.

The way Home is through quiet time spent at the holy altar within yourselves.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 02/25/2017 - 09:33

The changes now occurring on Earth are amazing, and they are due to people like you – those reading and listening to blogs like this – intending every day as you awaken to be loving and accepting in every interaction, in every situation, and releasing all judgmental thoughts without engaging with them.

As you are being consistently reminded: There is ONLY Love!  And you, the Light bearers, Light workers, Starseeds, and those of you who have seemingly only recently embarked on your spiritual paths, have now realized that and are constantly doing your utmost to live that divine Truth.  Of course, you have all been on your spiritual paths since you incarnated for your present human life, it’s just that some of you are only just becoming aware of that.  Despite your seeming unawareness you have in fact been following that path all your lives, it’s just that you had lessons to learn, core issues to heal and release, or contractual obligations to fulfill before you were ready for awareness of your spiritual destiny to arise within you.

It is your task to be Love in action, and only that.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 02/19/2017 - 07:36

Here in the spiritual or non-physical realms our excitement continues to grow as we observe the enormous progress humanity is making on its path to awakening.  It may well appear to you that things are getting worse and worse, but what is disturbing you and causing pain and suffering for many is the collective choice to release so much buried stuff that has been holding you back, anchoring you in the darkness of uncertainty and fear.  Now is the time when all of that is arising so that you can swiftly and easily release it.

Very many of you are releasing stuff for others through your compassion and love for them, and this is both extremely tiring and confusing for you because you are unable to identify the cause of these exhausting emotional upheavals.  You beautifully and lovingly chose to incarnate at this point in humanity’s evolution solely so that you might assist others who were having difficulty in finding any meaningful purpose in their human lives because their state of amnesia was so intense.  Due to your efforts and intentions the amnesia is being released, allowing people to start remembering who they are and why they are incarnate at this moment in human history.

But of course, life on Earth at present is far from normal.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 02/05/2017 - 07:57

Humanity is preparing itself for a massively inspiring and uplifting occurrence, a general spiritual awakening that is available to all, offered to all, But imposed on no one!  You have free will, which is an essential aspect of your divine nature, the absolute freedom to accept or reject the Love that surrounds you in every moment of your eternal existence.

Love is freely offered and bestowed upon you by God, our divine Source, the Center from which all consciousness, all awareness flows constantly and without interruption.  It is the Life Force, the field in which all experience occurs.  It is eternal, without beginning or end, and It is Indestructible!  There is nothing beyond It, because all is contained within It, safe, secure, at peace, while beautifully and harmoniously interacting with Itself in every moment.

And yet, because Love is infinitely gentle, constant, unforced, and accepting, each individual field of consciousness, each conscious living entity created by God in His infinite Love and Wisdom, is absolutely free to accept or reject It.  The games of separation that you have been playing for eons absolutely depend on that freedom.  Without complete freedom there could be no experience of separation.

Release all your doubts, and REJOICE!

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 01/24/2017 - 21:21

As you have been told so many times by so many in the spiritual realms “There is no separation, there is only the One.”  Now your scientists have found it to be true, and that everything is connected inseparably to everything else that they are capable of measuring.  They are still having difficulty with the concept that there may be “stuff,” “material,” “consciousness” in the observed universe that exists but which they cannot be aware of through their five senses and which, therefore, they cannot measure with their instruments.  And many of them still believe that even the thought that there could be a 6th sense is but an insane chemical aberration within the brain!

But some have moved forward beyond that severely limiting concept and are accepting that Reality is far, far vaster than they ever thought possible.  The best and the brightest of them are wise, humble, and open to new concepts which mainstream scientists still refuse to acknowledge, let alone investigate.  However, much progress has been made in the last three or four hundred years because science refused to accept religious dogma.  But now they have their own scientific dogma to replace it, although it is now being actively dismantled.

Who you are is constant and unchanging.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 01/11/2017 - 15:43

Here in the spiritual we realms we continue to be in great joy as humanity’s awakening process accelerates and more and more humans start to become aware that something of major significance is happening in their individual lives and on Earth.  The energies enveloping the planet are strengthening and intensifying moment by moment, and you truly can have no idea of the affect that they are having everywhere – on nations, governments, religious organizations, multi-national corporations, political organizations, charitable organizations, indigenous peoples, military, police, intelligence agencies, and of course work places, families, and personal relationships – ENORMOUS changes are in progress right now!

CELEBRATE! You are moving to awaken.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 12/28/2016 - 22:02

As 2017 approaches rapidly many on Earth are anxious and concerned.  For many 2016 has been tough with much “stuff” of an unexpected nature arising seemingly unbidden into their conscious awareness, and whence they know not.  They thought that they had cleared all their stuff, the stuff that was draining their energy and dragging them even deeper into the illusion, even as they were hoping to rise above it finally by living in the world but not being of it, being more above it, observing it, being of service within it, but free of all their old baggage which they felt that they had done a very good job of discarding.

You are all beloved children of God, so come together as family in this holy Christmas Season.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 12/23/2016 - 15:00

The Christmas Season is a time for reflecting, forgiving, and opening to Love.  In every moment you have your eternal existence within the divine field of Love which envelops you and all of creation in one vast milieu of unconditional loving acceptance.  As you have been told so often you are Love, you have just lost contact with the truth of this as you play the games of distraction and disruption that the illusion thrives on.

Stand back from the “outside world,” go within to your holy place or altar where the divine flame burns unceasingly, calling you back to Source, and open your hearts to feel the intensity of Love that awaits your willing acceptance of It.  It is your true nature, and when you open to It, It embraces you, supports you, and empowers you.  As you allow It into your hearts your fears and anxieties will fall away, and the energy, the Life force with which It endows you will strengthen your will and intent to align completely with the divine Will, which, in essence, is unconditional Love and acceptance of all conscious entities without exception.

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