John Smallman

Messages from John Smallman

Humanity’s awakening is divinely willed and intended, therefore it most certainly will be achieved.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 06/15/2017 - 15:18

Within the illusion the only constant is change.  You all know this, but you do need to remind yourselves that change is part of the illusion, an aspect of time which is the linear coefficient of the illusory concept that you chose to construct and maintain.  Now that the foundations or underpinnings are collapsing changes are occurring ever more rapidly.  And these changes are especially noticeable in relationships, from personal or family ones to intergovernmental ones.  Change is an aspect of evolution and you are all evolving, and your evolution is basically along a spiritual path, even though vast numbers of you appear to have no spiritual interest or awareness, apart perhaps from believing that anything spiritual is unreal, the result of unbalanced emotional needs being pandered to due to a sense of loneliness, unacceptability, and the fear that that engenders.

Those needs are indeed very prevalent among those who are consciously attempting to follow a spiritual path, and may well indicate the initial signs of a growing awareness that there should be, and indeed is, far more to life than the generally accepted three dimensional materialist egoic drive for more of anything and everything that brings pleasure to your human form.  And, deeply asleep and dreaming, as most humans are, that makes perfect sense.  Anything that appears to provide safety, security, and pleasure to the individual is obviously something that is well worth working for.

You are all creative beings because God, who created you, is creative.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 06/13/2017 - 14:25

All is well!  Do not focus with fear or alarm on the news of catastrophes and conflicts across the world.  Just hold the steady intent to send love and healing to those who are suffering, it will help them to release all that is bringing suffering into their lives.  Even in war-torn areas people can be happy!  Happiness arises when you accept what arises without judgment – negative or positive – and deal lovingly with the issues presented to you.  You are all on Earth to assist in humanity’s awakening process which is, of course, also your own awakening process.  Everyone on Earth is to awaken and needs to awaken into Reality, your natural state where you are Love and you know yourselves as Love.

You have become so accustomed to your severely limiting life as a human that it seems normal.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 05/26/2017 - 12:54

Humanity’s awakening process appears very strange to many who are just now becoming aware that they are spiritual beings having a very temporary human experience.  As they feel the nudge or hear the call to attend to their inner life, their spiritual life, having given it very little of their time or attention so far, it seems a little threatening and rather demanding.  New interests or occupations often appear a little threatening to humans because they have become accustomed to following a regular routine that works for them and they do not like to change it, and new interests or new occupations always demand change.  If sought they can be exciting and energizing, but if it seems that they are being imposed upon them they resist quite strongly.  With the latter scenario they often go into denial and refuse to address the subject – change!  Change is the only unchanging aspect of the illusion!

Truly, you’ve got what it takes to live successfully as a human.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 05/20/2017 - 22:16

Life is GOOD!  There is only Life/Love/Source/God.  Pain and suffering, while feeling intensely real, are of the illusion, and will pass.  You can ease your pain and suffering enormously by accepting whatever arises and dealing with it in the now moment!  That may well sound insane to those of you who are suffering and in pain, but if you truly open your hearts to Love, releasing your attachment to any of your attitudes that cause you pain – judgment, blame, resentment, bitterness, hatred – you will find joy, peace of mind, and contentment.  And I can assure you that those attitudes are the cause of your suffering and pain.  When your mind ceases to dwell on hurts you have experienced that were inflicted by others, or by yourselves, your pain and suffering will and does ease.

You hold onto pain and suffering by frequently or constantly dwelling on the wrongs others have done you, or on the sins that you yourselves believe you have committed.  You know this, because when you are in that mode you feel BAD!  Then, when you are distracted from those thoughts by something pleasurable, your pain and suffering are gone, even if only momentarily, before you quickly return to that egoic indwelling state (me, me, me,) of being abused or mistreated.

The now moment is the only time that exists.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 05/14/2017 - 22:39

On Earth as it is in Heaven!”  That is what humanity is aiming for.  In the book A Course in Miracles Jesus talks about the “happy dream,” the place or state from which God will draw you home to Oneness with Him.

Humanity’s awakening, your personal awakening, is the entry into that state where perfect peace prevails in the divine field of Love that is All That Exists.  In that state all that is not in complete alignment with Love has dissolved because none of it is Real, and only what is Real exists.  What is Real is eternal, without beginning or end.  What you experience as humans, while seeming intensely real, is just a dream, often a nightmare, filled with pain and suffering, from which you will awaken because it is impossible to remain lost in sleep and dreaming indefinitely.

As a human the time when you sleep is a time to rest your physical vehicle and restore the energy that physical or mental activity demands and has used.  While the body sleeps the eternal you, the You that is One, is where it always is, at peace in the Oneness that is God.

Relax, allow Life to flow – you cannot stop It or change Its direction – and enjoy what arises.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 05/04/2017 - 22:42

Love is not giving up on people!  There is only Love, as you all well know even if you choose not to acknowledge It, so to give up on It is to pretend that you are not alive, is to close your eyes and go to sleep thus refusing to acknowledge Reality.  That is what humanity has been doing for eons by loading itself with extremely negative self-judgments while it has been playing its games within the illusion that it constructed to experience separation.  The experience of separation was only meant to be momentary, and in truth it was, that unreal state was terminated but an instant after it was imagined into being.  But humanity, you, were captivated and fascinated by it, by being free to play with it and cause mayhem and confusion which were totally at odds with Reality, totally different from anything you had ever encountered, strange, exciting, and challenging.

But then you got lost in the dream you had made and were unable to find your way Home.  It was a little like entering a Halloween stage or movie set and finding yourselves in almost complete darkness, enveloped in clinging cobwebs as strange flying things brushed across your faces and pulled at your hair.  At first it was fun, but Creepy!  And then it appeared to become increasingly real, and you became terrified, you panicked and started attacking everything within reach.

Reality is a very simple concept that is absolutely perfect in every way.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 04/23/2017 - 07:04

When humanity awakens, as it most surely will, joyful amazement will flood across the planet as the GOOD NEWS fills ALL the media – the mainstream and the alternate channels!  Truly that moment is closer than you dare to think!  Incredible healing has been occurring planet-wide during the first months of 2017 and the results of that healing are about to become very visible.  Humanity’s interest in The News” has for eons been mostly focused on The Bad News,” and that is changing very rapidly now because people are tired of the endless reports of calamities, conflicts, and catastrophes and want good news.  You need good news because it inspires and uplifts you causing your energy signature to rise, filling you with motivational enthusiasm for life, and showing you that you, each individual one of You, has a powerful and extremely important part to play in the collective awakening process that all are presently undergoing.

God would NEVER hide Himself from any of you!

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 04/19/2017 - 22:51

All is One, there is only One, all of creation is eternally connected to Itself.  All that exists is lovingly and joyfully held within the infinite vastness that is God, the Source of Supreme Intelligence and infinitely loving Wisdom, and the best word that you have for this state, this condition – which is Reality – is LOVE!

Focus on Love because there is nothing else.  What you experience that is not Love is unreal and has no presence, no consciousness, and no power, so focus on Reality and find It within yourselves – the brilliant Light that embraces and supports you in every moment – and delight in the peace, the comfort, and the contentment It offers you ceaselessly.  God’s Will for you is that you be aware of His Love for you, of your inseparable Oneness with Him, and that you in turn share the wonder of that with all consciousness by constantly holding the intent to do so.

You are all, every human without exception, inseparable from the infinite Wisdom that lovingly guides creation in every moment and are in fact extensions of It.  You have hidden this from yourselves – God would NEVER hide Himself from any of you! – and temporarily forgotten Who You are.  Now is the moment to remember your true nature and remind all with whom you interact that it is also their true nature.

Within God you have your eternal and endlessly joyful existence.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 04/09/2017 - 21:58

Humanity has chosen to awaken, it’s as simple as that!  However, although in truth the awakening has already occurred, it does take time to come to fruition for you because the illusion is largely about time and its passing, and until your awakening happens you are time-bound within your collective dream, the illusion.  It is unreal but, because you intended it to seem very real, it does seem utterly real to you.  That, of course, is very confusing for you, and because the vast majority of the human population believes that the illusion is absolutely real that is how it appears to you.

What is presently occurring is the unraveling of the collective belief in the illusion, and because of that you see apparent chaos, confusion, and conflict in many places across the world as the beliefs that hold it in place are released.  Remember, beliefs are restrictive and limiting opinions that, as humans, you hold and trust, but which are largely invalid.

The more powerfully you make the intent to be loving in every moment the more intensely will you feel the Love that envelops you.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 04/01/2017 - 19:00

To be One is to be awake.  If you are not aware of being One you are asleep and dreaming, and the vast majority of humanity is asleep and dreaming.  In your human state the “big dream” of normal life on Earth seems quite real as opposed to the dreams you experience individually in bed at night, and from which you awaken in the morning.  The only difference between them is that you wake from the bedtime ones but not from the daytime one because you truly believe the latter to absolutely real, and so refuse to awaken from it.

When you pay attention to the pain, suffering, and conflict that are endemic on Earth, and that have been ongoing for eons, you cannot be unaware that it is essential for enormous changes to occur in the way that humans respond to and interact with each other worldwide.  Those changes can only occur individually, because each of you can only change yourselves.  For all of your recorded history people have tried to impose their views, opinions, and beliefs on others forcibly, and it has never worked.  That approach to conflict resolution is insane!  The fact that it is all unreal does not diminish the intensity of the pain and suffering that people feel.  Within the illusion it feels absolutely and undeniably real, and that is why you need to release your core issues and allow yourselves to awaken.

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