Lisa Gawlas

Lisa Gawlas~The Guardians, The Magnetic Field of Life, and More!

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 01/18/2013 - 09:17

golden light


There are times in the exchange of energy, of what I call readings, that is no less exciting than the greatest orgasm ever had.  Afterwards you just want to sit back and have an amazing cigarette and just feel what your whole body and soul experienced.  Yesterday, in an intimate exchange of understanding and expansion with a beautiful lady in the field… it was very much like that!

But before I share all the juicy nuggets that came from her reading (as well as others) I want to first talk about a conversation we had, a few days prior, she had a meditation that set the stage of this incredible exchange of information.  But I also realized thru her sharing her meditation, about the time I was going thru serious left eye stabbing pain and laid in my bath tub all day, something was happening in my bathtub those hours I did not give any credit to, until this amazing connection.

In the several hours I was in my bath, my whole field of vision was acting like a strobe light gone wild.  Dark, then light, dark then light continuously for close to 3 hours.  I just poo pooed it off as something to do with my intense eye pain and inability to keep my eyes open for very long.  This strobe effect happened whether my eyes were opened or closed, it didn’t matter.

Lisa Gawlas~Time Quits as Multi~Suns Emerge! YOU Are In Control!!

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 01/17/2013 - 09:18

two suns


I really need to find a way to clone my self!  I have had several people give me high fives for doing so much every day.  Let me promise you, the more I do, the less efficient I am getting.  I have not tended to emails or private messages on facebook in… a while.  There just isn’t enough of me to do it all and for that, I am really really sorry.  I have read every single thing that comes into my email or private message area, it is the replying I am getting not so reliable at.  For that, I deeply apologize  I had always been anal about replying to everyone… and now, especially with the down and out energies I have had in January, I cannot find the energy to sit and share or talk for a moment longer.

Before I get into sharing yesterdays readings, i want to share with you two new pictures of the morning light hitting the Mesa since the avalanche as well as some juicy tid-bits I had found out about these times of falling away…

This is the very first picture I had taken, just out my back door.


Lisa Gawlas~The Lost Codes of Shambhala ~ Part 7

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 01/17/2013 - 07:40

chemical changes


This part I am including here was never part of the book I started writing.  Yet, spirit has been on me for the last two days to sit and write about this part of the journey and the importance it plays within our unified hearts.  I am not going try to lay this out in book form, I am just going to share.

The Chemical Changes Within Our Bodies As We Fall In Love

In 2006 a new man entered my life that was going to change everything I knew about, well, everything.

I was in the last month or so of massage school and preparing to make my way into a whole new field of spiritual endeavors.  I had already been doing psychic readings as a professional for three years.  When I entered massage school, reading took on a whole new twist.

Lisa Gawlas~A New Path Begins As The Energy Of Shambhala Releases It-Self!

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 01/16/2013 - 08:45

I swear to god, on the other side of the veil a bunch of spirits are at a betting station, wagering on how far us humans will stretch before we break!!  Just because our spiritual energy is soooo pliable it can stretch into forever, this flipping human body… not even close!!  Or at least it feels not even close.

I woke up at 1 am on January 15th with the most horrific searing pain in my left eye.  My right eye finally was starting to feel normal after weeks of hurting and swelling… but this left eye pain, just brought me to my knees.  Water was streaming down my face, forget tears.  The pain was originating from the far corner of the left side of my left eye, nowhere near my contact, yet I knew, I had to get the one and only contact I had in my eye, out.  Holy shit what a battle that was.

I keep little night lights all over the house, so when I wake up in the middle of the night I don’t have to turn any lights on to see where I am going.  These little night lights were officially blinding me.  After an hour of trying to open my eye to get my contact out and just searing pain ravaging my eye, I just sat and cried.  I reached my breaking point.  Half because I hurt so much, half because I knew… I have 5 people I am going to be rescheduling…. again, in the morning.

The Lost Codes of Shambhala ~ Part 6

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 01/14/2013 - 06:50


The Merging and Sharing of Kundalini Energy

After blissful months of learning how to hold and integrate the Kundalini energy through every chakra and every cellular structure of my being, then finally being able to release this wonderful energy from the top of my head, I was I had satisfied my super charged bathwater. Not even close.


When I put my foot into the bathwater, I was caught off-guard. Wham! There was the electrical current of heaven surging through my entire body once again.  And, once again, I was baffled. I had no idea what more I could possibly learn or integrate. Granted, that was an amazing adventure, but I was really feeling like a spiritual slut.  For months I had envisioned myself with myself, with former images from past lives, even the snake within had become the man/energy/object of my dreams. Since I’d had every conceivable encounter with myself as well as with the far-from-sleeping Kundalini serpent, all I could ask was, “Now what?”


Lisa Gawlas The Lost Codes of Shambhala ~ Part 5

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 01/13/2013 - 08:28

kudanlini fire of freedom

My Story and (in)Complete Understanding:

(Added Note 1/13/13:  2 Years ago, I really thought I understood all there was to understand about this amazing experience in my journey, boy was I wrong!  There is so much more understanding, purpose and reason it all happened exactly as it did.  When I completely finish publishing what I had written 2 years ago, i will start to write to fill in all the things that I did not know then.)

One day, without any warning what so ever, I got into my holy bathwater; the place I had been doing meditations and the very place I related to as my new “church”.  Something I saw as horrible at the time took place. My body started to vibrate to rates of feeling I didn’t know were humanly possible.  Mortified at the intensity of this arousal, I rushed out of the tub, frantic with the feeling that I had lowered my precious sacred place into a gutter of sexual desire.


Lisa Gawlas Magnetic Passion Alignment and Divine (SELF) Counterparts ~ Part 2

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 01/13/2013 - 08:13


divine counterpart

I am so sorry I had to wait til this morning to continue yesterdays sharing, my internet completely crashed on me for the better part of the day.  So I decided to do something I haven’t done in years, I took 4 baths (meditations) all in one afternoon.  I have said this before, but I have to say it again today, especially today…

No matter how much you think you know, how much you think you understand, how complete what you think know seems to be… there is so much more to know.  Once you receive the rest of the story, even the story you were sharing yesterday becomes (almost) inaccurate due to the new information/understandings released today.  Someone once said there is no ABSOLUTE truth, just ongoing variations of higher and fuller truth unfolding.

But before I get into all of that (smile) I must share the rest of the readings I left out yesterday.  They are all so relevant to our incredible NOW!

Lisa Gawlas The Lost Codes of Shambhala ~ Part 4

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 01/12/2013 - 09:34


soul energy

Understanding the Soul Energy

Like DNA, understanding the soul energy can get really complicated, so bear with me as I simplify it for readability.

We want to humanize everything.  It is all we have been able to relate to.  We have humanized God with earthly qualities like singularity and gender, love and jealousy, fairness and condemnation—because we humans are like that. We see God in OUR image instead of seeing us in GOD’S image. God is love.  God is a vibration that exists everywhere.  God is even the opposite of God, which is fear.  Fear is simply the lack of Light, love hiding from itself.  There is nothing in existence that is anything other than God.  When you see someone really angry and bitter, consider compassion, because they are simply forgetting they are God.

Soul energy is an individualization of the whole of God.  Very much like the sun’s rays are individualizations of the sun. They are parts of the sun as we are parts of god.

Lisa Gawlas: The Magnetic Frequency and our Personal Energy Systems!

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 01/11/2013 - 14:25


magnetic energy


I know I can be a serious weirdo at times, especially when I read information that the “news” wants to make scary and I am jumping up and down celebrating.  In the USA, this flu season is the worst in a long time, and spreading far and wide, fast.  The Light of this new earth is really really infectious… isn’t it!!  The fever is melting down all the old wiring within us, the congestion is moving out all the old debris, for those of us whispering thru laryngitis  our self-expression is being fully aligned with the new earth.  The aches of the body is the New energy moving in and filling us out.  Granted, there were people whose soul agenda was to infuse this high energy field, but their past choices didn’t allow for the change out and they really got hit hard.  These folks are more than likely still very stuck in their old mindset/BeLIEf systems and oblivious to the fact they should celebrate and move with this Flu of Light!  Like I said, I Am a weirdo and I love being That!!

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