15 Signs That You Are Emotionally Intelligent

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 11/18/2015 - 08:52

Emotionally intelligent people aren’t ruled by their thoughts; they are the master of them. Discover your emotional strength today with these 15 signs that you are emotionally intelligent.

1. You’re Fascinated by What Makes People Tick.

Emotionally intelligent people are fascinated by human behavior. They notice things like body language, dialect, and personal tics. Being a people-watcher helps them find clues about what makes each individual special.

2. You’re an Enthusiastic Leader Who Walks the Walk.

Emotionally intelligent people know it’s silly to talk the talk if they’re not willing to walk the walk. Instead of leading behind by delivering commands, they lead from the front by setting an example.

3. You’re Aware of Your Strengths and Weaknesses.

Read more... (theunboundedspirit.com)

Stock Prices Of Weapons Manufacturers Soaring Since Paris Attack

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 11/18/2015 - 08:49

Source: www.theantimedia.org | Original Post Date: November 17, 2015 –

A recent report by journalist Glenn Greenwald pointed out stock prices for weapons manufacturers sharply increased just after the terrorist attacks in Paris last week. Greenwald was following the tip of Brooklyn journalist Aaron Cantú, who posted screenshots for the  recent stock performances of major weapons contractors on his Twitter page early Monday morning:

Read more... (collectivelyconscious.net)

Fighting Pests With Sound Waves, Not Pesticides

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 11/18/2015 - 08:43
#node-80613 .read-more-link {display:none;}

A tiny bug is threatening your morning orange juice.

In Florida, the Asian citrus psyllid, an aphid-size creature that feeds on the stems and leaves of citrus trees, cost the juice business $3.6 billion between 2006 and 2012. The real damage from “citrus greening” comes from bacteria spread by the bug, which causes leaves to turn yellow and kills the tree in a few years.

Researchers are looking into new ways to combat the pests, and one project focuses on sound rather than pesticides to disrupt the insects’ mating habits.

“We’re trying hard to cut down on use of pesticides in orange groves, partly because we are worried they’ll build up resistance to pesticides, and that will make things even worse,” said Richard Mankin, a research entomologist with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. He presented findings on acoustic disruption at the meeting of the American Acoustical Society this week in Jacksonville.

When a male psyllid wants to mate, he alerts a female by sitting on a leaf and buzzing his wings to send vibrations along leaves and branches. To disrupt that activity, the researchers created a device containing a piezoelectric buzzer and a microphone wired to a microcontroller.

Read more... (takepart.com)

Propaganda And Islam: What You’re Not Being Told

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 11/18/2015 - 08:35

Propaganda is the wheel by which the government steers the bus of a nation; typically driving it into war or off the cliff of humanity. It is amazing to see how many people who are otherwise rational human beings will blindly follow the herd on the matter of how subhuman a perceived national enemy is.

The western media wonderfully paints Islam as a death cult bent on world domination. Over and over again the American populace is shown footage of the atrocities committed by fanatics or of Arab men burning American flags. The problem, of course, is that this isn’t remotely representative of the Islamic population of the world. Are there Muslims who employ terrorism? Of course. Are there Christians who employ terrorism? Of course. There are even Buddhists who employ terrorism.

Higher Consciousness: The Masses Can No Longer Be Fooled

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 11/18/2015 - 08:28

Habits and addictions stem mainly from a loss of connection with one’s higher consciousness, and rekindling one’s authentic spirituality can pave the way for recovery and an enhanced sense of spirituality that gives life a greater purpose and meaning.

If you’re reading this, then you likely consider yourself a spiritual seeker and one of the main reasons people seek spirituality is because they’re searching for the wholeness, fulfillment and satisfaction they can’t seem to find in the external world.

They begin to realize that wholeness and satisfaction will always come from within, and the more you seek spirit, the more your higher consciousness can fill your life with color, vibrancy and the will to contribute to the spiritual revolution that’s being rekindled.

Daily Message ~ Wednesday November 18, 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 11/18/2015 - 08:10

Dear Ones, shame is an emotion that often results in a person getting stuck in regret and staying there. Understand that we are always supportive when human beings are able to identify and reflect upon behaviour that does not match who they really are. That is an important part of growth. When that becomes problematic is when the person then uses that experience to stall their growth and slip into a pit of self-degradation.

There is a big difference between introspection and self abuse! Any experience serves your growth if it allows you to learn, redefine, and redirect your path and your expression of self. Introspection will help you understand and choose differently moving forward. Self abuse will simply keep you stuck, which can often result in even more behaviour that is not in line with your truth.

If you have done something that you are not proud of, feel into why you behaved in such a way. What sits underneath your behaviour? Was it fear? Disconnection? Loneliness? Sadness? Anger? There is always a wounded aspect of self that drives decisions that are not in line with who you really are. Connect with this wounded part of yourself, imagine gathering it up in your arms, and love and forgive it and give it everything it could possibly need to feel whole and complete. Give yourself the love and forgiveness you would so freely offer another.

Chemtrails, ET’s & Alien Technology – The Covert Conquest of a Dying Planet

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 11/18/2015 - 08:08

V. Susan Ferguson, Contributor
Waking Times

Have we lost our planet Earth to a faction of greedy un-evolved tyrannical extraterrestrials? The connection between early reports of alien craft propulsion systems using tube-like toruses, Lockheed- Martin Skunkworks new promise of a portable fusion energy source the toroidal Tokamak, and frightening aspects of planetary geoengineering with chemtrails that weaken our immune systems and the EMRs used with HAARP’s Ionospheric heaters, will become I hope obvious after reading this.

Unite Humanity: Anonymous Takes Down 5,500 ISIS Twitter Accounts After ISIS Calls Them “Idiots”

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 11/17/2015 - 23:28

Hacktivist group Anonymous has reported that they have taken down more that 5,500 Twitter accounts belonging to ISIS. This action comes after Anonymous declared “total war” on ISIS following the Paris attacks. The good thing is, this war is taking place in a peaceful way, one that helps to remove the social influence the group has on others in a non violent way, something we can appreciate given the excessive violence we’ve seen in the past week.

They let the world know by tweeting from their newly created #OpParis account, Anonymous stated: “We report that more than 5,500 Twitter account (sic) of #ISIS are now #down! #OpParis #Anonymous #ExpectUS.”

Ending their post with their classic “#EpectUs” sentiment, we can only hope the group continues to use their skills to take action that assists in cleaning up the challenges our world faces.

Read more... (collective-evolution.com)

You Are a Mighty Captain of Your Ship

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 11/17/2015 - 18:35

God said:

I will tell you who your arch-enemy is. I will tell you who sets you up. I will tell you who gets you in trouble. Beloveds, it is you. This is a part of life on Earth.

You are the one who negates yourself. You may negate yourself from responsibility by holding someone else or something else as responsible. You remove responsibility like a shawl off your shoulders. How convenient. In mistaken fear, never are you responsible, no matter what. You see yourself as vulnerable, as if being responsible would be too much for you to bear. Beloveds, everyone is responsible. Acknowledge this.

What great crime is it to be responsible? Being responsible is your power, not your weakness. Until you are responsible, the winds blow you around, and you are hapless. Better to take responsibility for yourself. It makes you solid. It makes you more of a citizen, and less of a wayfarer. You do have rights and privileges. Better to be responsible for how you act and how you react in the world.

Inevitably, you steer your own boat. Stand tall, and take responsibility for your life. This is a main key to your evolution. You are the responsible person who sits at the helm. You are not poor hapless you. You are a mighty Captain of the Ship. You are not the one done to. You are the one who sets your course.

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