Daily Message ~ Tuesday September 15, 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 09/15/2015 - 08:20

What percentage of your daily life is fun? Forty percent? Twenty percent? Zero percent? So many of you treat fun as an afterthought, or something you experience only sporadically in your life.
Many of you have been conditioned to believe that fun is frivolous and something that goes by the wayside as you step into maturity. Let us tell you why this is faulty thinking.

It is through following your passions that you find your greatest purpose. When you are having fun, you are feeling fully alive, fully present in your Now moment. It is through your passion and each Now moment that your soul is able to align and draw to you your next, best matching, grand adventure.

It is through following the path of what brings you joy that you continue to grow and expand, experience and evolve. When you stop denying yourself you start to honour yourself, which allows you to thrive energetically, which positively effects all areas of your life.

Do you see? Pushing fun to the back burner is a great disservice to yourself. Make enjoyment a top priority again, and watch yourself come back to embracing your life, which is what we have always wished for you. ~Archangel Gabriel


The Roller-coaster

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 09/15/2015 - 06:20

New, huge and sometimes challenging changes are upon you.  I know that you are feeling wobbly, a bit out of control and, for some of you, it hurts both emotionally and physically!  During your changing time, please remember that you are not alone; take care of your body, your mind and treat yourself gently.  Even though it may feel like a roller-coaster ride, know that all you are going through now is preparing you for your new role in the new world. ~ Creator


New research shows builiding light objects is possible

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 09/14/2015 - 23:16

A team of scientists including theoretical physicists from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the University of Maryland, have discovered that a molecule with its own force can be formed from weightless light particles. This discovery has taken the researchers one step closer toward building objects from light.

The research on using photons for building object has been built on the previous research conducted by the NIST collaborators from Harvard, Caltech and MIT. They managed to find a way of binding two photons together in a way to make one sit on top of the other, superimposed during their traveling.

This has been considered a major break-through, as nothing similar has been done so far, and people's imagination jumped straight into constructing a real-life lightsaber. 

Although this time is yet to come, the paper to be published in the Physical Review Letters by the end of September 2015, has proved the theory behind the construction. It appears that by modifying a few parameters of the binding process, photons could be made to travel side by side, in analogy to the way the two hydrogen atoms are situated next to each other in a hydrogen molecule, although the construction is not a real molecule.

Day 118: Hologramic Universe

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 09/14/2015 - 23:09

HOLOGRAMIC UNIVERSE  You are part of the original Source of pure love, light and energy. One way to imagine this is to visualize the original Source as the sun. There came a time when Source chose to allow itself to fragment in order to experience something other than its full perfect Essence. In that moment, Source fragmented itself, knowing it had full power at any moment to recall those fragments and reconfigure itself into wholeness again. Imagine these fragments as candles or flames, each a part of the whole sun. You came from one of those initial fragments.

Each of these fragments retained the entire memory and essence of the Source, much like a hologram. Each one of these fragments made various choices of what it wanted to experience. Through time, each of the fragments had the ability to step down another notch from Source. Every level, down to the you that is now reading this script, has always retained its full scope of love, light and energy. Every one of you is the original Source, not a separated part, such as when you cut a cake into parts, but a hologramic part in which the entire essence of the Source is a part of you.

What Is Love but Oneness?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 09/14/2015 - 23:08

God said:

I like to hear your voice ramble. Don’t you know you’re joy to Me? My heart smiles at your voice. It’s okay, absolutely okay to be you. It’s very okay for everyone to keep Me in mind and heart and speak to Me, for I enjoy every inch of My Creation equally. I enjoy. I enjoy every One and every thing.

I love to look at the clouds. I love to look at the seas and hear the roar of the ocean, and I love to hear every voice in My Kingdom. There are those who might consider the world My Carnival. I see the world more as My Kingdom. I gave you Free Will and continue to give you this Key to My Kingdom.

The world is the Playpen of My Kingdom, the School Yard of My Kingdom. The world is where you gain wisdom and the congruent Opening of Your Heart, the Easing of Your Heart, the Wonderment of Your Heart, the Blessing of Life in the World.

I have said and say again that I cannot be called patient nor impatient. I am neither. I know neither patience or impatience. This is inevitable because I am not under the thumb of time. I do not age. I live at a high point where time does not exist. Timelessness exists.

Come, join Me in Infinity, and you will be beyond the reach of any time-crunch whatsoever. Without time, who would ever be in a hurry? Without time, who would have to run for a bus? Without the vivid concept of time, who would have to count the minutes or lose track of the illusion called time?

5 Sacred Herbs for Cleansing the Spirit

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 09/14/2015 - 15:27

smudging herbsSmudging or the burning of sacred herbs is a common practice in many healing ceremonies and shamanic traditions. Its a way of purifying and cleansing a space, person or an object of negative energies or influences. Burning certain herbs gives access to the power of the plants and the fragrance releases a high vibrational energy which protects the physical and spiritual bodies.

Sage is the most commonly used herb in ceremonies. Some of the other herbs used are – Copal, palo santo, sweetgrass, cedar, tobacco. The herbs used for smudging are tied into a bundle and allowed to dry to make a “smudge stick”. In traditional societies the herbs used for smudging are considered sacred and the smudge stick is treated with great respect. Smudge stick is fanned around the person’s body several times with the intent to cleanse the energy fields.

Let’s look into the five common sacred herbs used for purification and removing negative energies-

Read more... (fractalenlightenment.com)

Big News: Cancer Cells Were Recently Programmed Back To Normal Healthy Ones

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 09/14/2015 - 09:52

Scientists at the Mayo Clinic in Florida in the Department for Cancer Biology have successfully reprogrammed lung, breast, and bladder cancer cells back into normal, healthy cells by bringing back the function that prevents them from multiplying in excess.

While the tests have only been conducted on human cells in the lab (rather than human trial), their work has tremendous implications for the future of cancer treatment. Researchers are hopeful that the technique could one day be used to target tumours, so that the cancer will be “switched off” without the need for chemotherapy, surgery, or other drugs.

This important study solves a long-standing biological mystery, but we mustn’t get ahead of ourselves. There’s a long way to go before we know whether these findings, in cells grown in a laboratory, will help treat people with cancer. But it’s a significant step forward in understanding how certain cells in our body know when to grow, and when to stop. Understanding these key concepts is crucial to help continue the encouraging progress against cancer we’ve seen in recent years. – Henry Scowcroft, Cancer Research UK’s senior science information manager (source)

Read more... (collective-evolution.com)

Day 117: Speak Your Truth

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 09/14/2015 - 09:43

SPEAK YOUR TRUTH   How many times has someone asked you a question, seeking your advice, yet you were uncomfortable stating your true opinion? Perhaps you were ridiculed or had a relationship tattered because you had the courage to speak your truth. To protect yourself, you created a belief code such as, “Telling the truth is not safe.” As a result, telling white lies became a habit. Other truths were built on these white lies until you became unsure of what your truth is.

Many of you are living your life based on a foundation that is unstable, unconsciously creating walls that are destined to crumble. You have the choice to tear down the unstable walls and to restructure your foundation. It will take courage, but you have the ability within you to rediscover your true Self and to begin to make decisions and take the necessary actions to create the life of your dreams. The best time to start is now. Will you choose to continue building a life around falsehoods or make the effort to create a life based on your Truth? Do you even know what your Truth is?

Solar Powered Floating Farm Could Provide 9855 Tons Of Food Per Year

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 09/14/2015 - 09:31


As solar energy is quickly rising in efficiency and lowering in price, more creative solutions are being devised to fully bring this technology into widespread mainstream use.

One possible idea that opens many possibilities for solar power, is solar farms that actually float on water.

According to recent reports, one company named Forward Thinking Architecture from Barcelona, Spain is taking this idea a step further, by farming food as well as energy from the sun.

The company has estimated that their project will yield at least 8,152 tons of vegetables a year and 1,703 tons of fish a year.

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