The Great Rewilding: Three Ways to Rewild Humanity

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 09/13/2015 - 11:21

“A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability, and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends otherwise.” ~ Aldo Leopold

The Great Rewilding is an awakening to the realization that we live in a fundamentally unhealthy, unsustainable culture where rampant nature deprivation has exacerbated psychological neurosis and the balance between nature and the human soul has been lost.

It’s a return to living courage-based lifestyles that are in accordance with nature, as opposed to fear-based lifestyles that are at odds with it. In conservation biology the term “rewilding” is the rehabilitation process of captive animals. In the case of the Great Rewilding, the captive animal being rehabilitated just happens to be human. Here are three ways to get the ball rolling toward such a rehabilitation.

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Who Do You Become In Your Closest Relationships?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 09/13/2015 - 10:49


I love you,
Not only for what you are,
But for what I am
When I am with you.“

Roy Croft’s incredibly beautiful and profound poem goes on to describe one of the most loving and honest ways of relating that one can imagine.

Love in itself requires no particular guidelines or conditions to exist. But relationships are a different matter. They involve a mutual give and take that honours both person’s needs and boundaries while encouraging each one to blossom in the shelter of togetherness. No easy feat this. No wonder we often find ourselves struggling in our closest relationships.

We tend to make a handful of relationships ‘special’, with the mistaken belief that this particular person is responsible for our happiness. Ironically, however, as long as we believe this, undoubtedly, when they fail to co-operate and give us what we ask of them, these very same person/persons become the focus of our maximal anger and blame.

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5 Ways to Be at Peace with People’s Opinion Of You

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 09/13/2015 - 08:43

Did you know that our thoughts are constantly changing? Some philosophers have even suggested that we exist in a state of flux. Meaning that our thoughts and ideas are always shifting from one perspective to another. One moment you may think of someone in a negative aspect and the next, it’s changed for the better.

So all the more reason to never care about what other people think of you, because really it doesn’t matter anyway!

1.You Know How To Say No

You are confident and comfortable speaking your own truth. You live in alignment with your soul and you honour and respect your heart desires, even if it means rejecting the approval of those around you.

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Submitted by AstroEyes on Sun, 09/13/2015 - 08:05

AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey

This is a very powerful Solar Eclipse that is happening on a Virgo New Moon!   We are officially entering the Eclipse Season….bringing us opportunities for profound energetic shifts.  Eclipses bring about extra powerful New Moons and can trigger major endings and/or powerful beginnings in your life and throughout the world. This Solar Eclipse/Virgo New Moon is also highlighting Mercury, the Cardinal T-Square, Chiron, Venus -Mars, and the Ancient Star of Arcturus., with Mercury (communication)  being the main player in this Virgo New Moon/Solar Eclipse.  This Eclipse is the first of  2 that is happening in September, and it is acting like a bookend with  the Fall Equinox (on September 23rd) in the middle of it and the 2nd Eclipse which happens on September  27th in Aries…..all 3 events bringing about massive changes in all areas of life along with our relationship equations.    

We’re Stronger Than They Want Us to Think

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 09/13/2015 - 08:04


By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

As individuals, we’ve been taught to believe we’re insignificant and we could never change anything about this corrupted world. We’re programmed to accept a lifestyle where we work all day every day, regardless of whether or not we’re passionate about our job, and come home to a gluttonous or materialistic lifestyle. We think we work so we can live, but most people work to afford luxuries they’re convinced they need.

The controllers want us to think we’re too small to make a difference, and they can get away with their crimes as long as our pacified society never holds them accountable. They can continue to profit from the exploitation of the lower and middle classes (not to mention impoverished nations), and they can continue to ravage the environment and get away with it. Things would change in a heartbeat if people could wake up and demand justice, but as long as we think we’re too small, we’ll never arise or make any changes.

8 Foods That Boost Your Immune System

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 09/13/2015 - 07:55

By Dr. Edward Group
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

If you’re looking for an immune system boost, the right vitamins and minerals can help. Although diet gets little attention in conventional media when it comes to supporting the immune system, it is one of the most powerful methods for keeping colds and other illnesses at bay. Nutrition isn’t the only means of immune system support but it is one of the oldest and most reliable natural approaches.

The 8 Best Foods for Your Immune System

The majority of your immune cells reside in your intestines, so doesn’t it make sense to consume healthy foods for keeping your immune system top notch? Here are 8 foods you can eat right now to boost your immune system.

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Daily Message ~ Sunday September 13, 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 09/13/2015 - 07:15

When was the last time you stopped and recognized how fabulous you really are? When was the last time you stopped to tell yourself how much you loved you? Look into your eyes in the mirror. See the innate goodness, the innocence, the caring, the divinity. Then know that we see you in your truth in such a glorious way that is infinitely more than what you see in yourself, and is breathtaking to behold. There is no harm that can come from allowing yourself to see your own truth and loveliness, Dear Ones. Only more love can come from such a pure and nurturing action. ~Archangel Gabriel

Remember When?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 09/13/2015 - 07:10

Some of the easiest things to do are often perceived as the most challenging. Release yourself to the flow of the world around you, experience what you can; it is all a growth experience. You will be able to look back on it fondly and say, “I remember when”…….. ~ Creator

One Of The Most Powerful Art Pieces At Burning Man This Year

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 09/12/2015 - 21:54

Burning Man is an annual festival that takes places in Black Rock City, located in the Black Rock Desert, Nevada. The event brings together a number of people from across the nation who are influenced by community, art, radical self expression, self-reliance, sharing, and decommodification.

One of the sculptures there is called “Love.” Created by Alexandr Milov from Odessa, Ukraine, the sculpture demonstrates a conflict between a man and a woman and, ultimately, an inner expression of human nature.

The figures of the protagonists are made in the form of big metal cages, with their inner selves trapped within in the form of children, who are holding out their hands through the grating.

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