The Age of Spiritual Awakening Has Really Begun – New Research Confirms

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 09/08/2015 - 08:42

By Frank M. Wanderer Ph.D.
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

We live in the age of Awakening. More and more people are concerned about this: Who or what am I? Am I just the sum of my personal life story, memories, experiences, thoughts and sufferings? Or is there in me a hidden dimension of a mysterious consciousness, which is superimposed by the noise of my personal life stories?

The spiritual awakening refers to a person’s ability “to clearly see that what I perceive, experience, think or feel, is after all not the same as what I am.” As soon as a person recognizes who he or she is not, immediately comes the recognition of who he or she actually is: “The light of consciousness, in which perceptions, experiences, thoughts and emotions come and go. This consciousness in the background, is the deeper, real self.

The Presence thus created (conscious alertness) brings about the sense of tranquility and internal peace. The sustained conscious attention launches the spiritual process of transubstantiation that leads the individual to conscious alertness, new perspective and new ways of observing. This process, by transforming the consciousness of the person, changes the entire personality of the individual.

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Unbelievable Technology Has Been Rediscovered After Centuries Of Neglect (Sad But True)

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 09/08/2015 - 08:17

Imagine a technology that could do all these amazing things for free:

  • Produce a wide assortment of products
  • Filter the air to remove impurities
  • Moderate the air temperature to an ambient level
  • Create microclimates and produce clouds and rain
  • Reduce energy use and act as an energy source
  • Provide health and therapeutic benefits
  • Provide an energy efficient source of building materials
  • Provide diversity and habitat for wildlife
  • Provide abundant amounts of fresh food
  • Help prevent run off and soil erosion
  • Help build soils
  • Act as a natural fertilizer while promoting microorganisms
  • House a multitude of insects, wildlife, and bacteria
  • Absorb potentially harmful gasses, such as sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide
  • Provide beauty and colour
  • Sustain life on earth by creating oxygen


You might have guessed by now I am talking about Trees...

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Who Are We Beyond Our Brain? Science Explores The Answer To The Question

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 09/08/2015 - 08:15

While I have never had a true near death or out of body experience, one memory that I have preserved was of a time I fainted while visiting Copenhagen in college.  One moment I was awake and watching a movie in a smoke filled hall, and the next thing I “knew” I was looking up at a friend administering smelling salts and asking me if I was ok.

The amazing thing that I remember was in the interim – I was somewhere and many places, some seemed to be ethereal and others were other worlds – and then somewhere inside me a voice remembered my parents and said it was time to go back.

But how to get there?  This is where it got interesting – I distinctly remember that my mind realized that it needed to connect to a set of “facts” – like the memory of my parents, where I lived, where I was going to college, and several other known details, and when they were all back in my memory bank, like tumblers of a lock, it all clicked and I “remembered who I was” and woke up – my eyes opened.  I was “Tom.”

And I was “back.”  I decided that I would never forget that experience because while I was “there,” these other worlds weren’t just dreams, they were “real.”

Since then I have spent a lot of time reflecting upon “who” I am.  In my 66 years I have played numerous roles, many of them job-related and others of course as a son, mate, friend, and so on.

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday September 8, 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 09/08/2015 - 07:35

Dear Ones, if you stop and really think about your most precious hopes and dreams, how far away are they from how you live and what you share with others? Are they so buried down they never see the light of day?

When you deny any part of yourself, you are not being authentic. Authenticity is the way to your most satisfying life expression, where all of life responds to and celebrates your most marvellous truth and beingness.

Is it time to brush off your inner most desires? Is it time to lovingly and encouragingly allow yourself to bring forth what truly matches who you are? Any disconnect between your truth and your reality is what causes deep discomfort and sadness. Know that to shine your true self, authentically and unapologetically, is what will finally allow all of your life to become congruent, and allow the universe to support you in your wildest dreams. ~Archangel Gabriel


Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 09/07/2015 - 18:18

God said:

Everyone and everything exists within you. You cast out a net, and you bring in the net you cast.

Now, this sounds very much like: “As ye sow, so shall ye reap.” I ask you to let go of the concept of equal trade, for, when you are generous and good, you also can be zapped while someone else who is not generous or so good in your terms may reap a fortune. Then you may cry out: “Unfair.”

Unfair it may be, yet protesting amounts to your slowing yourself down. You can cry, “Unfair” all your life, and it gets you nowhere. Then your image of yourself is of someone who has been treated unfairly. This is not the image you want to carry. You don’t want to hold the image of yourself as someone stepped on or betrayed, certainly not by God or life or whatever you may call it.

Remember, you are living in a world that could be named Storyland. Can there be a good story without something out of balance? Even if all turns out wonderful, where can story be if you know with certainty what is going to happen?

Stories in the world will never become extinct, and all stories do not have happy endings. Themes can be behind the scenes for you to discover, yet the story itself has to be told, read, or enacted on a stage or in a movie or on TV - and in life.

The Truth Movement May Hold Critical Answers for Humanity

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 09/07/2015 - 17:28

Bernie Suarez, Guest
Waking Times

With all the mainstream media mental junk food now feeding humanity almost daily guaranteed lies in order to secure the stated agendas of the new world order, I want to pose a divider question. That’s a name I made up for a question that is sure to divide people. Nevertheless, a question that deserves attention and consideration from all critical thinkers and truth seekers. Today I pose this simple question only because it cuts through much of today’s subjectivism, it tramples on people’s belief systems, religions, opinions, political persuasion and someday it may even determine whether you live or die. It’s a question we should all be able to answer with understanding and conviction because when we do we’ll realize that doing can unlock many answers for humanity. The question is – What exactly is the truth movement?

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Our Fatally Fractured Food Chain

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 09/07/2015 - 17:22

Tomato SquashedJulian Rose, Contributor
Waking Times

The term ‘food chain’ refers to the steps that constitute the movement of food from its starting point in the field to its end point on the fork. This incorporates processing and ultimate consumption.

The food chain operates within a dynamic life cycle. One which expresses the inseparable interconnection between soil, plant, animal and man – and ends back in the soil again. So that if any one element of this cycle is poisoned or weakened, the other three elements must also be directly affected.

When working at its optimum equilibrium, this cycle becomes a dynamic wheel of health. Each link in it supporting and reinforcing the other, resulting in enriched and balanced soil fertility and at the other end, genuinely nutritious food. Nature doing the work and the farmer acting in support of nature’s flow.

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