Free Yourself from Aka – The Energetic Entanglements That Bind us to Suffering

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 09/05/2015 - 08:46

Aka Energetic CordsAmy L. Lansky, PhD, Guest
Waking Times

Are you familiar with the work of Byron Katie? Her book, Loving What Is, has been quite helpful to me and other members of my family. In a nutshell, she teaches that we can reduce our suffering by resetting our lenses of perception to see things the way things really are. The first steps of her process are to ask the questions, “Is that true?” and then “Is that really true?” The reason for this is that so many of the things we do and the suffering we experience are based on our colored or skewed perception of the world.

This short article will try to address this same complex topic, first by helping you to identify the source of your perceptual difficulties and then by providing you with a handy technique for removing that source of difficulty, based on concepts from Hawaiian mysticism.

The Fiction of ADHD and the “Chemical Imbalance” Theory of Mental Illness

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 09/05/2015 - 08:36

By Cortland Pffefer (with Irwin Ozborne)
Guest Writers for Wake Up World

The belief that increasing dopamine levels will alleviate ADHD symptoms is why kids are treated with stimulants. There’s just one problem with the theory: it isn’t true.

On a trip to the zoo, there appeared to be a small gathering outside the wolverine display. As we approached we noticed this poor creature in a dead-sprint back-and-forth along and eight foot ledge. While the children found amusement in the wolverine’s bizarre behavior, most of the adults were able to show compassion for the “sick animal.”

“Oh he is still doing that,” said one of the adults behind me.

“Still!?” I asked, “How long has he been doing this?”

“Well, he was doing it last week, too.”

For over a week, this animal was sprinting back-and-forth on an eight foot ledge. Wolverines in the wild travel up to fifteen miles per day, and this one is in captivity in a space the size of an average living room.

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Daily Message ~ Saturday September 5, 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 09/05/2015 - 08:25

The idea that you need struggle to grow and evolve is based on the idea that you need to earn your worth. What if the true work was simply accepting your innate worthiness, your divine birthright, your truth as an individuated aspect of Source? It is what we call finding your way back Home to yourself, and it is from that sacred space you will recognize you have everything, and are everything, you could ever need, and all that is left to do is to BE. ~Archangel Gabriel

Redefining the Divine: Balancing the Male and Female Energies

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 09/04/2015 - 21:16

Within every person the energies of both male and female exist. The Yin and the Yang, or in Jungian theory, the Anima and Animus, are present in various proportions. Most normally, of course, the feminine energy is dominant in women, and the masculine energy is dominant in men. However, sometimes the reverse occurs, or, in rare cases, the energies may be very balanced.

Generally, the female energies are associated with traits such as receptivity, feelings, intuition, the ability to relate to people, passivity, softness, coolness, etc. The male energies are associated with outward activity, rationality, aggressiveness and physical strength. We live in a patriarchal world, where the male attributes are generally more valued than the female’s. Consequently, the male is held in higher esteem than the female, earns more than her and has more power delegated to him. In worse case scenarios, the female is often subjugated, treated as an object or a child, or is outrightly abused.

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God Is a Tour Guide to Happiness

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 09/04/2015 - 19:44

God said:

Mostly, My children see Me as an ongoing Complaint Department or as a Dear Lovelorn columnist or a Welfare Department.

There is a story of a young man who said he would dedicate himself to Me if I would grant him a special favor this one time. As the story goes, I helped out, and the young man who begged for an answer to his question then found a loophole to get out of his promise. I forgot what the loophole was. Of course, I never asked for his promise, nor is such a promise required.

I do not ask you to be devoted to Me as a kind of return on My investment. It is in your best interest to remember that I am here and that I love you. It is in your best interest to know this. I ask no promises of you. It is My desire that you go for happiness.

Consider Me the Tour Guide to Happiness. I beckon you to happiness. This Way to Happiness. I point the way. You are welcome on My bus, yet by no means do you have to get on. You don’t have to. You have choice. Remember, I give you Free Will. It is yours. Free Will is not a promise I make. It is already done. You are the object of this game We call Life. You are also the subject.

You can take the Game of Life lightly. Life is not quite so serious as you have made it. Of course, you may well want to argue this with Me. You may well want to show Me that life is very serious indeed. I understand your point of view. This is one way to look at life. This view is a good way to make suffering a sure thing.

Day 108: Discover Your Truth

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 09/04/2015 - 17:40

DISCOVER YOUR TRUTH Today is a grand day, one of great celebration, for you have chosen to be alive on planet Earth! The time has come to look closely at every belief you hold to be true. Most beliefs were inhaled on blind faith, never once questioning the authority of those who proclaimed these truths. The Truth is ever-present in the world around you. There is much you can learn by observing Nature in action, for Nature is a reflection of the Creator.

All is perfectly balanced and in harmony when there is no human intervention. Have you studied the symbiosis between plants, animals and landscape? Every birth, every new sprout unto itself is a miracle. You also are given the ability to sprout and grow when given the proper circumstances. The ability to go inside and to connect with your Higher Self and Source is within your grasp. It is your intuition, that inner knowing, that is your connection.

5 Powerful Steps to Emotional Healing

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 09/04/2015 - 14:56

by Frank M. Wanderer| In the course of our life, we have collected a number of emotional and psychological trauma in conflicts with other people. These emotional and psychological traumas are parts of our past, and they are often unconscious. Their effects are, however, real: usually these emotional and psychological traumas are in the background of the fluctuation of our emotions, negative moods and the–often apparently unexplainable–emotional outbursts. These moods may easily take control over our behavior, inveigling us into actions that we later regret or are ashamed of. Is it possible to heal these emotional and psychological traumas, and if yes, how? We are able to cure the psychological traumas through a process of five steps.

Step 1: Understanding

In the process of healing, the first step is the most important, since understanding is essential for a real change. During our life, we often tell others–or ourselves–that, ”I know how I should behave, but I cannot do it. I know what is right, and I still do something else again and again. I am simply unable to change.” The point is that it is in itself not sufficient to know how to behave properly. Knowledge and real comprehension are two different things. For a real change, thorough comprehension is required.

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The #1 Killer is the Most Preventable yet Most Expensive to Treat Condition

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 09/04/2015 - 14:27

Marco Torres, Prevent Disease
Waking Times

The number one killer and most preventable disease also happens to be the most expensive health condition according to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Heart disease, once an illness of the rich, is the number one killer in the United States and it’s affecting more and more people in poor countries around the world.

The result is that people are dying young — in their most productive economic years and costs to help manage the disease have skyrocketed.

Treating people with cardiovascular disease results in costs for each U.S. state that range from $411 million to $26 billion yearly, according to the CDC report. In addition, the costs of absenteeism (days of lost work) due to cardiovascular disease fall between $23 million and $1.3 billion for each state yearly, the report said.

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