9 Solutions for Overcoming Humanity’s Original Distortion

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 09/04/2015 - 08:32

By Makia Freeman
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

Humanity’s original distortion is at the root of the New World Order global conspiracy and the evil in the world today … but it can be overcome?

Following the daily news, whether in the mainstream or alternative media, it is easy to see all the manifestations of the global conspiracy, from political corruption to GMOs to financial manipulation to geoengineering to the militarization of police to secret societies. Anyone who has not become numb or desensitized to the insanity and violence around us knows that the world is twisted and distorted. Look at the widespread pedophilia among the elite of every nation. Look at the Satanic underpinnings of banking, entertainment and the military-industrial complex.

Remember, one of the key tenets of Satanism is a reversal of what is real and true. Pain becomes pleasure. But where does it all come from? What is the source of it all? Christianity (especially Catholicism) likes to preach about humanity’s “original sin”, but a more accurate way to conceive of it is humanity’s original distortion.

Read more... (wakeup-world.com)

Daily Message ~ Friday September 4, 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 09/04/2015 - 08:15

Dear Ones, we invite you to stop right now and ask yourselves what in your lives do you expect to be hard? Do you believe it will be hard to find love? Hard to heal? Hard to enlighten? Hard to pay your bills?

We invite you to take the opportunity to re-examine and clean up your expectations. Why on earth do you expect things to be difficult? Because they were before? Then you’ve already had the experience of difficulty. There is no need to perpetuate it.

You are all doing such a marvellous job of stepping into being conscious creators! Allow yourselves to truly be aware of all of your expectations, and adjust them to reflect the far more empowered person you are today than when that experience first entered your life. You are infinitely powerful to create above and beyond any old fears and patterns, as long as you have the wisdom to recognize how you are limiting yourself, and are willing to make room for far greater results than ever before. ~Archangel Gabriel


Welcome to Life in the World

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 09/03/2015 - 19:33

God said:

What is disappointment but expectation unfulfilled. Disappointment, something that all My children on Earth seem to know very well, isn’t so big as it feels. Disappointment has no existence of its own. Disappointment depends on something else altogether. Disappointment is a non-entity. Yet how wrapped up My children are in disappointment. Disappointment is like an appointment unmet. Keep seeking to know your furthermost desires.

Once you cried over a broken doll. Now you cry over something else. What would you have had if your doll had not broken? You would have had the idea that your doll was fine just the way you had the idea it was broken. The meaningfulness of your doll can only be a projection. Perhaps you are beginning to see the powerhouse your mind is. We can say that your mind can turn wine into water as a Great One turned water into wine.

Reality is truly in another league than what you seem to see before you. What do you know of anything, dear friends, beyond your interpretation of it?

I say all is well, and you do not see what I see. You may be polite and guffaw behind your hand, yet you guffaw nevertheless. It is not so much that We have a difference of opinion as We have a difference of sight. What a vast difference that is.

And so we have witnesses who witness differently.

Triple Water Astrology – The Critical Degree! Weekly Horoscope – Week Starting Friday, September 4, 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 09/03/2015 - 18:19

moon goddess A3 final water

Please like my page at http://www.facebook.com/triplewaterastrology!

Moon enters her home sign, Cancer, in the middle of the day on September 6, and leaves her home sign late in the day on September 8. This is of interest, among other reasons, because the five personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars) will reside in four consecutive signs – Cancer, Leo, Virgo, and Libra – in mid-week. The concentration of energy in a third of the zodiac also contains a relatively long-running medley creating a circuit of energy, consisting of Sun, Mercury, and Venus (who goes direct early in the week). Saturn is intense and edgy in the last degree of Scorpio, and the three outer titans, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, continue to retrograde. Yet the heavens appear to be emphasizing the luminaries and inner planets.

Steps To Help You Ride The Change In Conciousness

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 09/03/2015 - 14:32

At times, existing on this Earth feels heavy. There is too much negative energy weighing down the planet and the creatures who dwell here. Our species is technically an invasive one. We have used too much energy for our egotistical needs and now our own survival is distorted. Does your Soul strain when you read about poverty, injustice, greed, and destruction? Do you ever feel empathetically drained? There is a way to shift the mood on Earth. This shift is very similar to choosing to smile in place of a frown. We are in charge of our own destiny, thus we must ride this wave of positive change, together.

Act Local, Think Global

If you do not do this already, now is a good time to start. Explore farmer’s markets and ask the distributors how these products are made. Next time you visit a grocery store, read the ingredients and the certifications. Understand where your food was manufactured: each drop of water that went into the farming, each gallon of gas used to transport the food – it will all be recycled into new energy inside your own body. When a person thinks deeply about where their food and other consumer goods come from, that person is immediately more connected to the Earth and more in tune with the collective energy.

Read more... (collective-evolution.com)

I Was Sick, Fatigued, & Stressed – How Daily Meditation Changed It All & More

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 09/03/2015 - 14:29

I like to think of myself as a healthy person. I exercise regularly, drink infrequently, and prepare plant-based, whole foods-derived meals every day. I also, however, suffer from IBS, and accordingly am no stranger to things like bloating, stomach pains, and infrequent bowel movements. Through trial and error and a great deal of self reflection, I have come to learn which foods trigger these reactions – gluten, dairy, fried foods, sugar – and generally manage the condition quite well. But it is also triggered by stress and lack of sleep (two obviously correlative problems), and thus far in my life I have neglected to address stress management as part of my health regimen.

Or rather, up until a couple of months ago, I had. It feels strange to look back now and try to understand my reticence in attempting different stress management techniques (other than exercise, which of course is one of the best). I think what it boils down to is something I like to call ‘selective laziness.’ I would not call myself a lazy person by any means, but trying something new and difficult, with no guarantee of success, just, well… seemed like a lot of work.

Read more... (collective-evolution.com)

12 Medicinal Herbs You Can Grow In Your Own Garden

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 09/03/2015 - 10:25

Growing your own medicinal garden is so easy, there might even be some herbs already growing in your back yard. Since many common culinary herbs have a long history as traditional medicines, you might want to consider planting a few. It can only do you good!

1. German Chamomile (Matricaria recutita)

As one of the best herbs for treating stress, infections, and stomachaches it’s worth having it in your garden. Make a tea, or treat your hair with it if you want it to change its color to lighter nuance. It tolerates many types of soils, but sandy, well-drained soil is most preferable.

2. Common Sage (Salvia officinalis)

Sage can be used for treating fevers, diarrhea and excessive sweating. Because of its phytosterols, its main purpose is cooling and drying body functions.

Read more... (thespiritscience.net)

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