Daily Message ~ Tuesday April 7, 2020

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 04/07/2020 - 21:19

Dear Ones, whichever phase you find yourselves in, it is divinely perfect for you.

If you are in a solitary phase, it is opening you to deeper exploration of self, a discovery of new ways of connection, preparation of deeper connection when you emerge, or perhaps you are simply being an energetic space holder if you have done a lot of inner work already.

If you are experiencing being confined with loved ones, this is an opportunity for you to spend quality time, and to become more aware of ways those relationships work and ways they need to shift. You will also be given the chance to see each individual’s needs (including your own) that perhaps you weren’t aware of before or weren’t ready to recognize and address. Much rebalancing and healing can occur from those discoveries.

If you are someone who is still working by providing essential services, or as a front line responder, you are stepping forward in the exact service your soul is wishing to offer and experience. The same it is for those of you who have come up with solutions to support those who are in service, or those who are in need within your communities.

What we wish for you to understand is all of it is serving the whole. Every single phase, whichever you are in, is allowing a deeper knowing of self. You are all stepping into this time of transformation with your whole hearts and full cooperation, however it is unfolding for you, even if you don’t understand the full purpose of it all at this time.


Submitted by AstroEyes on Tue, 04/07/2020 - 18:42


AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey



This Full Libra Super Moon is a powerful one!   It is very energized…intense and presents us with some Radical Transformations while we experience Accelerated Evolution!  These chaotic and transformative energies are affecting us all and at times…. bringing in angst and fear. We are in uncertain times, with this virus that is all around the World… but staying out of the fear is extremely important.  This is a World Wide event….one that is pulling all of us together…and this Libra Full Moon is about love, relationships of all kinds and balance! 


We have had a lot of energies surrounding us and being downloaded to us over these last few months.  Through the portals of the recent Eclipse’s, and the portal of the Spring Equinox…. as we observed and felt the activations it opened.  Along with the connection to the Earth energies that surrounded us at that time,  bringing us into the Astrological New Year.  Wow!   This is a lot of energies and downloads to process in a short period of time.   The energies have become chaotic and urgent. I couldn’t help but take notice of how these energies are playing out in “real life”…with the beginning of the Virus and how it has affected…our own life…the political “life” and the World “life”.   



Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 04/06/2020 - 23:09
It is been said many times before and it bears repeating…
You will receive exactly what you choose to focus on.
If you choose to focus on fear, fearful experiences will be presented to you.
If you choose to believe that others are inherently negative, that is all you will see.
If you choose to focus on joy, joyful moment will come.
If you choose to believe that those around you are inherently good, you will be shown examples of it wherever you look.
The Universe would like you to remember that this is very simple; you are what you think! ~ Creator


Daily Message ~ Monday April 6, 2020

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 04/06/2020 - 23:07

What needs did you have that were not being met before the pandemic? Were you perpetually exhausted? Were you on autopilot without really being satisfied with your life? Did you feel like you never had enough time to get to all the things that needed to get done, let alone spend time in activities that would bring you joy? Did you wish you could develop a meditation practice but fell asleep every time you tried? Did you want to read, to learn, or spend more time with your family?

What is this gift of time giving you? Now that you have time to explore different things, what still calls you? What feels good and supportive? What can you let go of now that you have that greater clarity? What can you add in that your soul is craving, even if that is doing nothing at all because your body is busy integrating energies and repairing from a sleep deficit?

This pause you are in can be a treasure trove of discovery, Dear Ones, if you give it a chance. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Deep Into Your Heart

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 04/05/2020 - 22:20

You may have noticed that the shifting of your Earth plane is happening much more quickly than anticipated. Some are focusing intently on the old ways (all for me first) while others are choosing to shift to the new (we rather than me) way. The Universe is asking you to go deep into your heart, observe where your own personal shifts need to happen, then begin. Your co-creation abilities have increased 100-fold, use them to the best of your ability! ~ Creator


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