Daily Message ~ Monday February 10, 2020

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 02/10/2020 - 18:44

Just being you is more than enough. The more you can emanate your truth and authenticity, the greater your service, just by being you. The entirety of your incarnation has been about uncovering your true divine essence and allowing it to lead the way. Every discovery you make about who you really are allows your light to shine a little bit brighter. Every single shift you make serves the whole and contributes to the evolutionary shift on your planet.

When you try to make yourself wrong, when you berate yourself, or deny your truth by constantly looking for things that are not right about you, you dim your light and stall your progress. Can you see? We understand you are trying to be diligent, but no one benefits from that practice.

We are not saying you should not address things if they come into your awareness. Of course you should! Anything that is not in alignment with your ever-evolving truth will naturally come up for release. The difference is your focus and intention.

When something is brought into your awareness because it is ready to leave or be healed it is in line with your embodiment process. It is further proof of your own evolution and divine capability. When you are always looking for trouble within yourself you focus is not on your wholeness, but rather on the continual expectation that you are not ok or perpetually need fixing. It is an illusion that is blocking you from the knowing of your own divine essence.

The Power Of Change

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 02/09/2020 - 23:02

It has been said before and it will be said as often as it takes for you to understand that you are responsible for your personal energy!  If you are repeating a ‘someone done me wrong’ or ‘my childhood was horrible’ story, you are sending out to The Universe that this is what you are, this is what you want, you are comfortable with it and “please send more!”  You have a choice!  You can change your existence and you have the right to a peaceful, joyful life.

With the next incoming wave of energy, it is your chance to begin that change.  For a few moments today, imagine your life as you want it to be.  Feel, touch, taste, smell and experience it as if it is already happening. The Universe is fully aware of your potential, now it is time to start recognizing it yourself.  The power of change is within you and has always been yours. ~ Creator



Submitted by AstroEyes on Fri, 02/07/2020 - 21:53
AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology-Cathy Lindsey
This Leo Full Moon – Super Snow Moon …is a very active Full Moon. This is also a Super Moon meaning that the Moon is very close to the Earth and therefore increasing and intensifying the energies that we normally feel from a regular Full Moon. As we all know…the energies right now are very urgent, intense, chaotic, a bit volatile, and disruptive. And they have been intensifying over the last several months…activating changes/transformations in both ourselves, the collective, and governments throughout the World. During these turbulent times… people are a little on edge, anxieties are flaring, and most of us feel like we are totally exhausted….even when we have had plenty of sleep. Our bodies are trying to incorporate all these unusual energies…..at times bringing in the feeling of being over whelmed. Notice how these energies are playing out in “real life”…your own life…the political “life” and the World “life”.

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