Daily Message ~ Friday February 21, 2020

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 02/21/2020 - 21:10

Ebb and flow is designed to provide an overall model of balance and support for you. This applies to your relationships, as well. There is a natural rhythm which ideally contains times of closeness and times of solitude within relationships.

This is especially important for those who are energetically sensitive. Space is required to allow time for reflection, connection with your own ever evolving knowing of self, and the integration of shifting energies and your latest levels of attainment. Once that has occurred, you can move back into connection with your partner from a new, deeper, more open energetic space.

Being willing to embrace ebb and flow within your partnerships allows you the joy of reconnection, time and again, which ultimately creates security and satisfaction for both and the experience of safe connection. It provides exactly what you need for the growth and expansion of the individuals as well as the relationship as a whole.

Your soul always knows what exactly what it needs for your fullest experience. Honour your feelings and needs, and understand that a need for space, either for yourself or from your partner, is not a rejection but rather a natural part of the rhythm of the universe that is designed to support you, and your relationships, in the exact ways that are needed. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


What Are You Creating?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 02/21/2020 - 14:35

Today you are being invited to observe your energy output.  During the many situations you are presented with daily, how many are used to create love, kindness, joy and empathy?  How many are used to created anger, dissonance or resentment?  Simply put, creating and/or maintaining just one negativity in your existence requires much more than creating a positive.  One creates a surplus and the other creates a drain on your energetic resources.  A conscious realization of this can be enough to change your experience and, in turn, create peace.  Give yourself that gift! ~ Creator


Daily Message ~ Thursday February 20, 2020

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 02/21/2020 - 14:34

Taking the time to be clear with yourself – to know your wants, your needs, your emotions, and what is aligned for you at any given time, is not only a great gift to yourself, it is a gift to others as well. By living and speaking your truth, you become much more trustworthy, because people can take you at your word without worrying about some kind of underlying energy. What you say and what you mean are totally aligned.

This takes you completely out of people pleasing which will always lead to resentment and an erosion of your relationships. Further, it is much better use of your own energy because it will keep you in flow and out of resistance. It allows you to show up in a way that is empowered and congruent, which people will find much easier to understand and respond to.

Saying no to others and honouring yourself is a skill like any other. You can learn how to give no’s that are firm yet mindful and kind, and others will come to respect that truth and clarity. You will be able to settle into the knowing of unconditional love and the joy that comes from being your truest expression of self. And you will attract more and more situations and connections that match that truth.

And through it all, you will become a powerful teacher by example, showing others how to embrace a life that truly reflects their truth, as well. It is a shift that honours everyone involved and allows your relationships to bloom and grow in far more authentic ways. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Back To The Light

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 02/20/2020 - 10:50

My darling child; yes, you will have challenging moments.  Emotions may run rampant and make you feel as if you have never started walking your path at all.  It may be a mish-mash of confusing energy that feels like it will take over everything you have worked for and toward.  You must remember that when these situations occur, they will not rule your life.  With The Universe and Unconditional Love as your support and guide you will always find your way back to the light. ~ Creator


Daily Message ~ Wednesday February 19, 2020

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 02/20/2020 - 10:50

An interesting question to ask yourself might be, “Am I being or am I reacting?”  When you are being, you are calm, balanced, and operating through your truth. It is a state of embodiment and empowerment. When you are reacting, you have stopped being your own energetic leader. Rather than being the bringer of energy you are the responder of energy. You are always playing catch up, if you will, rather than blazing your own trail.

The more you prioritize connecting with your own true essence, in whatever unique ways work for you, the more you will stay centred in your authentic power because it will become your new norm. It is a skill set like anything else! You won’t be perfect at it but with your awareness you can simply redirect, time and again, and before you know it, it will become your preferred way to approach life. Be kind and gentle with yourselves.

Tend to your inner reactor should it bubble up and give it whatever acknowledgement, reassurance, and care it requires, as your own loving parent, guide and leader, and you will find that when that need is consistently met it activates less and less.

Every trigger is not a failure, rather, it is an opportunity to deepen the experience of your own mastery. Know that with every mindful shift and loving redirection you make, you are contributing to your own life, and the energy of whole, in a very beautiful and profound way. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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