Daily Message ~ Monday November 11, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 11/11/2019 - 23:30

You are in a time where it is highly encouraged to get clear about how you wish to express yourself and what would bring you joy. To assist in getting that clarity, it is good to examine what draws you. It is also helpful to ask yourself, “If I didn’t know a single person on the planet, what would I do?” Asking that question will help you identify any ways you still give your power away based on a fear of lack of approval and not addressing your own needs.

We realize that there may be things you can’t do immediately due to the obligations you still wish to honour. But exploring that question will make you aware of how you are limiting yourself. Do you really need to sacrifice that dream? Do your loved ones really want you to deny yourself or are you putting that upon yourself? What aspects of that dream can you incorporate into your life right now? Can you grow and water that dream in a way that honours everyone involved?

There is no better time than now to get clear about what makes your heart sing and to love yourself enough to explore those interests in a way that supports the highest good of all. After all, those desires exist to help you find your joy and purpose. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 11/10/2019 - 23:31

Believe it or not; you have been a touchstone, a guiding light, an anchor for at least one person in your life.  Even when you have felt ‘less than’, someone has looked to you as an example of what they want to become. You are a beautiful and shining example of what overcoming adversity truly is.  Give yourself a pat on the back, dearest child, The Universe is very proud of you! ~ Creator


Daily Message ~ Sunday November 10, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 11/10/2019 - 23:31

Your presence, acceptance, and gratitude are what work together to support the experience of joy. If you feel you are lacking joy in your life, we suggest you nurture those core elements which will naturally open the door for joy to come in. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Grateful & Thankful

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 11/09/2019 - 22:07

Today, The Universe wants you to know how grateful it is for your presence.  The Universe is thankful for the work you have been putting in to help your Earth plane grow and rise in vibration.  You are admired for the tenacity and strength you show every day as you live your life.  It is time to start thinking of yourself the way The Universe does.  You are worthy and deserving of it. ~ Creator


Daily Message ~ Saturday November 9, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 11/09/2019 - 22:07

A very simple way to tell if you are in resistance or acceptance is to check your breathing. Are you holding your breath? Holding your breath is an indicator you are holding yourself separate from the energy of the whole. Breathe. Understand your in breath is your willingness to receive. Breathing in is sustenance, self care, self love. It is taking in, willingly.

So breathe, Dear Ones. Take beautiful, deep breaths to accept all the support that is there for you and let your out breath release anything that no longer matches who you are and where you wish to go. Breathe in abundance, love, healing, peace, for it is all there just waiting for you to invite in. It is through your breath you become one with the flow. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


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