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The Universe would like you to know that it is perfectly okay for you to say ‘no’. A chorus of humans are saying, “Oh my, it’s just not possible. Things would fall about without me! What would people do if I wasn’t there to help?” In response, you are being asked the big what if…
What if you were to take time for yourself?
What if you chose rest over stretching yourself too thin yet again?
What if you gave yourself the gift of releasing the need to participate in things that make you uncomfortable?
My dearest child, give yourself permission to take care of you own needs without guilt, shame or disappointment. You are worthy and deserving of filling your own cup because you most certainly cannot pour from an empty one. ~ Creator
What if thinking you’re blocked is the blockage? We understand you wish to be diligent, but believing you are blocked is demonstrating judgment and resistance toward the perfection of your now moment. It also denotes a lack of faith and trust, both in yourself, and in the universe.
Dear Ones, your focus is your blessing of continuation. Your energy is much better spent looking at what IS working for you and trusting the beauty and wisdom of both yourself and the unfoldment. You can rest easy knowing that if there is something you need to address it will come up into your awareness with the full energetic support of the universe for its healing and release.
That is the beauty of working with the surrender, faith, flow, trust model which is the Divine Combination. It is such an efficient and supportive system, it takes the guesswork out of everything for you which allows you to settle deeper into your acceptance, presence, and beingness. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Take some time today and think back on all the labels you have been given over the course of your Earth plane existence. Some were self-created but, most were given to you by others. You may have even embraced them to ‘fit in’ even if they were not positive. Now it is time to choose what you would like to keep and release the rest. (Smiling) You are setting out on a new path, dearest one, become who you choose to be. ~ Creator
It is your trust that allows you to experience congruency with the universe. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Life at One with Source is perfect, complete, absolutely blissful. Life separated from Source – were it possible, and it most definitely is NOT – when it was not terrifying, would be boring, meaningless, a waste of “time.” In fact it would be an ongoing and endless attempt to deny or ignore the fear filled disaster of being separated from Source, from the bliss, while experiencing a terrifying sense of aloneness, of abandonment, of the lack of LOVE.
So, over the eons, once the basic needs for human survival had been met, humans have been seeking diversions, seeking for something to do! Something to distract them from the sense that something incredibly important was missing from their lives. Those with suitably developed intellects studied the physical earthly environment beneath their feet and the heavens above, and invented religions and philosophies, art and music in order to fill their days with meaningful activities. Those who were less inclined to intellectual development – the vast majority of humans – engaged in competitive physical activities which for the most part involved conflict. This inspired some of the intellectuals to encourage some of those who were into physical activities to join with them to control the simple people, those who would happily support anyone who promised that they would and could provide them with the basic necessities of life. Then tribes, clans, and nations developed, and these different groups fought each other for thepower, the authority, the ability, and the right to control the people.
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